How to get in shape before the wedding

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How to get in shape before the wedding
How to get in shape before the wedding

Marriage is a joyful milestone, but it is often accompanied by numerous logistical problems and a flurry of emotions that can make you feel very stressed. While you may not be in full control of the most impetuous relatives or the idle florists, you can decide to look and feel as healthy as possible on that important day. Rather than going on drastic diets aimed at making you lose weight only temporarily, you should develop new healthy and sustainable habits that allow you to master stress and look your best. Physical activity and healthy, nutritious meals will help you maintain balance and serenity, increase lean muscle mass and even have the most beautiful skin and hair on your wedding day.


Part 1 of 3: Prioritizing

Get in Shape Before Your Wedding Step 1
Get in Shape Before Your Wedding Step 1

Step 1. Start on time

Whatever your wedding day goals are, you should get going when there are still several months left (3 to 6). Establishing a healthy and regular routine so far in advance not only allows you to get the best possible results, it also increases the chances of knowing how to maintain the same good habits later on.

Get in Shape Before Your Wedding Step 2
Get in Shape Before Your Wedding Step 2

Step 2. Determine what your fitness goals are

Ask yourself what are the areas you want to change or improve. You may want to increase your physical endurance to the point where you can run 10km or a half marathon, or you may want to quit smoking and be able to walk for a couple of hours without breathlessness. Another hypothesis is that you want to strengthen your core muscles. Whatever your goals are, first write them down to begin planning strategies to help you achieve them.

You could keep a journal to record all of your workouts and progress as the big day approaches. It will help you better identify and overcome possible obstacles and keep track of the intermediate steps reached; day after day you will realize how far you have already traveled towards the finish line

Get in Shape Before Your Wedding Step 3
Get in Shape Before Your Wedding Step 3

Step 3. Identify which points on your body you would like to improve

Try not to think of them as "defects" to be corrected, they are simply health problems or details you want to take care of before being photographed on the altar. For example, you may have been suffering from a skin disease for some time, perhaps eczema, which you want to cure permanently, or more simply, have poorly toned arms or flaking nails.

  • If you've chosen an off-the-shoulder dress, chances are you'd like to flaunt perfect arms. Developing the shoulder (deltoid) muscles is doubly beneficial because it ensures that the waist and arms look slimmer.
  • If you know you have a sagging posture, work on improving it and try doing exercises that aim to stretch your back muscles.
  • To tone your core muscles, you can perform the abdominal plank and exercise the transverse abdominals, which act like a natural corset.
  • If you have a severe skin or eating disorder, it is important to consult your doctor before attempting any program or treatment on your own.
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Get in Shape Before Your Wedding Step 4

Step 4. Identify what your main stressors are

To maintain mental balance and serenity during the period leading up to the wedding day, you should pause to reflect to understand which people, activities or situations are that worry or annoy you the most. Having a clear understanding of who and what is bothering you allows you to take this into account when planning strategies to achieve your goals.

For example, if on reflection you realize that both your parents and your future in-laws raise your stress levels, it is better to also include relaxing activities, such as practicing yoga or going for a walk in nature, to be carried out on the days when you have the certainty of meeting them, as on the occasion of dress rehearsals

Part 2 of 3: Establishing the Correct Routine

Get in Shape Before Your Wedding Step 5
Get in Shape Before Your Wedding Step 5

Step 1. Do aerobic exercise regularly

You should plan at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity per week. You can choose the discipline you prefer, the important thing is that it allows you to increase your heart rate and that you can do it continuously for at least 10 minutes. The benefits guaranteed by aerobic exercise are many: it relieves the stress caused by the hectic planning of the wedding day, improves mood, increases physical endurance and reduces the risk of developing some serious diseases, such as diabetes and certain heart diseases.

  • Joining the gym is a good solution because you will have a wide range of courses and exercise equipment to choose from. In this way you can vary your workouts and you will not risk getting bored.
  • If you can't afford gym membership or don't like that kind of vibe, there are plenty of alternative ways to cope with your daily dose of aerobic exercise, such as running, biking, brisk walking, or hiking.
Get in Shape Before Your Wedding Step 6
Get in Shape Before Your Wedding Step 6

Step 2. Build strong and resilient muscles by training them twice a week

If you want to show a beautiful and toned body as you walk towards the altar, it is important to intersperse aerobic exercise with exercise for muscle strength and endurance. Gym equipment, an exercise ball, rubber bands, and bodyweight exercises, such as pushups and situps, are all great for strengthening muscles and losing several inches where needed before the big day.

Even if the thing that interests you the most is having nice arms, you shouldn't ignore other muscle groups entirely. Do at least a few repetitions aimed at toning and strengthening the core and leg muscles

Get in Shape Before Your Wedding Step 7
Get in Shape Before Your Wedding Step 7

Step 3. Combine social and physical activity

You will most likely have to meet many people every day and attend several appointments as the fateful date approaches, so you may feel like you don't have enough time to train. Fortunately, social activity does not necessarily have to be separated from physical activity. Being able to talk to the seamstress while running or crunching is somewhat unlikely, but you can ask friends to meet you to ride a bike or hike together.

If you spend a lot of time on the phone trying to plan every moment of your wedding in the best possible way, you can continue doing it while you are walking briskly in the park or on the treadmill at home (remember that it is not polite to talk on the phone while you are in the gym)

Get in Shape Before Your Wedding Step 8
Get in Shape Before Your Wedding Step 8

Step 4. Take a dance class with your boyfriend

You will get all the physical and mental benefits guaranteed by solo training, but you will have the advantage of feeling more skilled and confident when it is time to hit the track during the festivities. Friends and family will be amazed to see you move in a new, fluid way and with greater endurance and agility.

Find out about the courses available in your neighborhood to find one that fits your abilities, budget and schedule

Step 5. Find time to exercise

As the wedding day approaches, free time is likely to be progressively reduced. Nonetheless, it is essential to try not to change your training routine, even when you are under pressure from busy schedules. Remember that physical activity helps you reduce stress because it causes the release of endorphins, improving your mood, and also works as a form of meditation.

  • Any type of exercise, even a simple walk can help reduce stress.
  • Try to allow for the amount of time you need to exercise when you are free from commitments or between daily occupations. Physical activity must take precedence.
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Get in Shape Before Your Wedding Step 9

Step 6. Spend less time sitting

Do not overlook the fact that a sedentary lifestyle can be linked to the onset of very serious diseases, such as cancer, diabetes and obesity. Watching your favorite TV shows can help you unwind after a long day filled with numerous appointments with florists and caterers, so don't feel like you have to give them up completely. Rather, you should try to limit the amount of sedentary activities to keep yourself as active as possible for the rest of the time.

  • For example, you could give yourself an hour to watch television after work or to browse the web before bed. To stay within the limit, set an alarm on your cell phone and stop as soon as you hear it go off.
  • If you have a treadmill at home or if you know enough yoga poses to work out on your own, try to keep moving even while watching your favorite TV shows.

Part 3 of 3: Eating Healthily

Get in Shape Before Your Wedding Step 10
Get in Shape Before Your Wedding Step 10

Step 1. Avoid crash diets

Many of the diets aimed at those who want to get in shape for an important event promise to lose a lot of pounds, but they are based on overly restrictive programs. Try not to be duped by methods that are dangerous to health, which in most cases only lead to temporary results. These drastic diets cause harmful weight fluctuations for the body, which increase the chances of quickly regaining the pounds lost immediately after marriage and, even worse, can cause the onset of serious eating disorders, such as "binge eating".

As if that weren't enough, studies have shown that following a crash diet can damage the heart and cause severe vitamin deficiencies. No less important, these restrictive and unbalanced eating schedules cause a decrease in energy, mood swings and an increase in irritability

Get in Shape Before Your Wedding Step 11
Get in Shape Before Your Wedding Step 11

Step 2. Eat lots of protein

Foods that are naturally high in protein, such as chicken, lean cuts of beef, fish, eggs, nuts and legumes, promote healthy skin, so they help you have a fabulous complexion in photos. In addition, they contain many B vitamins, iron and magnesium, which help you feel more energetic and better cope with stressful situations during the preparations.

  • Keep portion control under control as even the healthiest foods, such as salmon and lean cuts of beef, can bring in excess calories.
  • As a guideline, remember that the volume of a serving of protein should roughly match the palm of your hand.
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Get in Shape Before Your Wedding Step 12

Step 3. Fill the plate with fruit and vegetables

In addition to providing multiple long-term benefits, such as a reduction in the risk of cancer and diabetes, these all-natural ingredients improve the health of the gastrointestinal system, so they can help you have a flat stomach on your wedding day. To guarantee these results, you must consume at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day, it being understood that 9-12 portions represent the ideal quantity.

To make the preparation more manageable, you can buy fresh fruit and vegetables, but also frozen or canned. Be careful, however, to avoid ready meals that contain apparently harmless condiments or syrups, but are actually high in saturated fat, sugar, or chemical additives. An example is spinach with cheese or fruit in syrup

Get in Shape Before Your Wedding Step 13
Get in Shape Before Your Wedding Step 13

Step 4. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

Several studies have shown that drinking more than 2 liters of water per day can have a significant impact on physical appearance. The benefits concern the skin, hair, nails, digestion and the regularity of bowel movements.

Before leaving the house, put a bottle of water in the bag to always have it at hand and reduce plastic waste

Get in Shape Before Your Wedding Step 14
Get in Shape Before Your Wedding Step 14

Step 5. Minimize water retention with natural diuretics

Some foods, such as sunflower seeds, dark chocolate and apple cider vinegar, have innate diuretic properties, which means they help eliminate excess water retained in the tissues, with the advantage of getting you there. deflated on the wedding day. Since they are completely natural, you don't have to worry about them being too aggressive or dehydrating your body.

If you don't know how to integrate the strong flavor of apple cider vinegar into your diet, try adding a small amount to your salad dressing. Some people even manage to drink a small glass a day, pure or diluted with water. However, you can rest assured that it will guarantee you the same benefits no matter how you take it

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Get in Shape Before Your Wedding Step 15

Step 6. Improve digestion with foods rich in probiotics and proteins

A well-functioning digestive system removes the risk of constipation and calms some painful diseases, such as irritable bowel syndrome or dysentery. Probiotics and fiber are two of the most effective components in promoting intestinal health and function, so including them in your daily diet can help you look and feel lighter on your wedding day.

  • You can get probiotics by eating yogurt that contains live lactic ferments. Foods that are high in fiber include beans, broccoli, oats, and wholemeal bread.
  • According to many, there is no scientific evidence that probiotics are useful for treating eczema and strengthening the immune system. However, no harmful effects have been found related to the natural ability of these bacteria to multiply, so don't be afraid to try taking a probiotic supplement if you have heard positive opinions.

Step 7. Watch out for simple carbohydrates

You shouldn't be surprised to learn that simple carbohydrates, such as white bread, baked goods, crackers and potato chips, can hinder your desire to get back in shape. These foods are in fact low in fiber, but high in sugar. Your body digests them quickly, so you will soon be hungry again. Carbohydrates should not be completely eliminated from the diet as they are the main source of energy for the body. What matters is choosing the complex ones, such as those contained in wholemeal bread, quinoa, carrots and bananas.

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Get in Shape Before Your Wedding Step 16

Step 8. Avoid highly processed diet foods

While "light" may seem like a good option as you want to get in shape before the wedding, these artificially processed foods should be avoided at all times. In addition to containing only a few natural nutrients, compared to the original version, they also give less satisfaction. It follows that shortly after eating a yogurt or "light" cheese you will be hungry again or you will feel authorized to eat more because it says on the package that it contains only very little fat.

This also applies to sausages. Even though the turkey breast label says that each slice contains only 60 calories, you cannot ignore that it is a product that contains a lot of salt and chemical additives that are harmful to health, such as nitrites and nitrates

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Get in Shape Before Your Wedding Step 17

Step 9. Don't skip breakfast

You may think that not eating anything in the morning can help reduce the total number of calories consumed during the day and therefore lose the unwanted pounds ahead of the wedding day, but the truth is that you will get exactly the opposite result. If you skip breakfast, you risk slowing down your metabolism; some scientific studies have even shown that the first morning meal is the one that allows you to stay more active during the day and stimulate brain function. Eating breakfast also reduces the risk of developing some serious diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease.

  • Not all breakfasts can be considered healthy. Avoid sugary cereals, sweets, sausages and drink fruit juices packaged in moderation because they can slow down your metabolism and cause a sudden drop in sugar levels in the body.
  • Try eating oatmeal, a low-fat yogurt accompanied by fresh fruit, eggs (cooked without fat) or a slice of toasted multigrain bread spread with a spoonful of peanut butter. As drinks, you can choose green tea or black tea (without adding sugar or milk).
