Girls who love to go to parties just want to have fun. However, they certainly don't want to be stalked by stalkers or creepy perverts. You want to be a fun-loving and sunny party girl, but how do you find the right balance between your wild nights and decor? It's possible. Just remember that your dignity must be the number one priority; only after you understand it can you have a carefree fun.

Step 1. Try to be confident
A party girl will have a lot more fun if she is confident and happy with how others perceive her as she moves through the crowd. You don't have to be a supermodel to feel like this. It means that you need to prepare carefully, dress according to the traits that value you most (but without degrading yourself) and know how to be polite but assertive in your social interactions. Do you think it is difficult? It is not. Self-esteem must be cultivated, here's how to start making it yours:
- Cultivate the confidence you have in yourself, believe in who you are and develop your self-esteem.
- Dress in the right way to be comfortable. You should bring clothes that are comfortable for dancing and that make you feel confident.
- If you dance, you need to be able to move. Clothes that are too tight will only force you and will make you want to stay on the sidelines for the whole evening. What a nuisance! Wear clothing that accompanies your movements.
- Shoes are a staple accessory for a party girl in most places, except at the pool, on the beach, or at a spa. Unless you are in one of these places, keep your footwear on. Shards of glass and sharp objects hurt and are dangerous. Also, it is indescribably unpleasant to have your shoes trampled on your feet.
- Make up to highlight your style and your most beautiful features.
- If you are going to the party with some friends, you could match your outfits. This will help give the impression that you absolutely follow trends and avoid slipping by dressing too elegantly or too casual for the occasion.

Step 2. Find the right party
A girl who loves parties and having fun usually carefully chooses the events to attend. Not all occasions are ideal for enjoying a nice evening. In general, it is advisable to avoid parties that involve only the use of drugs, those where you will do nothing but drink and those full of ex friends and boyfriends. Also, you must avoid all parties that are sure to end in a fight like the plague.
He arrives punctually late. It is ideal to arrive 10-20 minutes after the party starts to interrupt the guests and force them to look at you. However, you don't have to be late enough not to hit anyone, as they'll all be caught up in their conversations and the dance floor by now

Step 3. Learn to properly introduce yourself and greet people
People like to feel special, and having good presentation skills is great for working on. Always show that you listen actively, use the names of your interlocutors frequently to make it clear that you value them, and remember the small details so that you can ask the right questions at a future meeting. They will love you.
- Learn to present yourself the right way.
- Absorb excellent listening skills and cultivate your social intelligence.

Step 4. Become familiar with frivolous chatter
A party is not the place to unravel your depth. You should interact with people and properly lubricate the wheels of social conversation. If you are good at it, you will always win over other guests.
- Learn to intervene in frivolous conversations.
- Learn to have great conversations, join a group of people who are talking, and come up with interesting topics.

Step 5. Learn to drink the right way
Having a drink is ideal in a social setting. Being a drunkard no. Contrary to what stereotypes say, being a party girl doesn't mean drinking gallons and thinking you're fun. It's not just a hangover that's unpleasant, it's what happens during the party too. A drunk party girl gets embarrassed and will be remembered for the wrong reasons. This is the least refined way to be. The sooner you understand it, the better you will enjoy it. Remember, everyone has a camera these days, and they're not afraid to use it. Make sure the shots are all worth it.
- To drink in moderation when in company, learn to regulate yourself and alternate drinks with different non-alcoholic options. Knowing when to quit (knowing your limits) and when to say no is key. Remember, tripping, throwing up, and talking on the wall are not sexy or fun actions.
- As time goes by, you will understand how well you handle alcohol and learn your limits. Drinking will get easier. To play it safe and not make a fool of strangers, play alcohol-based games with your friends and learn to give in over a few drinks. This will help you figure out how much to drink, without overdoing it. It's okay to get out of your comfort zone. People will notice this and immediately feel drawn to you.
- Learn to discreetly throw away shots or only half-drink them.
- Do you know what? You can have fun, let yourself go and have a great night without a drop of alcohol. Replace shots with small talk, dancing, flirting, and dedicating yourself to finding out everything you can about people. Enjoy the atmosphere and find ways to be more aware of what it really means to go out, instead of forgetting everything about the alcohol.
- Consider the alternatives. Instead of alcohol, have a couple of energy drinks. Red Bull and other similar drinks are a perfect substitute for alcohol. These sodas give you energy, don't cause a hangover, and you'll know what you're going to do. However, don't overdo it, as they're not all that healthy (sugar and caffeine overdose in a can). Mix them with lots of water, especially since they are full of calories.
- If you are sober, you will be able to smile at the nonsense of drunk people.
- As for cigarettes, quit smoking if you have had the misfortune to start. It is a bad habit and has many side effects: wrinkles, cancer, stained nails and teeth. But these are just some of the drawbacks, and they affect both health per se and aesthetics. If you want to keep your hands busy, take out your smartphone, send kisses to everyone you meet or sip from a glass of water. If you don't smoke, your hair will also smell much better.

Step 6. Network
You have to become the friend who always knows everything, who receives all the news and information, who shares friends with anyone and who knows how to help everyone. In short, you must be socially indispensable. Swap phone numbers and business cards. Appreciate the people you connect with without favoritism, but only really get close to those who know you deeply, the people you can trust and who are special to you.
Within your circle, identify VIPs and people who have good connections. You must aim to become known among these people and take the time to share news and ideas with them

Step 7. Be nice to bartenders, party and event organizers, and people who have power in general
These people not only have the responsibility of preparing trendy cocktails and letting you enter the premises, they will also be your ally in helping you to meet more people and keep you in touch with "those who matter".
- At a party, be nice to everyone. Every person deserves your friendliness. Unless they are rude people; if so, smile and walk away.
- Give good tips. Never get a reputation for being a "stingy party girl". If they offer you a drink, make sure these people leave a good tip. In fact, if they prove stingy, you too can be considered stingy by association. Are you in the company of such a person? Intervene by helping her leave a good tip.

Step 8. Avoid having intimate relationships with several strangers
The others can do what they like. However, as far as you are concerned, you are not just any girl, and no one should have any doubts about your virtues. You should be socially available and friendly to everyone, without being "easy". Here are some rules to protect your party girl image with integrity:
- Never make out with your friends' boys. It is neither fun nor forgivable.
- Forget the bad boys. They will ruin your party girl status in the blink of an eye. If you have this status, it means that you are untouchable, elusive and cool. Keep giving this idea.
- Never get drunk to find the courage to talk to someone. Your drunk version tastes really bad and probably doesn't care about your personal safety or dignity.
- If you already have a boyfriend, don't destroy the relationship by making out with someone else. Party girls can be loyal, so be proud that you've found someone special and don't betray them. Remember that cameras are everywhere.

Step 9. Dance
If you don't know how to do it, observe the others and copy them. You will soon be able to move well. Just let the music overwhelm you and make minimal movements until you feel more confident. Are you already a skilled dancer? Go wild when you go out and go to parties. Dancing is liberating, energizing, and a good excuse to get noticed on the dance floor and connect with a lot of people. Dance with your friends, with your friends, with whomever seems suitable for you. Don't limit yourself. When they play slow songs at some point, politely apologize and walk away, unless you've found someone really special. You shouldn't give the wrong impression to either sex.
Avoid dancing with people who can damage your status. It is better not to go down on the dance floor and spend the party sitting at the bar than to accept the invitation of characters who make you doubt

Step 10. Walk away gracefully so that everyone feels special and misses you once you are gone
Make sure you greet all the people you have spent time with. As for new contacts, exchange the phone number before leaving. When you say hello to someone, name a couple of small details they told you earlier so they know your interest is genuine in them. He will remember it.

Step 11. Go home
Don't hold back until the end of a party. A party girl needs a restorative sleep, a real beauty cure, to freshen up for the next morning and the party to come. As with all good things, parties come to an end and one of the tricks to being a successful party girl is knowing when to go away and rest. There will always be another event, while it is much more difficult to get rid of dark circles and wrinkles caused by sleep deprivation and asking too much of your body. Also, always leave people wanting to get to know you better. This touch of mystery that lingers once you're gone is good for your reputation.
- Go out with the right friends and agree on the designated driver if you plan to drink.
- Attitude is everything. Be yourself, but friendlier and more sociable. Leave shyness behind and introduce yourself to everyone.
- Combed and made up with taste. The result shouldn't be too fake. Style your hair so it stays in place. It's not nice to get disheveled while dancing or enthusiastically greeting someone.
- If a person seems lonely to you, make friends. However, you don't have to be with her all evening. Let her know that she is welcome and encourage her to join with others.
- Be careful to see if anyone has a problem. Is a girl throwing up in a corner? Call a cab immediately and send her home. A boy has just been dumped and is crying silently behind a vase? Give him a handkerchief and suggest that he go home instead of embarrassing himself in front of his ex.
- Pose for photos you take or your friends take, but avoid photos taken by others, especially those from the bar PR. Try to escape and insist on approving every image you appear in.
- Remember the events of the evening with your friends and be sure to keep names and happenings in mind for future reference.
- If you are ordering a drink, always cover the glass when you are not drinking. Otherwise, someone might put something in it. If they know you in the club, the staff will keep an eye on you, but you still need to be careful.
- Never drink and drive. If you don't know how to get home and your friends are drunk, make sure you don't drive or get into a car with a drunk person behind the wheel. Instead, call a cab or sleep with a friend.
- Never step on the counter or on the stools.
- Typically, bartenders, bartenders and club staff in general drink the most. Be careful when ordering a drink. You may have problems if they mix liquor that you can't tolerate.
- Do not do drugs. If you are getting a bad headache, you can definitely take a medicine, but this is the limit. Illegal drugs are illegal because they are particularly capable of destroying you. A party girl should be looking for fun, not self-destruction. In case you have a drug problem, talk to someone. Go online to find an association close to you that can help you.
- Do not drink alcohol if you are under 18. The appropriate drinking age varies in different countries: you must be 21 in the United States, 18 in Great Britain (18 in a public place, 16 in a private place), Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other countries. Otherwise, you would be committing an illegal action. Don't think that living well means having fun while drunk, you deserve better. Learn early on that life offers many more beautiful things and that it can be satisfying even without getting drunk.