How to Invite a Girl to a Party: 7 Steps

How to Invite a Girl to a Party: 7 Steps
How to Invite a Girl to a Party: 7 Steps

Table of contents:


Asking someone out can be really nerve-wracking, but it can also be very rewarding if you get the answer you want! Read this article to learn how to get a date with the girl of your dreams at an important party!


Method 1 of 2: Part One: Prepare

Ask a Girl to Homecoming Step 1
Ask a Girl to Homecoming Step 1

Step 1. Remember that even if a girl says no, it will still be appreciated

Part of what makes people so nervous about inviting someone out is the possibility of being rejected or the idea that they will be annoyed or bored that you have invited them. Keep in mind that, in any case, being invited on a date is flattering, regardless of the circumstances, and you will most likely make her happy just for asking.

Ask a Girl to Homecoming Step 2
Ask a Girl to Homecoming Step 2

Step 2. Find out if she already has an appointment for that party

It will save you a lot of time and effort and allow you to organize yourself in other ways if necessary.

  • If you don't know if she already has a date, ask one of her friends or talk about the party in her presence; so you can ask her about her plans.
  • Don't try to get her to cancel her date if she's already busy. It would be unfair to the other person and would put you in a bad light. Remember: just because you aren't going to this party together doesn't mean you won't have the chance to date her in the future!
Ask a Girl to Homecoming Step 3
Ask a Girl to Homecoming Step 3

Step 3. Keep your options open

Think of other girls (if there are any) that you would like to ask out so you can have alternatives in case your first choice says no. Having reserves will also help you be less nervous.

Ask a Girl to Homecoming Step 4
Ask a Girl to Homecoming Step 4

Step 4. Decide how you would like to propose yourself

You can invite her directly in person, over the phone or computer. If you're feeling creative, think about a romantic, less direct gesture, like leaving a note or flowers in her car or locker.

Method 2 of 2: Part Two: The Invitation

Ask a Girl to Homecoming Step 5
Ask a Girl to Homecoming Step 5

Step 1. Consider inviting her in person

If you like simple, old-fashioned things, invite her in person. Here's how to do it:

  • Choose the right time to make the proposal. Don't invite her into class or if she seems to be in a hurry. Also avoid inviting her in front of other people. If she is with friends, ask to speak to her privately for a moment.
  • Start a casual, friendly conversation, then tell her about the party. Make sure you greet her appropriately and ask her how her day went before making your proposal.
  • Add a compliment to your question. For example, you might say something like "I think you're really awesome and funny, and I was wondering if you'd like to come to the party with me."
  • Remember to smile and look her in the eye. This will grab her attention and show her that you are truly interested in her.
  • Be prepared, but don't follow a script. Get a general idea of what you mean, but avoid memorizing word for word. Let the conversation flow naturally.
  • Be confident, even if inside you are shaking with nervousness. Security is the key, and it can affect your decision. But be careful not to be too pompous; this attitude turns most girls away.
Ask a Girl to Homecoming Step 6
Ask a Girl to Homecoming Step 6

Step 2. Invite her to the phone or computer

In these times, inviting someone to go out via text, Facebook or email is not always a good idea, although it is understood and used by many. This is especially helpful if you are very shy, nervous or unsure about his or her feelings towards you. Plus, if she says no for any reason, you have plenty of time to recompose before seeing her live again.

  • Greet her appropriately and strike up a casual conversation before throwing the question into it. Try a general greeting like "Hey, how are you?", "Hey, how was your day?" or "What are you doing?". These kinds of questions will give her a chance to tell you what she's been up to lately and what her plans are for the foreseeable future. If the party is around the corner, it will most likely pop up during the conversation, naturally.
  • Try to add a compliment to your question, it will make her feel special and will undoubtedly put a smile on her face. Try something like "I think you are really nice / awake / beautiful / interesting, and I was wondering if you would like to come to the party with me".
  • Consider taking a more indirect approach. Instead of inviting her directly, ask her what her plans for the party are first. That way, if she already had an appointment or maybe she had other plans, you'd already have your answer without having to ask her specifically. If she tells you that she is not sure or that she does not have an appointment, then take the opportunity to make your proposal.
Ask a Girl to Homecoming Step 7
Ask a Girl to Homecoming Step 7

Step 3. Think of a romantic gesture

This way you will achieve two goals: you will be anonymous (that is, you will not have to face her in person) and romantic. However, only choose this method if you know her well enough and think she might be interested in you, otherwise it might seem overkill. Think of something she might like, based on what you already know about her. For instance:

  • Leave a note in his locker or on the windshield of his car.
  • Send her flowers with a card asking if she'd like to go out with you. Try to find out what her favorite flowers are for an extra touch.
  • Write her a nice / funny song. She'll be so surprised she won't be able to say no to you!
  • Paint the question on a cake, shirt, chalkboard, or other object. Use your imagination! You don't have to write the whole question; a simple "Party?" it will be enough.


  • Inviting her early will give you an edge over other guys. Make sure you invite her before she arranges otherwise!
  • Make yourself nice when you make the proposal. You don't have to dress smartly, but looking and feeling on top will give you a better chance of getting a positive response.
  • For best results, invite a girl who you think might be interested in you and who you know for sure is not dating anyone else.