They called you for a sudden interview right during the terrible hangover or you had completely removed your appointment. No fear! In this article we will explain how to behave, devising a strategy that will require some acting skills.
Method 1 of 2: Before the Interview

Step 1. Drink a sports drink to combat dehydration, which often goes hand in hand with a hangover
- The processes triggered by alcohol generate lactic acid and other chemicals that interfere with the work of glucose and electrolytes, which is why energy drinks are a good idea.
- Coffee keeps you awake but dehydrates, worsening stomach conditions, so avoid it.

Step 2. Take an aspirin or ibuprofen tablet but avoid acetaminophen
Alcohol stops the absorption process of acetaminophen, so taking it can cause inflammation and permanent damage

Step 3. An anti-hangover breakfast
Make lightly burnt toast with bacon and beef broth.
- Toast raises blood sugars. The charcoal of the burned part helps to filter the impurities: this is why it is injected to people hospitalized for drinking too much.
- Bacon proteins eliminate amino acids to allow the brain to recover neurotransmitters depleted by alcohol.
- The soup balances the salt and potassium levels.

Step 4. The eye drops will refresh your eyes

Step 5. Follow your typical routine to get ready
Shower and dress appropriately. This way you will get rid of the soaked smell while you were out and about.

Step 6. Apply concealer to bags and dark circles, even if you are a man

Step 7. Ask a friend or your wife (or husband) to give you an honest opinion on your appearance before you leave the house, so you can remedy what looks scruffy or unprofessional

Step 8. Test your answers
Your brain may not be working at its best to process sentences in a concise and direct way. Remember that you may have a tendency to stammer to cover up your discomfort. If you can, remedy the problem in time by preparing the answers in advance (you can write them down on slips of paper and then review them).

Step 9. Be on time:
it will be essential to make a good impression. By arriving late, not only will you partially burn out your chances, but any criticisms regarding your appearance and assumptions about your being late will also intensify.

Step 10. Think about putting off
Doing so is not recommended because you may miss out on a great opportunity, especially if you have to interview with the company you work for. Consider this option only if:
- The chances of throwing up on the office carpet are high.
- The drunkenness left obvious marks because you may have been involved in a fight or fallen down the stairs.
- You're still drunk - no one would find it funny, even if you were absolutely qualified for the job.

Step 11. Bring a bottle of water with you (and drink plenty of it even before you leave the house):
hydration is essential and, if you are not offered anything to drink during the interview, sip a little between one question and another.
If drinking from the bottle seems unprofessional, don't hesitate to ask for a glass
Method 2 of 2: During the Interview

Step 1. Your breath should be fresh
Brush your teeth before you go out and eat a mint. Bring a refreshing spray with you. Traces of alcohol are not easily removed.
Chew the mint before the interview, not during the interview

Step 2. Your concentration will not be total, so pay more attention than usual
If at some point you feel the urge to recompose, do it: don't talk just to fill the silence. A pause will let the potential employer know that you are taking the matter seriously (which is true of course)

Step 3. In order not to lose focus, concentrate on a point in the room located above the head of your interlocutor
Having a reference point will allow you not to lose attention and to maintain full eye contact, even if you see blurry

Step 4. Don't move around all the time
Agitation is caused by nervousness, boredom, and a desire to be distracted or to be somewhere else. Don't let yourself be tempted or fall asleep.
Stay alert by regularly pinching your palm or gently bumping your knees together (try not to make your movements obvious, or you won't make a good impression)

Step 5. Take deep breaths to relax and to make sure your brain is getting oxygen so you can feel a little more awake
Sit up straight and don't make a sound as you exhale.
- If you get drunk often, maybe you should start dealing with the problem.
- Meditate or practice yoga before your interview to calm down and not panic.
- Learn from experience. Maybe this was just a coincidence but, in principle, avoid going out the night before an important meeting.
- If you went out with your colleagues the night before or attended a dinner with a client, don't lie about the reasons for your indisposition. Don't tell different versions of the story.
- Wear an original accessory, such as a tie, scarf or piece of jewelry that can draw attention to yourself. In this way, they will not dwell too much on dark circles and red eyes and you will give the idea of being a person who takes care of their look. Of course, don't go for an immature item - a tie with a pink elephant won't suggest anything professional, especially if you're a beginner.
- Notify immediately if you intend to reschedule the interview. You can tell that you are not feeling well (true; you are just omitting why). Ask when the potential employer will be available or if you can interview by phone. In fact, if this is your first meeting with HR, it states that you cannot leave the house due to a (contagious) health problem, but that you can still talk on the phone or via Skype (turn off the web cam!).
- Hangovers can throw off balance and cloud the mind, resulting in numerous doubts in the potential employer (and gossip in the office).
- Wear a pair of shoes that you are used to. If you are a woman, do not introduce new heels: you could trip or slip. Put on your usual footwear but make sure they are clean.