How To Immediately Quit Smoking (with Pictures)

Table of contents:

How To Immediately Quit Smoking (with Pictures)
How To Immediately Quit Smoking (with Pictures)

Quitting smoking is difficult and time consuming. It is necessary to have great willpower and to work hard to be able to eliminate this vice. It is possible to use various strategies to combat smoking. However, there is no single way to quit smoking, and success rates are not the same for everyone. Even if your addiction to smoking will not go away overnight, you can facilitate this process by developing an action plan and following it thanks to the use of different methods that will allow you to curb the irrepressible desire to light a cigarette.


Part 1 of 3: Quit Smoking

Stop Smoking Instantly Step 1
Stop Smoking Instantly Step 1

Step 1. Stop out of the blue

It is the most common and apparently the simplest method of quitting smoking, as it requires no outside help. Just stop smoking and stick to your commitment. While people who quit suddenly get more effective results than those who quit gradually, few are able to get rid of this habit without the use of nicotine replacement therapies - only 3 to 5 percent of people who quit suddenly. If you decide not to use any replacement therapy, success will depend entirely on your willpower.

  • People who are able to suddenly abstain can benefit from an important physiological change: 20% of people undergo a genetic mutation that reduces the pleasant effects of nicotine.
  • To increase the chances of success of a sudden withdrawal, engage in a new activity to replace smoking (especially something that keeps your mouth or hands busy, like knitting or chewing sugar-free gum), avoid situations and people. associated with smoking, call a friend or a special number, such as 800 99 88 77 (the green line made available by the "Italian League for the Fight against Cancer" for those who want to quit smoking) or set goals and rewards.
  • Consider a back-up strategy in case you find it difficult to quit out of the blue.
  • This is the simplest method to adopt, but also the most difficult to follow and success is not always guaranteed.
Stop Smoking Instantly Step 2
Stop Smoking Instantly Step 2

Step 2. Try nicotine replacement therapies

They are among the most effective strategies to combat smoking addiction, with a success rate of 20%. Chewing gum, lozenges, and patches give your body the nicotine it needs, allowing you to gradually lower the dose until you completely detach yourself from taking this substance. In the meantime, you have the opportunity to abandon addictive behaviors and dedicate yourself to something healthier.

  • You will be more likely to quit smoking if you abstain immediately and start using replacement therapies, rather than gradually cutting back on cigarettes and resorting to nicotine substitutes. According to a study, 22% of smokers who suddenly stopped smoking after six months were able to stop smoking after six months, while only 15.5% of smokers who over the course of two weeks gradually reduced their consumption of cigarettes. managed to stop smoking after six months.
  • Nicotine gums, patches, and lozenges are over-the-counter products that you can buy at the drugstore.
  • This smoking cessation method requires a certain financial investment in the purchase of gums, patches or pads.
  • Replacement therapies are less effective in people whose metabolism processes nicotine rapidly. Ask your doctor for more information about your metabolism and these methods.
Stop Smoking Instantly Step 3
Stop Smoking Instantly Step 3

Step 3. Take a drug to help you quit

Your doctor may prescribe medications designed to curb the desire to smoke, such as bupropion (Zyban, Wellbutrin) and varenicline (Champix). Consult it to learn about the side effects of these medicines and whether they are suitable for your needs.

  • Bupropion has been shown to significantly affect the effectiveness of smoking cessation programs in individuals who metabolize nicotine rapidly.
  • If you have health insurance, check if the purchase of these drugs is covered by your policy.
Stop Smoking Instantly Step 4
Stop Smoking Instantly Step 4

Step 4. Go to therapy

Talk to a psychotherapist to address the emotional issues underlying smoking. It will help you learn about the triggers or situations that make you smoke. It can also help you develop a plan that allows you to deal with your addiction over time.

If you have health insurance, check if psychological counseling is covered by your policy

Stop Smoking Instantly Step 5
Stop Smoking Instantly Step 5

Step 5. Find out about other solutions

There are alternative practices that can help you quit smoking. They range from herbal and mineral supplements to hypnosis and meditation. While some smokers have found some success in using these methods, there is little scientific evidence to support them.

  • Many smokers consume vitamin C-based candies and tablets because they consider them to be a valuable aid against the desire to smoke.
  • Meditation can serve to distract the mind from nicotine withdrawal.
Stop Smoking Instantly Step 6
Stop Smoking Instantly Step 6

Step 6. Use multiple strategies at the same time

Even if you are convinced that only one method is enough, you will probably have to adopt several strategies to abstain from smoking. It may be that at first you will find a certain technique unsustainable and will be forced to devise a backup plan or you may more easily manage your needs by using two methods at the same time.

  • Consult your doctor to avoid combining medications incorrectly.
  • Consider using an alternative method along with a more established strategy.

Part 2 of 3: Stay away from the smoke

Stop Smoking Instantly Step 7
Stop Smoking Instantly Step 7

Step 1. Throw away everything you need to smoke

Eliminate anything associated with smoking at home, at work, including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, hookahs, and other tools. You must not have temptations within your personal spaces that could compromise smoking abstinence.

  • Avoid triggers, such as bars or other places where smoking is allowed.
  • Hang out with people who don't smoke.
Stop Smoking Instantly Step 8
Stop Smoking Instantly Step 8

Step 2. Keep busy

Do something to distract yourself from smoking and think about something else. Cultivate a new hobby or spend more time with your friends. By exercising, you will reduce stress and keep the urge to smoke at bay.

  • Keep your hands busy by playing with small objects, like coins and paper clips, but also your mouth, such as blowing into a straw, chewing gum, or munching on something healthy, like carrot sticks.
  • Find something to do with people who don't smoke.
  • Avoid situations that lead you to smoke or where you may find yourself lighting a cigarette.
Stop Smoking Instantly Step 9
Stop Smoking Instantly Step 9

Step 3. Give yourself some rewards

Encourage yourself to maintain good conduct by setting a nice reward. Withdrawal is likely to bring you down by increasing the urge to smoke. In these cases, try to activate the pleasure centers of the brain with something that satisfies you. Eat one of your favorite dishes or one dedicated to your passion.

  • Be careful not to replace one addictive behavior with a similar one.
  • Put aside the money you save by not smoking and use it to give yourself some rewards. For example, you could buy yourself a dress you like, see a movie at the cinema, prepare a nice dinner, or even put your savings on a trip.
Stop Smoking Instantly Step 10
Stop Smoking Instantly Step 10

Step 4. Be positive and forgiving

Remember that smoking cessation is a difficult path that takes time. Take it one day at a time and don't be too hard on yourself if you give in to the desire to smoke. You will certainly run into numerous difficulties trying to abstain, so you need to remember that your willpower plays an important role.

  • Try abstaining from smoking for short periods, such as a day or even a few hours. If you consider all the path you will have to take (for example, "I can't start smoking again"), you may feel a sense of anxiety and oppression that goes to fuel your desire.
  • Practice some mindful meditation techniques to focus your mind on the present and the progress you are making.
Stop Smoking Instantly Step 11
Stop Smoking Instantly Step 11

Step 5. Get help

It is much easier to quit surrounded by the support of friends and family than to quit entirely alone. Confide in someone when the urge to smoke takes over and tell them how they could help you. You don't have to go through this alone.

As you work out your action plan, talk to friends and family about it. Their contribution will help you improve your strategy

Part 3 of 3: Organizing Yourself to Quit Smoking

Stop Smoking Instantly Step 12
Stop Smoking Instantly Step 12

Step 1. Consider a long-term approach

If all your efforts to quit smoking suddenly end in stalemate, you may want to take a more gradual approach accompanied by a certain amount of planning and patience. By organizing yourself, you will be able to identify the obstacles that are hidden along the way and better formulate your strategies to overcome them.

  • Consult your doctor to come up with a plan that will help you break the habit of smoking.
  • There are many websites and toll-free numbers that can help you develop an action plan.
Stop Smoking Instantly Step 13
Stop Smoking Instantly Step 13

Step 2. Decide to quit

Think about why you want to quit and what it means to you. Evaluate the pros and cons and ask yourself if you are ready for such a commitment. Talk to friends and family about your decision.

  • What health risks could you run if you continue to smoke?
  • How does smoking addiction affect your finances?
  • How does it affect your relationships with friends and family?
  • List the reasons you want to quit so that you can remember them when you want to smoke.
Stop Smoking Instantly Step 14
Stop Smoking Instantly Step 14

Step 3. Set a date to start abstaining from

Choose a date to quit smoking and stick to it. Don't stare at it too early so you have time to prepare, but not too late to avoid losing motivation - try to give yourself a couple of weeks. By having a certain limit to quit, you will be able to mentally prepare yourself and give yourself a concrete deadline. You have to stick to a fairly strict regime to stick to your plan and overcome your addiction.

Don't move the date. It will set a negative precedent that in the future will prevent you from meeting other deadlines that you want to set yourself

Stop Smoking Instantly Step 15
Stop Smoking Instantly Step 15

Step 4. Make a plan to quit smoking

Learn about the different smoking cessation strategies and consult your doctor about the ones that best suit your needs. Consider the pros and cons of each method and how it might affect your life. Consider what techniques you are realistically capable of.

Consider if you want to quit out of the blue, use drugs, or go on a psychotherapeutic path. Each solution has its advantages and disadvantages

Stop Smoking Instantly Step 16
Stop Smoking Instantly Step 16

Step 5. Prepare for the moment when you will quit smoking

Throw away everything you need to smoke to avoid any relapses. Keep a record of all the times you smoke up to the date you set, to learn how to identify when you are used to lighting a cigarette (for example, after meals) and replace it with alternative therapies, drugs or strategies.

  • If you can, get plenty of sleep and avoid stressful situations.
  • While it may seem like a good idea to start learning healthier habits at the same time, you may become stressed and frustrate all efforts to reach your goal. Do one thing at a time.
Accept Being Unattractive Step 6
Accept Being Unattractive Step 6

Step 6. Expect increased stress

Smoking cessation represents a major lifestyle change, which can be accompanied by anger, anxiety, depression and frustration. Develop strategies to deal with these unwelcome, even if predictable, complications. Get everything you need (medications, nicotine replacement therapies, phone numbers, and so on). See your doctor if this goes on for more than a month.
