Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
In some cases, when the tongue swells, it is necessary to seek immediate medical attention because it may be an allergic reaction or anaphylactic shock that impairs breathing. On the other hand, if it does not represent an urgent problem, it is possible to deal with it independently, although it is always advisable to consult your doctor.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
There are studies that have shown that with just 30 minutes of daily activity aimed at raising the heart rate, you can obtain profound benefits for your health. Also, as you get older, a low heart rate can help make you feel cold more. To overcome this situation you will have to perform a few movements every day.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Alkaline phosphatase is an enzyme found in the liver, digestive system, kidneys and bones. If it is high it can indicate various health problems, including liver injury, liver disease, bone disease or bile duct obstruction. In most cases it is a temporary and minor disorder.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
After a funny fall, a run, a day spent entirely standing or a long walk, our ankles can be sore and require all our attention. Find out how to relieve pain by reading this helpful tutorial! Steps Step 1. Rest as much as possible Lie down and take your weight off your ankles by lifting them with a soft object.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Hemorrhoids are swollen, dilated and inflamed veins in the rectum or anus that become itchy and painful; many people suffer from it, both men and women. Only when they begin to swell do you realize their presence; by recognizing the symptoms and causes of this disorder, you are likely to be able to identify and treat it promptly at home, although in some more severe cases medical intervention is required.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Hemorrhoids are vascular structures in the perineal rectum which, when enlarged, can cause the hemorrhoidal disease which is often referred to as "hemorrhoids". They are found both inside and outside the anus, their dilation is triggered by an increase in the pressure of the pelvic and rectal veins and are associated with constipation, diarrhea and difficulty in evacuating.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Sore arms are often the result of sport or overwork with repetitive movements. Although you should see a doctor if the pain is severe, you can often soothe the discomfort by following simple guidelines. This article details some common causes of arm pain, as well as some information for treatment.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (a major public health monitoring body in the United States of America), approximately 735,000 people suffer a heart attack each year, of which an estimated 525,000 are new cases. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women, but to prevent the risk of death or physical disability, it is essential to recognize the warning signs and symptoms of heart attack.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The carpal tunnel is a rigid, narrow passage in the wrist, surrounded by bones and ligaments, which houses the median nerve and tendons. When the nerve is compressed, the tendons become irritated, swollen, and carpal tunnel syndrome occurs. Symptoms of this disorder include numbness or tingling in the fingers and hand, which can extend from the wrist to the arm as the situation worsens.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Tuberculosis, or TB, is a disease (usually affecting the lungs) that is easily transmitted by air. Although TB is rare and easily treatable in Italy, you will still need to take precautions to prevent it in some situations, especially if you have tested positive for latent TB (an inactive form of TB that affects approximately one third of the world's population).
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
About 3-5% of the population, according to the latest studies, suffers from agoraphobia, an anxiety disorder whose name, of Greek origin, means "fear of the square". It is considered to be the fear or dread of having a panic attack in a public place.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Inversion therapy is used to relieve back pain caused by a herniated disc or degenerative disc disease (disc disease), spinal stenosis, or other spinal problems. These disorders cause gravitational pressure on the nerve roots causing excruciating pain in the back, buttocks, legs and feet.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
There are many reasons why it may be necessary to crush the tablets or the contents of the capsules before taking them, including difficulty swallowing and an unpleasant taste. With proper precautions, as some medications cannot be shredded, you can take your medications by breaking them up and mixing them with food or drink.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Chlamydia is a rather widespread and treatable but dangerous sexually transmitted infection (STI), which can cause numerous complications and health problems, especially with regard to infertility. Unfortunately, it is often not recognized until signs arise.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Numbness in the feet and their toes can be caused by a number of different problems and is often accompanied by a tingling sensation. This may be a minor issue, such as when the foot "falls asleep", or a more serious condition, such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Treatment of glaucoma focuses on reducing pressure in the eyeball, also called intraocular pressure (IOP), and can be done through lifestyle changes and medical treatment. While this is not the only cause of glaucoma, it is currently the main focus for treatment.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Head lice infestations are a common problem for school-age children, as they spread them among themselves in the classroom. Head lice are annoying and unsightly, but with proper care and attention, you can get rid of them forever in a week or two.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium "Treponema pallidum". It is very infectious and can cause irreversible damage to nerves, body tissues and the brain. If left untreated, it could even lead to death.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
There are numerous lymph nodes in the body, which act as filters against harmful bacteria and viruses. If they have swollen, you can begin to reduce the swelling by treating the underlying wound, ailment, or infection. The lymph node stations that most commonly become inflamed are those located in the neck, groin and armpits.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Many people around the world suffer from arthritic pain. Although arthritis itself is not curable, there are some things you can do to try to reduce and control pain from any of its forms. You will have to proceed by trial and error, but by following a few simple procedures you will be able to get rid of this type of physical pain.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease that affects the reproductive system of men and women. In female subjects it can affect the uterus, cervix and fallopian tubes and compromise the urethra (the channel that connects the urinary bladder with the outside) regardless of gender.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The involuntary loss of urine when you cough, laugh or sneeze is called stress incontinence. The phenomenon is more common in women than in men. It can also happen when you run, lift heavy objects, or do any physical activity that increases pressure on your bladder.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Yeast is a fungus of the candida genus that normally lives in our organism together with the "good" bacterial flora and its population is kept under control by the immune system. However, sometimes the balance between fungi and bacteria is broken and the yeast reproduces excessively.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
According to experts who study and treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the most common signs of knee arthritis include pain, swelling and joint stiffness. According to research, there are two forms of arthritis, namely osteoarthritis (better known as osteoarthritis) and rheumatoid arthritis.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Are you scared or ashamed of an alteration occurring in your genital organs? Are you worried about your sexual health? Do not fear! Testing for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) is quick, simple, and widespread. While not all genital changes are caused by STDs, knowing how to get tested can calm you down and, if necessary, help you get the right treatments as soon as possible.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Cardiomegaly, commonly known as heart enlargement, is a disease caused by excessive strain due to an underlying pathology. Depending on the cause and symptoms it can also be a serious health condition. For this reason it is important to treat the underlying problem and create a lifestyle that focuses on heart health.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Chickenpox is a disease caused by the varicella zoster virus. Symptoms are fever and an itchy rash with characteristic blisters. Complications can also arise, such as bacterial skin infections, pneumonia, and brain damage. Adults and adolescents are more at risk of contracting the disease in a severe form.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Paronychia is a skin infection that affects the nail or peringueal tissue. Symptoms include redness, pain and swelling around the nail. Whether it is acute or chronic, it is generally easy to cure. If it is acute, just soak the affected area in warm water a few times a day.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Although nosebleed is a common complaint in children, it can be a horrifying experience for the child and for the parents as well. Learn why it occurs, how to stop it, how to offer comfort to the baby, and how to prevent it. Steps Part 1 of 4:
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
The forearm is the portion of the upper limb between the elbow and the wrist. In both joints downstream and upstream of it there are tendons that allow movement and allow the functionality of muscles and bones. When you have forearm tendonitis, you have inflammation of the tendons that connect the elbow to the forearm and wrist.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
If someone you know has been diagnosed with cancer, it can be very difficult to know what to say or how to express yourself. You may want to express your concern, as well as give him support and encouragement. Writing a letter can be a great way to address the issue, as you will have time to choose your words carefully.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Boric acid pessaries are often used to treat and relieve symptoms associated with vaginal candidiasis. Boric acid pessaries in capsule form are inserted directly into the vagina and can help prevent recurrent vaginal candidiasis. Steps Step 1.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a hormone that is naturally produced by the body. It is related to the development of some typically male traits and organs, including hair, muscle growth, deep voice, and the prostate. Typically, less than 10% of the testosterone secreted by the body is converted to DHT and there is no need to be alarmed when levels rise.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Costosternal chondritis, also known as chest wall syndrome or costosternal syndrome and costosternal chondritis, is an inflammatory disease affecting the cartilages connected to the ribs of the rib cage. Symptoms can resemble those of a heart attack, so at the first sign of pain in the chest it is always necessary to consult a doctor to rule out that it is a heart attack.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Trench foot, sometimes also called diving foot, develops when the extremities are exposed to cold, dirty water for long periods (many hours or days). This term was introduced during the First World War, when hundreds of soldiers developed this painful syndrome during fighting in the trenches.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Nausea is an upset feeling in the stomach that makes you feel like you might be throwing up. It could trigger retching because stomach contents reaching the back of the throat stimulate a nerve that induces this reflex. There are many conditions and medications that can cause nausea, including gastroenteritis, cancer, motion sickness, chemotherapy, medications, pregnancy, dizziness, anxiety, and some emotional states.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Arthritis is basically inflammation of the joints. If you have arthritis in your hands, you probably have inflammation in one or more joints in your hands or wrists. It is a disorder that can be caused by a disease (osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis) or by an injury.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Back pain is universal and can be relieved through reflexology. Most of these pains are non-specific and therefore cannot be linked to a particular event such as an accident. It is often sporadic. But whether it is intermittent or chronic, there are reflexology techniques that can be used to achieve short and long-term benefits.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Hemorrhoids can be the cause of uncomfortable and painful situations, as well as being very embarrassing. Perhaps you do not know many of the difficult questions related to this topic, they can be answered in a very simple and discreet way within the web.
Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:01
Atypical pneumonia is a less severe form of pneumonia - a lung infection. It develops more easily among people under the age of 40 and is often preceded by headaches and generalized pain. Typically, it is caused by bacteria (including Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Legionella pneumophila, and C.