Atypical pneumonia is a less severe form of pneumonia - a lung infection. It develops more easily among people under the age of 40 and is often preceded by headaches and generalized pain. Typically, it is caused by bacteria (including Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Legionella pneumophila, and C. pneumoniae), various viruses, fungi, and even by mistakenly inhaled food or drink. It is contagious and spreads through contact with droplets from an infected person's nose or throat when they sneeze or cough. The disease develops gradually, with a non-productive cough, mild fever, muscle aches and headache. If you start experiencing symptoms of atypical pneumonia, it's important to see your doctor as soon as possible.
Method 1 of 3: Medical Treatments

Step 1. Get a prescription for antibiotics
If you have been diagnosed with atypical pneumonia, these are the medications you need to get rid of it. Your doctor can choose drug therapy based on your medical history and symptom manifestation. He may also proceed with a sputum culture to determine the type of bacterium present in the lungs and thus find the most suitable antibiotic. There are several types of drugs for this condition, including macrolides, which are often prescribed for adults and children. Fluoroquinolones are typically reserved for adults and are not recommended for young children, while tetracyclines can be given to adult patients and older children.
- Consult your doctor to find the most suitable drug for your specific situation; starting antibiotic treatment early can prevent the development of life-threatening complications.
- Your doctor may advise you to eat yogurt or take probiotic supplements to ensure the restoration of the intestinal flora that is decimated by taking antibiotics.
- Use an inhaler or bronchodilator. They are drugs used by those who have breathing difficulties, chest tightness or dyspnea, as they help open the pulmonary alveoli, facilitating oxygenation and expulsion of phlegm full of bacteria.

Step 2. Take over-the-counter medications to reduce fever and headache
They are free for sale and are intended to alleviate these ailments, but remember that they do not cure the infection; you can take aspirin, ibuprofen (like Brufen) and acetaminophen (Tachipirina).
- To help dissolve and expel infected secretions, you can take a mucolytic that is available without a prescription; be sure to drink a full glass of water while taking it.
- Some over-the-counter medicines can interact negatively with prescription medicines, such as hypotensives. If you are on drug therapy, consult your doctor before choosing any over-the-counter active ingredients to treat atypical pneumonia.
Method 2 of 3: Homemade Care

Step 1. Drink at least 10-12 glasses of warm water or liquid every day
The intake of several fluids allows to dilute the secretions, expectorate the mucus and consequently eliminate the infection. You can add honey and lemon to very hot water to "fill up" with vitamin C, especially if you also have a sore throat.
You can sip green tea, which contains antioxidants, and fruit juices rich in vitamins and minerals

Step 2. Give your body some rest
It is essential for recovering from atypical pneumonia, so that the body can focus its energies to defend itself against the disease; try to stay in bed or on the couch, even if it means missing a business appointment or class.

Step 3. Eat foods that are nutritious and easy to digest
Make a commitment to eating soups, such as chicken or vegetable broth, and small, nutrient-rich meals throughout the day. You must avoid tiring the body with large lunches, but at the same time you must guarantee the immune system all the nutrients necessary to eradicate the pathogen.
- Have breakfast with an egg and mushroom omelette. Eggs are an excellent source of zinc which supports the immune system and are also easy to metabolize; mushrooms, on the other hand, are rich in glucans. Add a pinch of cayenne pepper to loosen the mucus in the lungs and help expel it.
- Make a yogurt with fruit for lunch or as a snack; live lactic ferments help the bacterial flora to regenerate and strengthen the immune system.
- For dinner, eat foods rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, such as red peppers, oranges, berries, and green leafy vegetables. You should also include foods that contain abundant amounts of beta-carotene and vitamin A, such as carrots, squash, and sweet potatoes. choose yellow and orange vegetables.
Method 3 of 3: Herbal Remedies and Supplements

Step 1. Make an echinacea or elderflower tea
You can buy the first from herbalists or prepare it yourself; Echinacea has antibacterial and antiviral properties that help defeat the symptoms of atypical pneumonia. Put one teaspoon of dried plant matter in 250ml of boiling water for 5-10 minutes.
Alternatively, you can make an elderberry drink or buy it at a health food store; this plant helps get rid of respiratory infections and is often given to children

Step 2. Eat more garlic
It is a powerful antimicrobial agent and helps strengthen the immune system, which can consequently defeat the disease.
Chop about 5 g of garlic and transfer it to a cup of boiling water to let it macerate; you can also add it to chicken soup or other easy-to-eat dishes while sick

Step 3. Use ginger
It helps stabilize the stomach and also has antibacterial and antiviral properties. You can make a ginger tea by infusing some chopped root or you can buy the sachets at the health food store.
Ginger tea is also safe for pregnant women and children

Step 4. Do a steam treatment
Inhaling herbal tea helps clear the lungs and throat of viruses.
- Boil 5 cm of water in a pot on the stove; turn off the heat when it reaches a boil. Add half a teaspoon of thyme, oregano and a drop or two of eucalyptus essential oil.
- Cover your head with a towel and lean over the pot 30-35 cm from the steam; arrange the cloth to form a "curtain" that traps the vapor and inhale the vapor through the nose and mouth.

Step 5. Take vitamin supplements
Increase the intake of minerals and these precious substances through food supplements (for example those of vitamin C).
- You can also take zinc supplements, but only the amount recommended by the leaflet, as this mineral is toxic in high concentrations.
- Consider taking selenium, an essential mineral that facilitates antioxidant reactions. Some people lack it because the land where fruit and vegetables are grown are poor; however, you must not overdo it: do not exceed the maximum daily dosage of 100 mcg per day.
- Take probiotics, as antibiotics destroy the intestinal flora.
- Turn on a humidifier in the bedroom to dissolve secretions.
- Stop smoking.
- Use slow and deep breathing techniques to expand and oxygenate your lungs to get rid of mucus. this method can stimulate cough.
- Maintain good hydration and take mucolytics to make the cough more productive and speed up healing.
- Recovery from pneumonia is a long and difficult process; it takes up to three to four weeks to recover energy and return to normal activities.