How to Reduce Hemorrhoids: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Reduce Hemorrhoids: 7 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Reduce Hemorrhoids: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Hemorrhoids can be the cause of uncomfortable and painful situations, as well as being very embarrassing. Perhaps you do not know many of the difficult questions related to this topic, they can be answered in a very simple and discreet way within the web. Nevertheless, it is important to consult a doctor when the first hemorrhoidal symptoms appear, because they could be linked to more serious diseases.


Improve Your Facial Skin Step 6
Improve Your Facial Skin Step 6

Step 1. Prevent any constipation that can create inflammation

To do this, it is important to drink plenty of water, get the right amount of fiber and exercise.

Shrink Hemorrhoids Step 2
Shrink Hemorrhoids Step 2

Step 2. When nature calls, do what you can not to strain and not to sit for more than 5 minutes

Maintain a Clean Toilet Intro
Maintain a Clean Toilet Intro

Step 3. Don't sit on cold surfaces, try not to sit too long and use a special cushion

Shrink Hemorrhoids Step 4
Shrink Hemorrhoids Step 4

Step 4. Try applying hemorrhoid treatment ointment

Get Healthy Hair Step 6
Get Healthy Hair Step 6

Step 5. Take a 10-15 minute warm bath at least three times a day

Shrink Hemorrhoids Step 6
Shrink Hemorrhoids Step 6

Step 6. To prevent the situation from getting worse, if you have constipation, take a stool softener

Shrink Hemorrhoids Step 7
Shrink Hemorrhoids Step 7

Step 7. If possible take a shower or bath after each bowel movement


  • Consult a doctor in the following cases:

    • External hemorrhoids.
    • Excessive bleeding.
    • Cases of colon cancer in the family.
    • Change in bowel movement habits.
