Nasal congestion is a fairly common ailment that can be caused by ailments, allergies and inflammation of the airways. When you have a stuffy nose, no doubt you are looking for quick relief to feel better. Fortunately, you can intervene naturally by using some home remedies and making changes in your lifestyle. See your doctor if your symptoms get worse, if you don't recover within ten days, or if self-medication with natural methods doesn't produce any results.
Method 1 of 3: Using Home Remedies

Step 1. Use a humidifier to moisturize the nasal passages and loosen the mucus
Dry air can aggravate the condition of the sinuses and complicate the passage of mucus through the nasal passages, prolonging congestion. By using a humidifier in your bedroom or living room, you will increase the humidity in the air and prevent the environment from drying out, help clear your sinuses and alleviate throat irritation. The humidity inside the house should be between 30 and 55%.
- If the environment is too humid, mold and dust mites can thrive, both of which are responsible for developing allergies.
- Clean the humidifier filter with vinegar every week. If you experience respiratory symptoms that you think are related to the use of this device, do not turn it on and call your doctor.

Step 2. Do fumigations to thin the mucus and clear the nose of irritants
If you want a quick steam treatment, heat a pot of distilled water, bringing it close to the boiling point (80-85 ° C is enough). Remove it from the heat as soon as it starts to make a lot of steam. Place a towel on your head, lean towards the pot, close your eyes and breathe deeply for about 5-10 minutes.
- The steam helps to dissolve the mucus and, at the same time, eliminates external substances, such as dust and pollen, which have come into contact with the nasal cavities.
- Distilled water is treated through a boiling process that removes bacteria and toxins, so you can safely use it to make fumigations.

Step 3. Use warm compresses to relieve inflammation and pressure in the sinuses
Soak a clean, small towel in warm water for 3-5 minutes, then wring it out and apply it to your forehead or neck for 5 minutes. Immerse it again in the water and repeat the operation, which should not last more than 20 minutes at a time.
- A warm towel applied to the forehead or neck helps relieve headaches caused by sinus inflammation and nasal congestion. By dilating the blood vessels, heat increases the blood supply and the supply of oxygen and nutrients. In this way, it relieves pain and relaxes the affected muscles.
- You can also use a hot water bottle or thermal gel pad to make hot packs.
- Avoid heat treatment in case of tissue swelling or fever. Use the ice pack instead.

Step 4. Try a saline nasal spray to thoroughly cleanse the nasal passages
Gently blow your nose with a tissue to get rid of the mucus. Remove the cap and shake the bottle slightly. Insert the dispenser into the nostril by placing your thumb under the bottle and your index and middle fingers on top of the spray. With one finger of the other hand, plug the other nostril. Squeeze the spray as you slowly inhale through your nose. Repeat these steps with the second nostril.
- Avoid sneezing and blowing your nose after applying the spray.
- Generally, it is a product that can be used daily, whenever needed. If you get a nosebleed, stop using it for a couple of days. If bleeding or irritation continues, see your doctor.
the first time you use this spray, you will probably have to charge it by spraying a couple of times into the air until it produces a light mist.

Step 5. Use the neti pot to cleanse the nasal passages
Start by making a saline solution consisting of 1.5g of coarse salt, 1.5g of baking soda, and 240ml of hot distilled water at a temperature of about 40 ° C, then pour it all into the neti pot. Lean down to the sink, turn your head to the side and insert the spout into the upward-facing nostril. Pour the saline solution inside and let it out through the other nostril. Repeat on the other side.
- Start with one irrigation per day when you are congested. If you feel better, use the neti pot 1-2 times until the symptoms go away.
- You can buy lota neti in herbalists and particularly specialized pharmacies, or online.

Step 6. Gargle with salt water to reduce phlegm and relieve sore throat
Put half a teaspoon (2 g) of sea salt in a glass of distilled or sterilized warm water and stir until dissolved. Gargle for 1-2 minutes, then expel the water from your mouth instead of swallowing it.
- You can repeat the treatment every couple of hours if necessary.
- If the salt irritates your mouth or throat, you can also use only warm distilled water.
Method 2 of 3: Changing Habits

Step 1. Drink a lot to loosen the mucus
The more compact the mucus, the more difficult it will be to expel it. Try to increase your consumption of water, juice, and herbal teas to keep yourself hydrated and make it more fluid and easier to eliminate.
Avoid liquids that have a dehydrating effect, such as coffee, soda, and alcohol

Step 2. Blow your nose gently and only when necessary
Place a finger over one nostril and then gently blow the other by collecting the mucus in a tissue. Repeat on the other side. Make sure you blow gently as too much pressure can affect your ears, which could add ear infection to your cold.
Wash your hands every time you blow your nose to avoid the risk of other infections caused by bacteria and viruses

Step 3. Take hot showers to soothe your sinuses
Adjust the water temperature around 40-46 ° C and stay in the shower for 5-10 minutes. Try to breathe deeply and inhale the steam to loosen the mucus.
- A lukewarm bath can also be beneficial, especially for children and babies suffering from nasal congestion.
- Make sure the water isn't too hot or cold, especially if you have a fever.

Step 4. Avoid inflammatory foods as they make your condition worse
Some foods are able to slow down the healing process, compromise the immune system, increase body weight and promote the development of inflammation. This situation contributes to increasing nasal inflammation and, consequently, worsening congestion. Try to reduce or avoid foods that can cause chronic inflammation, such as white bread, pastries, croissants, stir-fries, sodas, sugary energy drinks, margarine, cooking fats, lard, veal, ham, steak, and sausages.
consider consuming soups and broths to promote healing and relieve congestion with heat.

Step 5. Keep your head elevated while you sleep to prevent a stuffy nose
When you lie down, mucus tends to collect in the sinuses, disturbing or interrupting sleep. Then, try resting your head on a couple of pillows to keep it more elevated while you sleep and avoid congestion symptoms.
You can also try sleeping on a recliner

Step 6. Stop smoking to avoid irritating your airways
Cigarette smoke can irritate the nasal tissue, causing frequent headaches and chronic cough, also known as "smoker's cough". Also, if you already have nasal congestion, it can increase its duration and severity. So, try to cut down on your daily cigarette consumption.
- Also, avoid secondhand smoke and other dangerous fumes that can also cause irritation and discomfort.
- Ask your doctor if he can tell you about any nicotine cessation methods.
Method 3 of 3: Know When To See Your Doctor

Step 1. Get examined if you have severe symptoms
Nasal congestion is usually treated at home. However, sometimes a serious infection can develop that requires targeted treatment. See your doctor if you develop the following symptoms:
- High fever over 39 ° C;
- Greenish-yellow mucus;
- Ache;
- Traces of blood in the nasal secretions.

Step 2. See your doctor if symptoms last longer than 10 days
You will likely notice an improvement once you start treating nasal congestion. However, if your symptoms do not improve or even get worse, see your doctor to find out the cause of the problem. He may prescribe another therapy to help you heal.
If the symptoms do not subside, it is also possible that the cause is an infection. Alternatively, it could be an underlying disease that needs to be treated

Step 3. Ask your doctor what medications to take if natural remedies are not effective
Although natural treatments almost always work, they are not suitable for all circumstances. Other treatment may be needed, especially if you have bacterial infections. Consult your doctor to find out if you need to undergo drug therapy. He may prescribe you a medicine or recommend an over-the-counter treatment.
- Decongestants promote patency of the upper airways by decreasing swelling, while the nasal spray cleans the nasal passages. You can purchase these products without a prescription.
- Try taking an antihistamine to calm the symptoms of an allergy, including runny nose, sneezing, itching, excessive tearing. If they are severe, your doctor can point you to a stronger medication.
in case of bacterial infection, you should take an antibiotic.

Step 4. See an otolaryngologist if congestion persists
Although sinus infections in most cases disappear with proper treatment, sometimes you can be prone to frequent infections that begin to interfere with daily life. If they recur, ask your doctor to refer you to an otolaryngologist. This specialist will be able to pinpoint the cause and point you to other treatment options.
In any case, consult your general practitioner before going to an otolaryngologist
- Get vaccinated against the flu every year to decrease the risk of contracting diseases that cause breathing problems.
- If you wash your hands often, the likelihood of getting an infection will be lower, especially during the winter. A hand sanitizer is useful when you are traveling or too busy to wash them.