4 Ways to Prepare Cinnamon Breadsticks

Table of contents:

4 Ways to Prepare Cinnamon Breadsticks
4 Ways to Prepare Cinnamon Breadsticks

These tasty breakfast treats look like regular bread sticks, but have the wonderful flavor of cinnamon. Thanks to their sweetness and taste, they can also be served as a dessert.




Preparation Time:

30 minutes

Cooking time:

20 minutes

Cinnamon breadsticks

  • 1 tablespoon of Yeast
  • 360 ml of hot water
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • 350 - 375 g of flour
  • 1 stick of butter

Cinnamon decoration

  • 165 g of whole cane sugar
  • 50 g of sugar
  • 2 teaspoons of Cinnamon
  • 1/8 teaspoon of salt
  • 2 tablespoons of butter, melted


  • 125 g of powdered sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of milk
  • 2 tablespoons of creamy cheese, at room temperature
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla


Method 1 of 4: Make the dough

Prepare the dough first so it can rest while you work on the decorations.

Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 1
Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 1

Step 1. Preheat the oven to 190 ° C while you prepare the dough and decorations

Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 2
Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 2

Step 2. Dissolve the yeast and sugar in the water in a medium sized bowl

Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 3
Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 3

Step 3. Let the mixture sit for 5 minutes, until bubbly

Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 4
Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 4

Step 4. Add the salt and 325g of flour to the yeast mixture

Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 5
Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 5

Step 5. Mix and blend the ingredients by hand, or using a planetary mixer

Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 6
Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 6

Step 6. If the dough is too sticky, add more flour, a few tablespoons at a time

The dough will be ready when it comes off the bowl, or when it forms a ball around the kneading attachment.

Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 7
Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 7

Step 7. Flour the cutting board or work surface generously to prepare to roll out the dough

Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 8
Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 8

Step 8. Transfer the ball of dough to the floured surface and let it rest for 10 minutes

You can cover it with a clean kitchen towel, or choose to let it rest uncovered.

Method 2 of 4: Prepare the Decoration

You can make the cinnamon decoration while the dough is resting.

Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 9
Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 9

Step 1. Transfer the 8 tablespoons of butter to the pan

Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 10
Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 10

Step 2. Place it in the hot oven

It will take a few minutes for the butter to melt, do not lose sight of it to avoid burning it and remove it from the oven in time.

Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 11
Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 11

Step 3. Mix 2 tablespoons of melted butter with sugar, cinnamon and salt in a small bowl

Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 12
Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 12

Step 4. When the cinnamon mixture reaches a creamy consistency, set it aside

Method 3 of 4: Shape the breadsticks from the dough

Now you are ready to knead the dough you left to rest, forming your breadsticks.

Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 13
Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 13

Step 1. Lightly knead the dough for a few minutes

Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 14
Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 14

Step 2. Roll it out giving it the size of the pan

Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 15
Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 15

Step 3. Use a pizza wheel or knife to make strips about 4cm wide

You should be able to get 12 breadsticks.

Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 16
Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 16

Step 4. Place each breadstick in the melted butter contained in the pan, covering each side

Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 17
Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 17

Step 5. Line up all the breadsticks in the pan and, if necessary, use more than one

Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 18
Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 18

Step 6. Pour the cinnamon mixture over the bread sticks

Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 19
Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 19

Step 7. Let the breadsticks rise at room temperature for about 20 minutes

Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 20
Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 20

Step 8. Bake the breadsticks in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes

Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 21
Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 21

Step 9. Remove from the oven and let them cool for 10 minutes

Method 4 of 4: Make the Icing

While the breadsticks are baking in the oven, you can prepare the glaze.

Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 22
Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 22

Step 1. In a medium bowl, mix and blend the sugar, milk and cream cheese using a spatula

Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 23
Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 23

Step 2. Add the vanilla

Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 24
Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 24

Step 3. Continue mixing the ingredients until you have a smooth glaze that is liquid enough to pour over the breadsticks

If necessary, you can incorporate small, gradual amounts of milk to dilute it.

Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 25
Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 25

Step 4. Sprinkle the slightly cooled breadsticks with the glaze

You can dip a whisk into the icing and drop it onto the breadsticks, perhaps creating a figure with intertwined lines.

Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 26
Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Step 26

Step 5. Serve hot

Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Final
Make Cinnamon Roll Sticks Final

Step 6. Finished


  • If necessary, you can prepare the breadsticks with ready-made dough.
  • Sprinkle the breadsticks with the glaze while they are still hot, but not hot.
  • Keep the butter warm in the pan by placing it on the stove on low to avoid burning it.
  • If you have a leftover icing, you can dilute it further with milk and use it as an accompaniment to breadsticks.
  • If you don't have time to soften the butter and cream cheese by bringing them to room temperature, you can use the microwave on low power.
