Pumpkin seeds, also known by the Spanish name of "pepita", are found inside pumpkins and other fruits that come from plants of the cucurbit family. Most pumpkin seeds are contained in a white or yellow colored casing called a shell, while the seeds themselves are flat and green. As an excellent source of magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, iron, copper, protein and zinc, pumpkin seeds are a valuable component of a healthy diet. Although the shells are edible, many people find them unsightly because they are too hard. To remove them, you can open them one by one by hand or you can gently squeeze them and then boil them in boiling water.
Method 1 of 3: Shell Lots of Pumpkin Seeds

Step 1. Remove the seeds from the inside of the pumpkin
If you want to make sure the seeds are fresh, you can extract them directly from a pumpkin purchased from the greengrocer. First, use a knife to make a circular incision in the top of the pumpkin, around the stem, then lift the section you cut to remove it.
- Using your hands or, if you prefer, a spoon, remove the seeds from inside the pumpkin.
- In addition to the seeds, you will extract some fibrous orange pulp. You will need to discard it later, but for now, just transfer both the pulp and the seeds to a bowl.

Step 2. Clean the seeds
Once you have emptied the fibrous center of the pumpkin, you will need to clean the seeds from the pulp and liquid that surrounds them. You can put everything in a colander and place it under running cold water from the sink to get rid of most of the fibrous material.
Don't worry if some pulp remains stuck to the seeds, some residue can be particularly difficult to remove. However, try to do whatever you can to detach them, especially if you plan on roasting them. The excess pulp would risk burning in the oven

Step 3. Crush them with a rolling pin
Now you can begin the process of removing the hard shells that enclose the seeds. Pumpkin seed shells are non-toxic, so you can ingest them without any health risk, but most people prefer to eat only the soft part inside. First, spread the seeds on a hard surface, such as a cutting board or kitchen counter.
- Try to distribute them evenly, making sure they are only slightly overlapping on top of each other.
- Take the rolling pin. Roll it gently over the seeds, applying just enough pressure to make the shells creak lightly.
- Do not use too much force at this stage, otherwise you risk damaging the soft seeds contained within the shells. Just squeeze them gently to break them on the outside.

Step 4. Boil the seeds in boiling water for about 5 minutes
Pour the water into a pot large enough to hold all the seeds, then bring it to a boil. When the water boils, add the seeds. Slowly, the shells will begin to peel off.
- Do not lose sight of the seeds being cooked and remove them from the water as soon as the shells have detached from the inside. Once separated from the seeds, the shells will float in the water or congregate at the bottom of the pot.
- Generally, about 5 minutes of cooking are sufficient, but the time can vary according to the amount of seeds you want to boil. If they are few, the seeds will be ready even in a couple of minutes, while if they are many you may have to boil them for 10 minutes to be able to detach all the shells.

Step 5. After removing the seeds from the water, let them cool
Once the shells have detached, you need to move them away from the heat. Pour the water into the sink through a strainer, then give the seeds time to dry.
- You can arrange them on a tray or countertop, covered with kitchen paper to absorb excess water.
- If there are any pieces of shell left attached to the seeds, you can remove them with your fingers as soon as they have dried. Remember to wash your hands before doing this.
Method 2 of 3: Shell the Pumpkin Seeds One at a Time

Step 1. Extract the seeds from the pumpkin and clean them
If you have purchased a fresh pumpkin, the first thing you need to do is take out the seeds inside it. Make a circular incision in the top of the pumpkin, around the stem, then remove the entire section by lifting it up. Now you can dig inside with a spoon or with your hands to extract the fibrous pulp in which the seeds are enclosed. Transfer them to a colander, then wash them under running cold water from the sink.
- Make sure you have removed almost any pulp from the seeds, especially if you intend to roast them in the oven. Otherwise, it would end up getting burned.
- Spread the seeds on a large, flat surface, then pat them with kitchen paper to dry. If they are still slightly moist, wait a while before you start peeling them.
- If you prefer to eat them cooked, you can roast the pumpkin seeds before removing them from their shells.

Step 2. Take a seed and gently flex it until it breaks
This method is not suitable for shelling a large amount of seeds for use in a recipe - it is best used to eat just a few as a healthy snack, even on the go. To start, take a single pumpkin seed in your hand then flex it slightly on itself.
- Fold it by holding one half of the seed between your thumb and forefinger. Grab the other end using the thumb and forefinger of the opposite hand.
- Fold the seed in half. Keep flexing it until the shell cracks a little. You shouldn't need a lot of strength, as pumpkin seed husks aren't very hard.

Step 3. Remove the shell
Once it has cracked, you can easily remove it using your fingers. Dig your thumb into the crack you made, then pull outward until the shell pops half open. Remove one half of the shell first and then the other.
If there are small pieces of shell left attached to the seed, you can try removing them under a stream of cold water
Method 3 of 3: Eat Pumpkin Seeds

Step 1. Eat them raw as a snack
Many people enjoy raw pumpkin seeds as a snack. They are a rather nutritious food as they are rich in fiber and a good source of magnesium, copper, selenium and zinc. If you are vegetarian or vegan, pumpkin seeds are a snack that is good for your health as it is high in protein.
- Most people can eat pumpkin seeds without any problems, especially if they have been peeled to perfection. In some cases, however, the small residues of the shell could cause a mild stomach ache.
- If you want to give pumpkin seeds to a child, it is best to shell them very carefully to avoid the risk of suffocation.

Step 2. Prepare the fried pumpkin seeds
There are several ways to enjoy these little delights that are good for your health; one of these is to fry them in olive oil. Pour a little oil into a pan, depending on the amount of seeds you want to prepare; the important thing is to completely cover the bottom.
- Let the oil heat over the flame for a few minutes, then add the seeds to the pan. Cook them until they start to pop.
- At this point, add about a tablespoon of granulated sugar. Continue frying the seeds until they start popping again. When cooked, remove them from the oil, let them cool and enjoy them as a sweet snack.

Step 3. Roast them in the oven
You can bake them in the preheated oven at 190 ° C evenly distributed on a large baking sheet.
- If you prefer to enjoy them plain, you can bake them as they are. But if you love spicy snacks, you can sprinkle them with curry, chili, or cayenne pepper powder. For a sweet taste, you can try sprinkling them with cinnamon, nutmeg, or ground cloves instead.
- Cook the pumpkin seeds in the oven for about 20 minutes or until golden brown.