Education & Communication 2024, October

3 Ways to Calculate Mass

3 Ways to Calculate Mass

In classical physics, mass identifies the amount of matter present in a given object. By matter we mean everything that can be physically touched, that is, that has a physical consistency, weight and is subject to forces present in nature. Mass is generally related to the size of an object, but this relationship is not always true.

How to Calculate the Mass of an Object: 9 Steps

How to Calculate the Mass of an Object: 9 Steps

Calculating the mass of an object is a necessary operation in many scientific experiments and mathematical problems. Without the help of a guide this calculation may seem impossible, but with the simple steps outlined below it will be as easy as memorizing pi.

3 Ways to Divide an Atom

3 Ways to Divide an Atom

Atoms can lose or gain energy as an electron moves from an outermost to an innermost orbital around the nucleus. However, dividing the nucleus of an atom releases a much greater amount of energy than that generated by the movement of the electron on a lower orbital.

How to Generate an Electromagnetic Pulse

How to Generate an Electromagnetic Pulse

An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is a natural phenomenon caused by a rapid and sudden acceleration of particles (usually electrons), which in turn creates a discharge of electromagnetic energy. The most common causes of EMPs that occur on a daily basis are:

How to Learn Physics: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Learn Physics: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

Physics is the science that studies all the "physical" aspects of the universe (mechanical, electrical, energetic and so on). It is a difficult subject to learn, but by studying with constancy and concentration you can be able to master it.

How to Calculate Barometric Pressure: 9 Steps

How to Calculate Barometric Pressure: 9 Steps

This article explains the process of "calculating" the barometric pressure for weather analyzes or forecasts. Conversions are of practical use. Perhaps it should be explained from the outset that you will not "calculate" the barometric pressure:

How to Magnetize Metal: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Magnetize Metal: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

Magnetic attraction is one of the most relevant phenomena in science and is considered by science teachers as a real "discrepant event", that is, a situation in which matter does not behave as children, from experience, expect. The phenomenon occurs when negative and positive particles in an object align specifically, generating an attraction or repulsion with neighboring particles.

How to Analyze Resistive Circuits using Ohm's Law

How to Analyze Resistive Circuits using Ohm's Law

The resistive circuits can be analyzed by reducing a network of resistors in series and parallel to an equivalent resistance, for which the current and voltage values can be obtained by means of Ohm's law; known these values, you can proceed backwards and calculate the currents and voltages at the ends of each resistance of the network.

How to Magnetize a Screwdriver: 3 Steps

How to Magnetize a Screwdriver: 3 Steps

Have you ever worked on a project in a very limited space, or with really tiny screws? Did they fall while you screwed them in and you had to look for them, or did you really lose them, one after the other? Here is the answer to your problem:

How to Calculate the Voltage at the Heads of a Resistor

How to Calculate the Voltage at the Heads of a Resistor

In order to calculate the electrical voltage present across a resistor, you must first identify the type of circuit to be studied. If you need to acquire the basic concepts related to electrical circuits, or if you simply want to refresh your school notions, start reading the article from the first section.

How to Measure Static Electricity (with Pictures)

How to Measure Static Electricity (with Pictures)

Static electricity is the product of an imbalance between positive and negative charges on the surface of an object. It can be visible, for example when you notice a spark after touching a metal door handle; however, a more complex procedure is required to physically measure it.

How to Calculate Horsepower Steam: 12 Steps

How to Calculate Horsepower Steam: 12 Steps

Horsepower is a unit of measurement of power. The term was originally coined by a Scottish engineer to compare the power of the steam engine to that of horsepower. This article tells you how to calculate the horsepower of a vehicle's engine, an electric motor, and even your body.

5 Ways to Calculate Joules

5 Ways to Calculate Joules

The joule (J) is a fundamental unit of measurement of the International System and is named after the English physicist James Edward Joule. The joule is the unit of measurement for work, energy and heat and is widely used in scientific applications.

How to Measure Electric Capacity: 8 Steps

How to Measure Electric Capacity: 8 Steps

Capacitance is a scalar physical quantity that measures the ability of an object to store an electric charge, as occurs for example for capacitors, fundamental elements of electrical and electronic circuits. The unit of measurement of capacitance or electrical capacity is the farad (F).

How to Measure Strength: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Measure Strength: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

Force is an important concept in physics and is defined as a factor that changes the speed of an object or its direction of movement or rotation. A force can accelerate objects by pulling or pushing them. The relationship between force, mass and acceleration was defined by Isaac Newton in his second law of motion, which states that the force of an object is the product of its mass and acceleration.

How to Calculate the Center of Gravity: 13 Steps

How to Calculate the Center of Gravity: 13 Steps

The center of gravity is the center of weight distribution of an object, the point where the force of gravity can be assumed to act. It is the point where the object is in perfect balance, no matter how it is turned or rotated around that point.

How to Calculate Escape Speed: 3 Steps

How to Calculate Escape Speed: 3 Steps

This article will tell you how to calculate the escape velocity needed to escape a planet's gravity. Steps Step 1. Calculate the mass and radius of the planet you are dealing with For the earth, assuming you are at sea level, the radius is 6.

How to Measure Mass: 5 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Measure Mass: 5 Steps (with Pictures)

What is the difference between mass and weight? Weight is the effect that gravity has on an object. Mass, on the other hand, is the quantity of matter of which an object is composed, regardless of the force of gravity to which it is subject.

How to Calculate Specific Heat: 6 Steps

How to Calculate Specific Heat: 6 Steps

Specific heat is the amount of energy needed to increase a gram of pure substance by one degree. The specific heat of a substance depends on its molecular structure and its phase. This scientific discovery has stimulated studies on thermodynamics, energy conversion and the work of a system.

How to Calculate Work: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Calculate Work: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

In physics, the definition of "work" is different from that used in everyday language. In particular, the term "work" is used when a physical force causes an object to move. In general, if an intense force moves an object very far from the starting position, the amount of work produced is large, while if the force is less intense or the object does not move very much, the amount of work produced is small.

3 Ways to Calculate Terminal Speed

3 Ways to Calculate Terminal Speed

Have you ever wondered why skydivers reach maximum speed the moment they fall, even though the force of gravity in a fluid causes an object to accelerate continuously? A falling object will reach a constant speed when there is a holding force, such as air resistance.

3 Ways to Measure Inductance

3 Ways to Measure Inductance

The term "inductance" can refer to "mutual induction", that is when an electric circuit generates voltage as a result of the current variation in another circuit, or to "self-induction", that is when the electric circuit generates voltage as a result of the variation of current flowing in it.

3 Ways to Calculate Weight from Mass

3 Ways to Calculate Weight from Mass

The weight of an object is the force of gravity exerted on that object. There mass of an object is the quantity of matter of which it is made. The mass does not change, no matter where the object is and regardless of the force of gravity.

How to Calculate Displacement in Different Meanings

How to Calculate Displacement in Different Meanings

In physics, displacement indicates the change in position of an object. When you calculate it, you measure how far a body is "out of place" from its starting position. The formula used to calculate the displacement depends on the data provided by the problem.

3 Ways to Calculate Resistances in Series and Parallel

3 Ways to Calculate Resistances in Series and Parallel

Do you want to learn how to calculate a resistor in series, in parallel, or a resistor network in series and in parallel? If you don't want to blow your circuit board, you better learn! This article will show you how to do it in simple steps.

How to Get Good Results in Physics: 13 Steps

How to Get Good Results in Physics: 13 Steps

To some lucky individuals, being good at physics comes naturally. For others, getting good grades in physics takes a lot of work. Fortunately, by acquiring fundamental skills and with a lot of practice, virtually anyone can be successful. Even more than to get good grades, understanding physics can open up knowledge of the mysterious forces that govern the functioning of the world.

How to Calculate Acceleration: 8 Steps

How to Calculate Acceleration: 8 Steps

Acceleration is the change in speed of a moving object. If an object is moving at a constant speed, there is no acceleration; the latter occurs only when the speed of the object varies. If the speed variation is constant, the object moves with constant acceleration.

3 Ways to Pass a Physics Exam

3 Ways to Pass a Physics Exam

To pass a physics exam you need to be careful in class and study this subject regularly, so that you understand well the fundamental concepts that you have been taught. To do this, you can use various study methods together with your peers, which will help you consolidate your knowledge.

How to Solve Any Physics Problem

How to Solve Any Physics Problem

Do you have a physics problem and don't know where to start? Here is a very simple and logical process for solving any physics problem. Steps Step 1. Stay calm It's just a problem, not the end of the world! Step 2. Read the problem carefully a first time If it is a long problem, break it down into parts to read and understand individually until you have an overall idea.

How To Understand E = mc2: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

How To Understand E = mc2: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

In one of the revolutionary scientific articles published by Albert Einstein in 1905, the formula E = mc was presented 2 , where "E" stands for energy, "m" for mass and "c" for the speed of light in vacuum. Since then E = mc 2 has become one of the most famous equations in the world.

How to Recognize the Correct Orientation of a Diode

How to Recognize the Correct Orientation of a Diode

A diode is an electronic device with two terminals that conducts electric current in one direction and blocks it in the opposite. Sometimes it can also be called a rectifier and converts alternating electricity into DC. Since the diode is essentially "

How to Calculate the Light Year: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Calculate the Light Year: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

At first glance you might believe that the light year (al) is a measure of time that takes into account the earth year. In reality it is a unit of distance measurement that uses the speed of light as a reference criterion. If you have ever told a friend that you are five minutes from their house, you have already used a time quantity to quantify a length.

How to Solve a Parallel Circuit: 10 Steps

How to Solve a Parallel Circuit: 10 Steps

When you know the basic formulas and principles, it is not difficult to solve circuits in parallel. When two or more resistors are connected directly to the power supply, the current flow can "choose" which path to follow (just like cars do when the road splits into two parallel lanes).

How To Understand Quantum Physics: 13 Steps

How To Understand Quantum Physics: 13 Steps

Quantum physics (also called quantum theory or quantum mechanics) is a branch of physics that describes the behavior and interaction between matter and energy at the scale of subatomic particles, photons and some materials at very low temperatures.

How to Calculate Kinetic Energy: 9 Steps

How to Calculate Kinetic Energy: 9 Steps

There are two forms of energy related to the motion of a body: potential energy and kinetic energy. The first is that possessed by one object in relation to the position of a second object. For example, being on top of a hill will have much more potential energy available than when you are standing on your feet.

How to Calculate Impedance: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Calculate Impedance: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

Impedance represents the force of opposition of a circuit to the passage of alternating electricity, and is measured in ohms. To calculate it, you need to know the value of all the resistors and the impedance of all the inductors and capacitors that oppose a variable resistance to the current flow based on how this changes.

3 Ways to Convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin

3 Ways to Convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin

The Fahrenheit scale is a thermodynamic temperature scale. However, some formulas and sources use the Kelvin scale, based on degrees Centigrade. Learn how to use a formula to convert measurements from Fahrenheit to Kelvin. Steps Method 1 of 3:

How to Solve a Series Circuit: 3 Steps

How to Solve a Series Circuit: 3 Steps

A series circuit is simple to make. You have a voltage generator, and a current flowing from the positive to the negative terminal, passing through the resistors. In this article we will examine the current intensity, voltage, resistance and power of a single resistor.

How to Calculate the Intensity of a Vector: 7 Steps

How to Calculate the Intensity of a Vector: 7 Steps

Vectors are elements that appear very frequently in solving problems related to physics. Vectors are defined with two parameters: intensity (or modulus or magnitude) and direction. The intensity represents the length of the vector, while the direction represents the direction in which it is oriented.

How to Write a Physics Laboratory Report

How to Write a Physics Laboratory Report

If you have just completed an experiment in physics class, you need to write the report. It might seem like a difficult job, but in reality it is a fairly simple process that allows you to explain the laboratory experience and the results you have found to the teacher and to all the people who are interested in reading the document.