3 Ways to Measure Inductance

3 Ways to Measure Inductance
3 Ways to Measure Inductance

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The term "inductance" can refer to "mutual induction", that is when an electric circuit generates voltage as a result of the current variation in another circuit, or to "self-induction", that is when the electric circuit generates voltage as a result of the variation of current flowing in it. In both cases, the inductance is given by the ratio between the voltage and the current, and the relative unit of measurement is the henry (H), defined as 1 volt per second divided by amperes. Since henry is a fairly large unit of measurement, inductance is generally expressed in millihenry (mH), one thousandth of a henry, or in microhenry (uH), one millionth of henry. Several methods for measuring the inductance of an inductor coil are illustrated below.


Method 1 of 3: Measure the Inductance from a Voltage-Current Ratio

Measure Inductance Step 1
Measure Inductance Step 1

Step 1. Connect the inductor coil to a waveform generator

Keep the wave cycle below 50%.

Measure Inductance Step 2
Measure Inductance Step 2

Step 2. Organize the power detectors

You will need to connect a current sense resistor, or a current sensor, into the circuit. Both solutions will need to be connected to an oscilloscope.

Measure Inductance Step 3
Measure Inductance Step 3

Step 3. Detect current peaks and the time interval between each voltage pulse

The current peaks will be expressed in amperes, while the time intervals between the pulses in microseconds.

Measure Inductance Step 4
Measure Inductance Step 4

Step 4. Multiply the voltage delivered to each pulse by the pulse duration

For example, in the case of a voltage of 50 volts delivered every 5 microseconds, it would be 50 times 5, or 250 volts * microseconds.

Measure Inductance Step 5
Measure Inductance Step 5

Step 5. Divide the product between voltage and pulse duration by the peak current

Continuing with the previous example, in the case of a current peak of 5 amperes, we would have 250 volts * microseconds divided by 5 amperes, or an inductance of 50 microhenry.

Although the mathematical formulas are simple, the preparation of this test method is more complex than the other methods

Method 2 of 3: Measure the Inductance Using a Resistor

Measure Inductance Step 6
Measure Inductance Step 6

Step 1. Connect the inductor coil in series with a resistor whose resistance value is known

The resistor should have an accuracy of 1% or less. The series connection forces the current to cross the resistor, as well as the inductor to be tested; the resistor and the inductor must therefore have a common terminal.

Measure Inductance Step 7
Measure Inductance Step 7

Step 2. Apply a sinusoidal voltage to the circuit, at a fixed peak voltage

This is achieved through a waveform generator, which simulates the currents that the inductor and resistor would receive in the real case.

Measure Inductance Step 8
Measure Inductance Step 8

Step 3. Check both the input voltage and the voltage on the common terminal between the inductor and resistor

Adjust the frequency of the sinusoid until obtaining, at the connection point between the inductor and the resistor, a maximum voltage value equal to half the input voltage.

Measure Inductance Step 9
Measure Inductance Step 9

Step 4. Find the frequency of the current

This is measured in kiloHertz.

Measure Inductance Step 10
Measure Inductance Step 10

Step 5. Calculate the inductance

Unlike the calculation of the inductance from the current-voltage ratio, setting up the test in this case is very simple, but the necessary mathematical calculation is much more complex. Proceed as follows:

  • Multiply the resistance of the resistor by the square root of 3. Assuming you have a 100 ohm resistance, and multiplying this by 1.73 (which is the square root of 3 rounded to the second decimal place), you get 173.
  • Divide this result by the product of 2 times pi and the frequency. Considering a frequency of 20 kiloHertz, we get 125, 6 (2 * π * 20); dividing 173 by 125.6 and rounding to the second decimal place yields 1.38 millihenry.
  • mH = (R x 1.73) / (6.28 x (Hz / 1000))
  • Example: considering R = 100 and Hz = 20,000
  • mH = (100 X 1.73) / (6, 28 x (20.000 / 1000)
  • mH = 173 / (6, 28 x 20)
  • mH = 173/125, 6
  • mH = 1.38

Method 3 of 3: Measure the Inductance using a Capacitor and a Resistor

Measure Inductance Step 11
Measure Inductance Step 11

Step 1. Connect the inductor coil in parallel to a capacitor whose capacitance value is known

By connecting a capacitor in parallel with an inductor coil, a reservoir circuit is obtained. Use a capacitor with a tolerance of 10% or less.

Measure Inductance Step 12
Measure Inductance Step 12

Step 2. Connect the tank circuit in series with a resistor

Measure Inductance Step 13
Measure Inductance Step 13

Step 3. Apply a sinusoidal voltage to the circuit, with a fixed maximum peak

As before, this is achieved through the waveform generator.

Measure Inductance Step 14
Measure Inductance Step 14

Step 4. Place the oscilloscope probes on the circuit terminals

Once this is done, switch from low frequency values to high ones.

Measure Inductance Step 15
Measure Inductance Step 15

Step 5. Find the resonance point

This is the highest value recorded by the oscilloscope.

Measure Inductance Step 16
Measure Inductance Step 16

Step 6. Divide 1 by the product between the square of the energy and the capacity

Considering an output energy of 2 joules and a capacity of 1 farad, we would obtain: 1 divided by 2 squared multiplied by 1 (which gives 4); that is, an inductance of 0, 25 henry, or 250 millihenry would be obtained.


  • In the case of inductors connected in series, the total inductance is given by the sum of the values of the single inductances. In the case of inductances in parallel, however, the total inductance is given by the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of the values of the individual inductors.
  • Inductors can be built underneath as a cylindrical, toroidal core, or thin film coil. The more the windings of an inductor, or the larger its section, the greater the inductance. Longer inductors have a lower inductance than shorter ones.
