How to Receive in Volleyball: 5 Steps

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How to Receive in Volleyball: 5 Steps
How to Receive in Volleyball: 5 Steps

Do you want to learn how to receive a volleyball? Reception is one of the fundamentals of volleyball, and often the first shot of the three allowed to the team. Would you like to know more? Keep reading.


Dig a Volleyball Step 1
Dig a Volleyball Step 1

Step 1. You can hold your hands in many ways

The first is to place them on top of each other with the palms facing up. Then curl your fingers as if you were holding water. Bring your thumbs together over your hands.

Dig a Volleyball Step 2
Dig a Volleyball Step 2

Step 2. The second way is to make a fist of the left hand, with the knuckles to the right

Leave the thumb out of the fist above the hand. Put your right hand around your fist, with your left knuckles. The thumb of the right hand should be next to the left thumb on top of the hands. In both positions, you will need to keep your arms at shoulder height, parallel to the ground. Doing so is easier if you shrug your shoulders. In addition, all the joints of the arms will be ready for impact.

Dig a Volleyball Step 3
Dig a Volleyball Step 3

Step 3. When you have found the best hand position for you, get into the right position to receive

Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees. You will have to assume the position of a runner, with one leg in front of the other, lowering yourself as far as possible. When the ball comes towards you, hit it with your arms between the elbow and the wrist, in the part closest to the elbow.

Dig a Volleyball Step 4
Dig a Volleyball Step 4

Step 4. Look in the direction of your target

When receiving, you must face the opponent you want to pass the ball to - usually the setter. By looking at your target, you will ensure that your reception will not end up at an unwanted person or position. Also, be sure to get up on your legs. Up to this point they had to be folded. When receiving, straighten your knees keeping your arms still and parallel.

Dig a Volleyball Step 5
Dig a Volleyball Step 5

Step 5. Crush

To receive dunks, the best way not to get the ball away from your teammates is to spread your feet as wide as possible, get down as much as possible and bounce the ball off your arms, trying to cushion the force of the blow. It will take you some time to figure out how to do it, but keep practicing!


  • Bend your knees! Your reception will have more power.
  • NEVER MOVE YOUR ARMS, for any reason. Never. Moving your arms upon receiving is the best way to get it wrong.
  • Always watch the ball!
  • Shout "mine" before hitting the ball. This way you won't collide with your teammates.
  • Look who is about to hit the ball. If it approaches it at an angle, it will likely hit a diagonal. He may always decide to draw a parallel, so stay ready to move.
  • Have fun and do your best!
  • Don't jump when you get the ball, or you won't be able to control it.


  • Always observe the position of the ball, to avoid being accidentally hit.
  • Keep your knees bent and your arms ready.
  • Always try to cover the field in the best possible way, so as not to leave holes that can be exploited by your opponents.
