Ligaments are important fibrous tissues that connect bones together. By empowering them you improve overall body strength, providing the skeleton and muscle groups with a solid foundation to work on. Fortunately, there are several exercises and dietary tricks that help you achieve this and improve overall health.
Method 1 of 3: Strengthen the Ligaments without Weights

Step 1. Do exercises on a proprioceptive tablet
It is a tool consisting of a round tablet with an inflatable rubber hemisphere on the base and is widely used to strengthen the tendons of the ankles and feet. It is available in sports equipment stores. Use the techniques described below to perform this exercise:
- Start sitting down. If you try to use the tablet before you get used to it, you could get hurt.
- Place the tool between your feet.
- Place one foot on each side and gradually increase the pressure you apply. The tablet will, in all likelihood, begin to sway. Strive to keep it parallel to the ground as you continue to push with your feet.
- Once you get used to the movement of the seated tablet, try to stand up and keep your balance. At first, lean against a wall before attempting unsupported exercises.
- Try to keep your balance as long as possible, but remember to get off the tool quickly if you realize you are about to fall; otherwise, you could get injured.

Step 2. Try doing balance exercises without using a balance board
If you don't have this tool, you can start by simply standing on one leg for as long as you can. Once you are able to balance easily, start closing your eyes as well while standing on one leg.
- Make sure you have something nearby that you can hold onto in case you lose your balance;
- Once you have learned to balance on one leg with your eyes closed, you can try performing the same exercise on a firm pillow, with your eyes closed or open. The pillow will increase the difficulty of this type of exercise.

Step 3. Do lunges
This type of exercise strengthens the ligaments in the legs and lower back. It is also great for muscle strength and endurance, so remember to include it in your training routine.
- Keep your torso straight, step forward with one foot so that both knees are bent at 90 degrees. Make sure the front knee is directly above the ankle; if it goes past your fingertips you could hurt your knee.
- Bring your back foot forward and repeat the exercise alternating legs.
- Once you get used to this exercise, you can make it more difficult by holding weights in each hand. Another way to increase the difficulty of this exercise is to do it with your eyes closed. This increases the difficulty of balancing.
- There are many other ways to do lunges. Read this article for more details.

Step 4. Try doing the bridge exercise
In this case, you need to lie on your back and lift your pelvis off the ground. This makes the ligaments and muscles of the back and upper legs more resistant. It is an exercise that also helps to stretch the back. Read this tutorial to know the right technique for this exercise. Below is a brief basic description:
- Lie on your back with your arms extended at your sides.
- Lift your hips as high as you can and hold the position for a few seconds before returning to the ground in a controlled motion.
- Start with three sets of eight reps and then gradually increase the number of reps as you get stronger.

Step 5. Use resistance bands
They are strips or bands of rubber that stimulate muscle contraction without using weights. You can buy them in sporting goods stores and you can use them basically anywhere. Thanks to the resistance bands you can train practically the whole body. There are a number of exercises you can engage in.
- Put the band under your foot and grab each end with your hands. Then pull it as if you want to do bicep curls.
- Wrap the band around a pole that is behind you and then grab the ends with each hand. Place your feet firmly on the ground and push your arms forward as far as you can.
- You can do a search online for other good suggestions.
Method 2 of 3: Strengthen the Ligaments with Weights

Step 1. Perform deadlifts
This kind of exercise is perfect for the whole body. The movement strengthens the muscles, tendons and ligaments of the major muscle groups. Incorporate it into your workout routine to make your whole body ligaments stronger.
- Stand in front of a barbell, taking care to spread your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Lean forward and grab the barbell with your hands as wide as your shoulders. Don't bend your knees for now.
- Bend your knees so that your shins touch the bar.
- Straighten your back; if part of your spine is curved, you run the risk of getting hurt.
- Inhale and lift up to a standing position; remain like this for a few seconds before returning the bar to the ground.
- Read this article for more details on the technique of execution.

Step 2. Do barbell squats
Just like deadlifts, this exercise also applies constant pressure to the ligaments. Specifically, it strengthens the back and legs.
- Insert the barbell into the barbell rack at shoulder height.
- Stand under it and rest the bar under the nape of your neck as you grab it on both sides.
- Lift the bar off the rack and step back to get away from it. Maintain an upright position with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Squat down until your knees form a 90 degree angle. Throughout the exercise, keep your back and neck straight.
- When squatting, start with a small sweeping movement. For the first few times, lower yourself only a few centimeters and then gradually increase the level as the ligaments are able to handle it.
- Read the valuable tips of "How to Squat" to learn the correct technique. Remember that this exercise must be done in the right way, otherwise you could be seriously injured.

Step 3. Do the bench press
This workout focuses on the triceps and pecs. Smooth and constant movement strengthens the ligaments in this area.
- Just like in the case of squats, start with a not too wide movement.
- Lie on your back on the bench so that your eyes are under the bar.
- Grab it and lift it off the rack.
- Lower the barbell towards the middle portion of the chest and then push it up again.
- Read this article to find other good advice.
Method 3 of 3: Strengthen the Ligaments with Nutrition

Step 1. Eat lots of foods rich in vitamin C
This nutrient not only strengthens the immune system and keeps you healthy, but it is also related to the production of collagen, which in turn makes up the ligaments and tendons. A good supply of vitamin C helps keep them strong, resistant to tearing and other injuries.
Among the various foods rich in vitamin C are mentioned sweet peppers, oranges, green leafy vegetables and berries

Step 2. Supplement your diet with vitamin E
This helps fight inflammation and is therefore very important for ligament health. Remember to incorporate it into your diet, especially after training, to allow for ligament recovery.
You can find vitamin E in olive oil, nuts, eggs, fatty fish such as salmon and sardines, and finally in wheat germ

Step 3. Get enough vitamin D
This helps the body build cartilage and is involved in the calcium absorption process. It is an important element for overall bone and ligament health.
Good sources of vitamin D are salmon, shellfish, milk, and fortified cereals

Step 4. Get enough protein
Protein makes up the bulk of your ligaments, so it's important to make sure you eat good quality and enough protein every day.
- White meats, such as chicken and turkey, without skin
- Fish, such as tilapia, cod, and shrimp
- Light yogurt
- Beans or red lentils
- Soy, such as tofu and tempeh

Step 5. Add more zinc to your diet
Zinc is responsible for keeping the immune system healthy, as well as helping with protein synthesis and tissue formation. If you have ligament injuries, your body will also need more zinc. You can get more zinc by eating:
- Beef
- Lobster
- Pork chops
- Baked beans
- Chicken
- Cashew nuts
- Chickpeas