Do you dream of scoring a goal in a football match but feel your shot is too weak? Most likely the technique of kicking the ball needs to be fixed. Simple mechanical tricks will help you generate long, strong and accurate kicks, allowing you to take a nice shot or pass to your teammate on the other side of the pitch. To hit the ball hard, shorten your stride, hit the center of the ball with the front of your foot and accompany it throughout the movement.
Part 1 of 3: Approaching the Ball

Step 1. Adjust the ball to kick it with your dominant foot
When you hit a stationary ball, for example by taking a free kick, position yourself so that you are ready to kick with your strongest foot. Otherwise, during a dribble, push the ball forward towards the foot you will use to kick.
- Position yourself with the ball so that you have the right angle to kick. For example, when kicking with your right foot, move your body to the left; as you run, push the ball forward so that it is in front of your right big toe.
- Hitting lightly on the side will allow you to fully impact the ball, generating less swing in the trajectory than hitting it perfectly in the center.

Step 2. Take baby steps
As you approach the ball to kick, shorten your stride. Execution is simpler when the ball is stationary; you can see it when professional footballers take free kicks. While running, quickly shorten your stride just before kicking for more power and control.

Step 3. Place the other foot near the ball
Keep running until you reach the ball. The foot you are not using to kick must be next to the ball, not behind it. This allows you to bring your body over it. If you stay behind, you will tend to lift her up and miss or hit her with your toe.

Step 4. Point your inactive foot in the direction you want the ball to go
When you position the foot that you will not be using to kick, point it in the direction you want the ball to go. Pointing it in the wrong direction will cause you to off balance during the kick, preventing you from using all your strength, and could send the ball in the wrong direction.
Pointing your foot towards the ball will cause it to get in the way. If it is too far from the side of the ball, you will lose control

Step 5. Watch the ball
Just before kicking, take a look at the ball. Focus on kicking with proper technique and not on generating force or looking at where you want to hit the ball. This will help keep your body above the balloon and prevent you from lifting it.
Part 2 of 3: Kick the Ball

Step 1. Relax your body
Many people focus too much on potency. When you do, you force the shot, losing control of the ball and generating less power from a poor kick. Instead, relax the muscles so that the shoulders are straight and the only tension is on the ankle.
Sometimes players shake off the tension before taking a free-kick or penalty

Step 2. Bring your leg back
Bend your other leg slightly as you bring the one you are preparing to kick back. Don't go too far back or you won't be able to throw your leg forward to kick the ball accurately.
The wider swings are ideal for long distance kicks

Step 3. Orient your toe towards the ground
When you bring your leg back, tilt the toe down. This movement stiffens the ankle.

Step 4. Bring your leg forward
Charge the movement by keeping your foot down. Just before hitting the ball, straighten your foot to release the strength built up in your leg.

Step 5. Impact the ball with the knuckle of your big toe
Coaches say to kick the ball with shoelaces. Technically, the stock starts below them. The knuckle is where the big toe connects with the rest of the foot. This large bone creates force when the area just above it hits the ball. Watch the ball as your foot makes contact with it.
- Never kick with the toe. Not only does it generate less power and control, but you could get hurt.
- To maximize power, hit the ball halfway up the ground. Hit it more from the side for more effect.
Part 3 of 3: Complete the Shot

Step 1. Complete the shot
Don't stop when your foot hits the ball. Touch the ball with the rest of your foot as it comes off the ground. This ensures that all the momentum from the leg is discharged on the ball. The foot will lift at the end of the momentum.

Step 2. Load weight on the kicking foot
Lower your foot and plant it firmly on the ground before trying to move. This way the momentum of your kick is maximized and you can stabilize yourself as you try to move.

Step 3. Follow the shot
If possible, run after the ball you kicked. Putting pressure on your opponent could cause him to deflect or lose the ball, allowing you to catch it and possibly score.
- Relax your body before kicking.
- It takes time to develop proper soccer technique, so don't be discouraged. Keep training.
- Get a good soccer ball that isn't too hard, but not too soft. The official FIFA ones are the best, but they cost between € 90 and € 100.