Basically, a relationship is like a pastry: the more you taste it, the more you will feel its sweetness. This is especially true for long-distance relationships, which require patience, communication, endurance, commitment and above all trust. When you don't get the chance to see your partner every day or even just once a week, it's important to be aware of your love and the strength of the relationship in order for both of you to be happy and healthy.
Part 1 of 3: Building Trust
Step 1. Get to know your partner well
You need to be sure you know what she is like and the love you have for her if you want to build a relationship that you both can believe in. Learn to understand her, to interpret what she says and to understand her emotions. You should be able to understand if something is bothering her and know what makes her feel best.
Ask each other questions. Find out about her preferences and what she hates, what she wants to do next year or five years from now, where she was born, who her friends are; everything can give you ideas to tell about past experiences and start a conversation. Turn it into a game by keeping track of how many questions you ask, and try to get to 1000 to start with.
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Play games to get to know yourself better. To play Two Truths and One Lie, tell two true and one false things about yourself and ask her to guess what the lie is. Otherwise, come up with a quiz about yourself and send it to him. Ask her to do the same thing and compete to see who gives the most correct answers.
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Use multiple means of communication. Talking on the phone is ideal for certain types of conversation. Emails encourage deeper discussions about more serious topics, while texting is good for a quick, carefree chat. Use more than one method to communicate and understand each other as much as possible.
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Step 2. Take the relationship seriously
Discuss different topics, such as what you are looking for in the report and what you expect to happen. Make an effort to cultivate trust and communication, two indispensable factors for sustaining a long-distance relationship. Try to understand the difficulties you are going to face and talk to your partner about it, but ultimately, you both have to dedicate yourself to the relationship to make it work, without hesitation.

Step 3. Be trustworthy
Encourage your partner to trust you by always showing that you are worthy. Keep your promises, even the smallest ones, like calling her at a certain time or responding to a text. If you find that you cannot keep a promise, you will need to have a good reason to explain it and ask her to forgive you, without demanding it.
Part 2 of 3: Cultivating Trust

Step 1. Talk to your partner often
It's hard to believe in this relationship if you never feel like it, and it's hard to nurture a relationship when you have no idea what the other person is doing. Make sure you call her often, so that you participate in her life, and that she can feel your presence in hers. Regular communication is key to sustaining any relationship, but it is especially important for long-distance relationships.

Step 2. Be open with your partner
Honest and direct communication is at least as essential as hearing from you often. If something is bothering you, she should be the first to know. If she feels sad or tired, she should have no problem telling you about it. By cultivating a sincere relationship, she will learn to trust what you say and will feel more and more comfortable with you. You need to be completely honest with your partner and trust her presence.

Step 3. Get to know your partner's friends and family
This will allow you to better understand his daily life; Also, being sociable with your loved ones can help both of you feel involved in the relationship. His friends will appreciate the chance to talk to the person he devotes so much time and energy to. Feeling more involved in your own lives will help you develop greater trust in the relationship.

Step 4. Give it space
Although you want to spend every single moment of the day talking to her, you recognize that she needs time and space to lead her life. Don't put pressure on her to devote most of her days and energy to you, because she will surely be busy. Remember that she will talk to you as soon as she can, give her the opportunity to maintain some autonomy in the relationship.
Finding the right balance between personal space and constant communication will perhaps be the hardest part of a long-term relationship, and that balance varies for each individual couple. Test and talk regularly to find out what's working and what's not right. Work together to find good stability and be happy for both of you

Step 5. Call her regularly
Discuss what you think about the progress of the relationship. Your goal is to feel happy, comfortable and secure in the relationship. If you can improve it, talk about it to succeed. Do either of you feel dissatisfied for some reason? Bring up the problem and work together to find a solution that fits both of you. Renew your commitment to the relationship day after day, taking into account any changes you intend to make.
Hear from each other regularly can help you go a long way to change the relationship or to end it by understanding the reasons and without suffering unnecessarily. Make a commitment to implement what you propose. It sounds boring, pessimistic, and downright silly, but long-distance relationships take a lot of work and this is a good way to make sure it works for both of you

Step 6. Believe in your partner's good faith
It may be that she does or says something that will confuse you or alarm you. He may not call you back or make an obnoxious or offensive comment while you speak. Don't jump to conclusions when this happens, blaming his intentions and assuming he is hiding something from you or is deliberately trying to argue. By doing this, you will insult her and damage the relationship. Instead, assume that there is a perfectly valid and reasonable explanation for whatever he did, and ask for clarification as soon as you can speak. Assume that his intentions are always good, so you will nurture trust and cultivate positive feelings; this is crucial for maintaining a long-distance relationship.
Part 3 of 3: Avoiding the Most Common Traps

Step 1. Never accuse your partner of infidelity
This step cannot be stressed enough. A long-distance relationship is based on mutual trust, more than any other relationship. Accusing your girlfriend of cheating on you or even just wanting to do it destroys that trust for both sides of the couple. Never assume your partner has been unfaithful and never argue about it. If both of you are sincere and committed to nurturing your relationship, he will confess any betrayals to you, and you can handle them in a mature and positive way. Accusing her, the suspicion will creep into the relationship, damaging her permanently and irreparably.

Step 2. Deal calmly and rationally with disagreements
As with any relationship, it is inevitable that at some point you will get annoyed or angry at each other. When this happens, calmly handle the conflict. Discuss the disagreements. Make an effort to put yourself in her shoes and tell her how you feel. Work in harmony to come up with a solution, and make sure you are both happy with it. The disagreements must be considered as an opportunity to make the relationship mature, not as a threat capable of tearing it apart.

Step 3. Think about the sacrifice you both make
Understand that this relationship is difficult for both of you and requires a lot of work and effort; there are many other things you could do with all this time and energy. If this relationship is worth investing in, you should be happy to do so. Don't let the relationship consume your life though. You need time to devote yourself to work, school, family, and your social life as well as relationships. If you feel like you can't find time for your friends and other activities, maybe it's time to talk to your partner to review the relationship.
Step 4. Expand your conversations so they don't get boring
If you only talk about what you did that day, you are doomed to get bored pretty quickly, and that can quickly wear down the relationship. Enrich the dialogues by asking questions, teaching each other what you learn, discussing books and movies you enjoyed, or playing a video game together.
Arrange virtual appointments. Watch a movie together online, play an MMORPG or another video game on the internet, or eat the same dish while chatting on the phone. This can simulate the experience of a real date, and will help you find new conversation points.
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Take an internet course together. This will stimulate your conversations and allow you to intellectually challenge each other, which can enrich the relationship.
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Go back to the early days of the relationship, to the time when you were still getting to know each other. Ask her the same questions as back then and try to learn something new about her. There will always be information that you will ignore, and this tactic can be ideal for renewing your interest in the relationship.
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Step 5. Plan a new visit
While not being able to see each other often, always define a place and a date to meet. This will allow you to have something beautiful on the horizon. It can guide the relationship and help you move forward together, without necessarily involving long-term plans. Try to make the most of your meetings, even if they are rare, and always think about the future.