The happiest and most fulfilling relationships are built on a very solid foundation, made up of unconditional trust. If you want your romantic relationship to reach its maximum potential, both you and your partner need to learn how to create such trust. Most couples believe that trust is all about sexual fidelity, but while it is an important element, there is a lot more to work on.
Part 1 of 3: Establish and Respect Mutual Couple Values

Step 1. Be faithful
If a member of the couple is not faithful, the relationship quickly becomes impossible to carry on. Sometimes people are able to overcome a betrayal, but they often need professional help to do so. Promise to be faithful and stick to your commitment. If your relationship is not making you happy, seek help from a qualified therapist rather than seeking solace in an escapade.
Being faithful to a person means being faithful on all levels. This implies both physical and emotional fidelity. Some believe that establishing an intimate bond with someone else, simply spending time together, is not harmful to the couple, but it is not. over time your relationship would surely suffer

Step 2. Give your partner space and encourage mutual respect
Trust develops only in healthy and safe environments. Hurting each other verbally or physically, or rejecting your partner, only triggers unnecessary fears that can jeopardize trust. Attempting to control your partner's every move shows a noticeable lack of confidence, so try not to cling to their presence in a possessive way. Obsessive behavior will only push the other person away.
If your partner wants to spend time with friends, try to agree. In this regard, it is still legitimate to talk about which behaviors are acceptable and which are not. For example, if one member of the couple wants to go clubbing with friends but the other has concerns about it, it will be essential to talk about them to prevent any future problems or bad moods

Step 3. Sincerely love your partner as they are
You both need to know that you are loved for who you are and not for other reasons, such as money, family, looks, or even a fear of being alone. Make sure your relationship is based on meaningful reasons.

Step 4. Make your relationship top of your priorities
It's easy to take the other person's presence for granted and overlook it. Try not to exhaust all of your energy by interacting with third parties or engaging in daily activities. Know what's important to you. If living a happy relationship is one of your main life goals, then make sure your partner always stays high on your priority list.

Step 5. Don't shy away from the first difficulties
Misunderstandings, quarrels and arguments can happen. Make sure that a normal disagreement or outburst does not force the partner to fear being abandoned. So make a point of never threatening the other person to leave.
Part 2 of 3: Demonstrate Confidence

Step 1. Maintain your own routine
Many people believe that having numerous entertainment and things to do allows them to have a fabulous relationship; in practice, they try to continually plan something new to surprise each other. While it's nice to be amazed from time to time, stability and repetitiveness are two much more important aspects of a relationship. A monotonous life as a couple might sound boring, but for things to work out in the long run, you need to be predictable. Trust is based on predictability.

Step 2. Prove yourself trustworthy
Trust is synonymous with knowing that you can count on someone. You are certain that your partner has certain behaviors, regardless of the circumstances. Such trust gives rise to a feeling of security. Make sure your partner can always count on you.
If you said you will be home by 5, try to be on time and remember to warn in case you just can't help but be late. Consistency is one of the key factors of trust. If 4 times out of 5 you arrive late without even bothering to communicate it, it will show that you consider your needs far more important than those of your partner. For a relationship to be defined as happy and fulfilling, both parties must strive to keep their commitments

Step 3. Say what you think
More than anyone else, your partner can read your facial expressions. When you lie, you try to hide your real feelings or avoid saying what's really on your mind, but the other person is able to notice and in some cases may even feel betrayed. Knowing that you can blindly trust the words of others and that every thought is expressed without fear, and allows you to build a strong and valuable bond.

Step 4. Be honest
Don't keep anything hidden, you don't have to have any secrets from your partner. As you may already know, sooner or later, the truth always comes to light and the consequences of not being completely honest will destroy trust and ruin your relationship.

Step 5. Express your feelings unreservedly
Too many people hide their real needs from their partner. Don't expect the other person to guess how you feel or what you would like them to do for you. It is essential that both of you respect this rule. The fact that only one of the two sees their needs perpetually satisfied could make him feel too harassed, while the other will suffer from excessive neglect. Neither scenario is desirable.

Step 6. Learn to say no when necessary
Paying attention to your partner's needs and trying to meet them is certainly correct, but sometimes it's important to know how to say no. It is not possible to do everything all the time and some occasional refusal will only increase the respect towards you. In the long run, taking a stand and imposing yourself when the need arises will help build mutual trust.
Part 3 of 3: Have More Trust in Your Partner

Step 1. Believe in your partner's abilities
To believe that he cannot succeed in something is to jeopardize your trust in him. In such a situation, the best thing to do is to talk about it honestly and lovingly. Together you can find a constructive solution and keep your mutual trust solid.

Step 2. Trust your partner
How do you think he can trust you if you in turn show that you don't trust him? Successful relationships are based on reciprocity and cannot exist without a mutual exchange of trust.
To achieve your goal you will have to learn to put aside your vulnerability. Often the presence of trust is linked to our inner feelings. If you tend to be very insecure, you can jeopardize the strength of your relationship. Remember that until the facts prove it is wrong, your job is to have full confidence in the person you love

Step 3. Give the benefit of the doubt
The tendency to expect the worst to always happen in any situation is a clear indicator of a lack of trust. Just because he didn't call you doesn't mean he's cheating on you. Trusting a person means always being willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Each person deserves the opportunity to explain himself before the other draws his own conclusions, which would otherwise not be objective.

Step 4. Don't touch his phone
Have either of you or both of you set a login password on your phone? If so, you may have trouble trusting each other. While privacy is important, your cell phone shouldn't be as impregnable as a bank vault. When trust is real, both members of the couple respect each other's privacy while having free access to their respective information. To believe that the person who is calling your partner may be a threat to your relationship means that you are faced with a serious trust issue that needs to be addressed.

Step 5. Leave it free
Often, when trust is lacking, one feels the need to monitor every step that the person takes and to always know who he is with. We tend to be possessive and to feel threatened by anyone. Trust, however, is based on fully relying on the other, allowing him to act freely. Having faith in someone also implies having faith in ourselves, and allows us to nurture healthy and lasting relationships.