Here is an easy and fun way to spend an afternoon. All you need is your dog, your fingers and a few little treats.

Step 1. First
Let your dog play a bit and let him discharge some energy before starting training. 5-10 minutes will be fine, depending on how long you usually run. Then, give your dog some time to relax and calm down. This is to ensure that he does not get distracted during training.

Step 2. Have your dog sit in a comfortable area such as a flat lawn
Look for an area where there aren't many distractions, such as other dogs or people playing. Start with a few simple commands, like SITTING or LYING DOWN, to get him to warm up.

Step 3. Now start with the training
Say BANG while you point your hand to him / her as if it were a gun. Have him / her sit (you can use normal verbal commands at this stage), lie down and then, if she usually does, roll over to the other side.

Step 4. Reward him / her with a little treat
In the early days, you can give him / her more than one reward each time he executes the command to make sure he understands what you are asking.

Step 5. Repeat the previous two steps until you learn the movements
It is better for him to learn these movements separately before you ask him to remember them and do them on his own.

Step 6. Now limit the other commands (sit, lie down, turn around) and repeat BANG with your hand to form a gun

Step 7. If your dog tries to roll over all the time, stop him in the middle with his paws facing up and gently place your hand on his stomach
This helps him understand that you don't want him to roll all the time.

Step 8. Keep trying and don't give up
He may learn fast or slower, it depends on your dog. Don't be discouraged if he doesn't understand right away. He's doing his best, just for you.
- Don't yell at your dog. The only result you will get is to make him angry with you. Also, he will associate your bad behavior towards him with what you are teaching him and it will no longer be fun for him.
- Make sure your dog has fun. If you find that he is distracted, upset or frustrated, take a short break or postpone training until the next day.
- Often, the best way to reward him is to compliment him.
- Stay calm with your dog. People don't like being screamed at or being slapped, why should dogs like them? Be patient.
- For best results, keep your dog's attention focused on you all the time. This could mean limiting the learning sessions to a few minutes and interspersing them with play sessions. This method works very well with my dog.
- While your dog is following commands do not hold his treat in your hand so he can see it. Show him first, so that he knows what you have in store for him, also because dogs are often distracted by smells and forget what they are doing. Another helpful tip is to be careful not to hurt your dog while rolling him.
- The best way to let your dog know that he is doing the command incorrectly is to deny him the reward. If he makes a mistake, remember to help him and show him how to execute the command correctly.
- Don't show yourself whipped or bored. He's just a dog after all. Remember that he is probably doing a lot better than you would if you couldn't speak or didn't know the language.
- Your dog does not distinguish the size of the rewards. Cut them in half or even in quarters.
- If you take it out on him, he will think that you are angry because he is doing something bad in front of you. Don't scream, talk to him calmly and have a lot of patience.
- If you don't want to spend the money on bounties, compliments will work just as well.
- Don't scold your dog for not learning fast enough. It will soon.
- NEVER give your dog foods that contain chocolate or onions. They are both poisonous to the dog and can be lethal.
- Don't give him too much food. While it's fun to throw treats and cookies at him when he executes commands correctly, he may feel sick. Not worth it. They will also really like your compliments.