3 Ways to Treat Chapped Lips

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3 Ways to Treat Chapped Lips
3 Ways to Treat Chapped Lips

Lips crack for several reasons. It is rarely a serious health problem, but it is undoubtedly painful and a source of irritation. If you have chapped lips, you can try several over-the-counter and DIY treatments to find relief.


Method 1 of 3: Potentially Effective Treatments

Heal Peeling Lips Step 1
Heal Peeling Lips Step 1

Step 1. Apply beeswax

It is a safe and effective product to moisturize the lips and prevent them from drying out further. In general, lip balms do not guarantee the same effectiveness, despite being formulated with various ingredients.

Heal Peeling Lips Step 6
Heal Peeling Lips Step 6

Step 2. Choose a lip balm with extreme caution

Maybe you think any product is fine, after all they are all formulated to fight the same type of problem. Unfortunately, however, products containing menthol, camphor or peppermint are particularly aggressive for sore lips. Consequently, take a look at the ingredients list and avoid using products that include them.

Many dermatologists recommend petroleum jelly, others disagree, as they claim it can be harmful

Heal Peeling Lips Step 7
Heal Peeling Lips Step 7

Step 3. Try a lip moisturizer

Contrary to balms, which prevent dehydration, these products aim to directly rehydrate the lips. Some dermatologists recommend moisturizers containing vitamins A, B and E, or dimethicone. It is best to use them immediately after a shower, as water, shampoo and soap can dry out damaged lips even more.

Heal Peeling Lips Step 8
Heal Peeling Lips Step 8

Step 4. Get a natural treatment

All-natural lip balms and moisturizers can be effective, but many argue these theories are unfounded. In general, waxes and fats, including beeswax, shea butter, coconut oil, cocoa butter and vegetable oils, help protect the water content of the lips. However, it is possible that essential oils and fragrances have an irritating effect rather than a soothing one, so you risk making the situation worse.

Heal Peeling Lips Step 9
Heal Peeling Lips Step 9

Step 5. Make a homemade lip balm

If you're not planning on buying commercial products, you can use ingredients you already have in the kitchen to find some relief. Just remember that most of these recipes have not been subjected to professional scrutiny. It is preferable to use simple ingredients and avoid essential oils, or dilute them so that they do not have a concentration higher than 2%.

If you want to try a simple recipe, make a cup of beeswax flakes, three tablespoons of coconut oil, and a teaspoon of vitamin E oil. Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and bring them to a boil. Remove them from the heat, then let the mixture dry and solidify overnight

Heal Peeling Lips Step 10
Heal Peeling Lips Step 10

Step 6. Gentle exfoliation can be effective, but overdoing it can damage the lips

Apply an olive oil, honey, and sugar mixture. Leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse. It should moisturize and soften the lips, but if they become even more irritated, stop the treatment.

Heal Peeling Lips Step 11
Heal Peeling Lips Step 11

Step 7. Try flaxseed oil

According to some websites, it helps heal chapped lips by replenishing essential fatty acids. It should be tried to see if it is effective, but remember that flax seeds can cause an allergic reaction or have serious side effects in the presence of certain conditions. If you decide to use this oil, apply a small amount directly to the lips.

  • Flaxseed oil can be used for dressings, sauces and dips. You can also pour a drop on foods like flaky cheese, baked potatoes, and popcorn.
  • Be careful. Flaxseed oil doesn't last long, so be sure to use it within three months of purchasing it.

Method 2 of 3: Avoid Certain Habits

Heal Peeling Lips Step 2
Heal Peeling Lips Step 2

Step 1. Don't bite your lip

Sometimes the lips become chapped due to bad habits. They often nibble subconsciously in case of anxiety, boredom, or stress. If you notice your lips are cracking or cracking, try to figure out if you bit them. If so, take appropriate steps to quit.

  • Understand what makes you bite your lip. Do you do this when you feel anxious or in certain social circumstances, such as when you need to meet new people or interact with colleagues? Do you only do this when you are bored, for example while watching television or waiting for the bus?
  • After determining the situations that cause you to bite your lip, adopt techniques to combat anxiety and boredom that do not have negative consequences for your health. You might try taking deep breaths, relaxing your muscles, or practicing a compensatory response - that is, taking an action that prevents you from biting your lip. For example, you could chew gum to keep your teeth busy with an alternative activity.
Heal Peeling Lips Step 3
Heal Peeling Lips Step 3

Step 2. Limit your exposure to allergens

If your lips have started to crack due to a certain food, cosmetic or particular season, it is possible that it is an allergic reaction.

  • Cosmetic products, lip balms, toothpastes, dyes and fragrances often contain substances that irritate the lips, eyes and mouth. If you find that your lips are chapping after using a certain product, it is better to throw it away and opt for an alternative.
  • If you don't believe that cosmetics are the cause of the problem, it is still best to avoid using lipsticks and conditioners until completely healed. These products can accumulate germs and chapped lips are known to be more prone to infections.
  • Certain seasons, such as early spring, can trigger allergic reactions due to the increase in pollen in the air. If you are sensitive to the change of seasons, try to spend more time indoors, or buy over-the-counter anti-allergies.
  • Exposure to allergens can also lead to mouth breathing. This strains the lips, exposing them more to air and particles, with the risk of them cracking and splitting.
Heal Peeling Lips Step 4
Heal Peeling Lips Step 4

Step 3. Don't lick or tease your lips

When they are dry and cracked, it can be tempting to moisten and peel them to relieve the discomfort. However, this habit can damage them in the long term and delay healing.

Don't peel your lips. You will also be tempted to do this, but it will not give you any relief, in fact, this is usually painful and causes them to bleed. It also increases the risk of infection and delays the healing process

Heal Peeling Lips Step 5
Heal Peeling Lips Step 5

Step 4. Hydrate and eat a healthy diet

Dehydration is a major cause of cracking and splitting. Getting into the good habit of hydrating can prevent the problem from recurring.

  • Drink enough throughout the day. On average, a person needs 1.5 liters of water, but this can vary depending on their lifestyle. For example, if you exercise regularly or do physically demanding work, you will need more water. In general, you should drink enough to rarely feel thirsty. Hydration levels are adequate when urine is clear or pale yellow.
  • A healthy and balanced diet can help you have beautiful lips. In fact, food can provide around 20% of the total water requirement. Watermelon and spinach are two examples of foods whose weight is made up of at least 90% water.
  • If your home is dry or you live in a polluted, dry climate, consider purchasing a humidifier. It will maintain an optimal level of humidity in the house, so the lips will be less prone to chapping.

Method 3 of 3: Myths to Dispel

Heal Peeling Lips Step 12
Heal Peeling Lips Step 12

Step 1. Avoid citrus fruits

Scrubs and conditioners containing lemon juice or other citrus-based ingredients can irritate the skin and lips. They can also cause increased photosensitivity, with the risk of causing rashes or blisters. In short, chapped lips do more harm than good.

Heal Peeling Lips Step 13
Heal Peeling Lips Step 13

Step 2. Avoid harsh exfoliating products

Lips are more sensitive than the rest of the skin. Products designed for this area can also be harmful in case of irritation. Better to use a gentle scrub designed for the lips than a face exfoliator.


  • If you intend to stay in the sun all day, your lips are at risk of getting burned just like the rest of your face. Before going to the beach or taking a long summer hike, apply a lip product with a sun protection factor.
  • Protecting your lips is important in winter, when it's colder. During this time of year, use waxes and conditioners to protect them from the freezing air and prevent them from cracking later. You can cover them with a soft scarf before going out, especially on windy days.
