Do you have a dry and dehydrated back? Would you like to spread some cream? Follow these simple steps.
Apply Lotion to Your Own Back Step 1
Step 1. Get a putty knife
Wood is better, but if you only have plastic, that's fine anyway.
Apply Lotion to Your Own Back Step 2
Step 2. Spread as much cream as you like on the spatula
Don't worry about putting too much, you can always put it back in the bottle.
Apply Lotion to Your Own Back Step 3
Step 3. Turn the spatula upside down, and extend your arm as if you were going to scratch your back
Apply Lotion to Your Own Back Step 4
Step 4. Spread the cream on your back
This same technique can also be used to spread massage oils (although the lower viscosity of these oils requires much more skill).
Choose a cream that has a good effect on you. If you want something energizing, mint is always a great choice. If you smear it before bed, try something soothing, like lavender.
If you have sensitive skin or tend to have acne, you must choose the cream carefully, to avoid causing rashes or irritation.
Would you like a world full of kindness? While it may seem like a tall order, there are actually tons of feasible ways to spread kindness, starting with where you live. Being kind to those around us gives hope to all of humanity, helping to create a better future for all.
Also called "atopic dermatitis," eczema is a chronic and inflammatory skin disorder that causes rough, bumpy patches to form. While not contagious, scratching can cause eczema to spread over the entire body. In particular, the wounds that are generated after vigorous scratching can cause a contagious secondary infection.
Binding yourself in this position can be quite difficult, but if you know how to do it it becomes pretty easy. Always remember to plan how you will free yourself BEFORE binding, or you will risk staying like this for a long time. This article explains how to bond like this, not how to untie!
If you are thinking that your garden needs some help to look good, you can learn how to spread soil on a lawn. This simple process, best done in the fall, can help remove the dips caused by rotting roots and drainage problems. It can be helpful for the soil if you have problems with digging animals such as moles.
Fungal infections are quite common and can also be quite difficult to cure. The best way to protect yourself is to prevent them. If you have had frequent episodes of fungal infections or if you currently have one and are concerned that it may spread, see a doctor.