Edible rhubarb (Rheum x cultorum) is one of the few perennial - and therefore versatile - vegetables offered by the garden. It is used as a soft fruit and is eaten stewed, in cakes and other preparations after cooking.
Although it is a low-key crop, it must be harvested just like any other garden product, at the right time and in the right way, and this can be a bit tricky in some ways. It will take patience, because you will have a good harvest only after 3-4 years, but the wait pays off the effort. This article explains how to harvest rhubarb when its potential is at its maximum.

Step 1. Choose the best time
The harvest period is from late spring to late summer.

Step 2. Harvest the rhubarb based on the age of the plant
It is important not to weed out during the first year of growth, because you would weaken it. Let each plant rejuvenate during the first year and keep the stems intact (they will do it all by themselves).
- During the second year, only harvest in the first two weeks and choose stems that are not too wide, while still leaving enough on the plant.
- In the following years you can harvest rhubarb during the right season. From the third onwards, you will find that it can be harvested for anywhere from 8 to 10 weeks.

Step 3. Know when a stem is ready
The stalks of the rhubarb will be ready for harvest when they reach a thickness of between 1.5 and 2.5 cm. They should be quite firm and colored a dark pink, almost burgundy.

Step 4. Gather the stems by twisting them
Pull them as close to the base of the plant as possible.
- Gently tug as you twist to make sure the stem comes off nicely. Rhubarb goes always harvested twisted near the crown of the plant, so you will be able to remove it in its entirety and strengthen the roots, further stimulating production. Never dig or cut if you don't want the plant to stop producing stems.
- If the plant is in its second season, remove only two stems leaving at least five.
- In the following seasons, you can remove 3 or 4 as long as you leave an equal number on the plant. It is recommended to harvest only one third of the seasonal harvest, to avoid putting too much stress on the rhubarb.

Step 5. Clean the plant
Never leave broken stems which could infect the plant. Remove the damaged parts from the base, eat them or throw them away.
- Leave 3-4 mature leaves so that the rhubarb can continue to grow vigorously.
- Remove the buds when you notice them.

Step 6. Pull or cut the leaves off the stem
The leaves contain oxalic acid which is poisonous and should not be eaten. Discard and compost them, or use them to make a rhubarb spray to keep bugs away from broccoli, kale, and Brussels sprouts.
Don't give leaves to animals

Step 7. Finish the harvest before running out of plant
You should stop once the remaining stems become thin or when you have reduced the plant to a third.

Step 8. Store the rhubarb properly
Freshly picked rhubarb is best used, but you can keep it in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for three weeks. The stems can be frozen or bottled for longer storage once processed.
To stew the rhubarb, remove the leaves and discard them, cut the stems into 2-3 cm pieces and cook them in enough water to cover them. This cooking doesn't take long, so always take a look
- Once you have planted it, put a label next to the plant to indicate the year, so you will know how old it is.
- Consider letting the plant rest every other year. Try planting more plants so you can harvest a crop in rotation.
- Place a wide hose or bottomless bucket on the crown of the plant. This will force the growth of longer stems.