3 Ways to Win at Risk

3 Ways to Win at Risk
3 Ways to Win at Risk

Table of contents:


Risiko is a very fun strategy game, but at the same time not easy to win. Novice players may find it very difficult to win a game. The first step should be to learn the rules of the game thoroughly; for this purpose it is possible to consult this guide for more information on how to play Risk. Once you have mastered the basic rules of the game, it will be possible to increase your chances of winning by expanding the knowledge of possible strategies, without forgetting that the best tool to learn is always and only practice.


Method 1 of 3: Conquer and Hold Territories

Win at the Game Risk Step 1
Win at the Game Risk Step 1

Step 1. Choose wisely the continents to conquer

In the early stages of the game, taking over one or more continents entirely can be an excellent strategy, but you need to be very careful about choosing which continents to attempt to occupy. Each of the continents featured in the game has its own advantages and disadvantages, but the main aspect to consider when choosing is isolation. The more isolated continents are easier to conquer, but at the same time more difficult to use as a starting point for an expansionist tactic. In light of these considerations, the best advice is to choose a continent that is in line with the game strategy you want to adopt.

For example, Oceania (made up of Australia, New Guinea and Indonesia) is relatively easy to conquer and control, precisely because it is an isolated continent with only one entry point. At the same time, however, it is very difficult to expand your empire from this point. In the later stages of the game you could be victims of attacks from players with stronger armies. For these reasons, the conquest of Oceania can be an advantage, but it will remain so only for those who know how to overcome its weaknesses

Win at the Game Risk Step 2
Win at the Game Risk Step 2

Step 2. Carefully evaluate the additional armies that are guaranteed by total control of each continent

In terms of extra armies received at the start of each game round, some continents are more profitable than others. Before choosing which continent to attempt to conquer, it is good to find out the number of bonus armies to which you will be entitled. For example, owning all of Europe grants 5 additional armies at the start of each game turn, while Africa only allows 3.

The best continents to conquer are Europe and Asia because they are entitled to the highest number of bonus armies. If possible, attempts should be made to conquer the entirety of one of these two continents

Win at the Game Risk Step 3
Win at the Game Risk Step 3

Step 3. Attack with the correct number of armies

Using an adequate number of armies to attack an opponent can greatly increase the chances of victory. The general rule adopted by many is to attack an opposing territory with twice as many armies as those present in defense. This tactic increases the chances of being successful in conquering the chosen territory. It is good to remember that before proceeding with the attack, it is necessary to move the chosen number of armies to one of the territories adjacent to the one you want to attack.

For example, if the territory you want to conquer is defended by two armies, you must attack with at least 4 armies

Win at the Game Risk Step 4
Win at the Game Risk Step 4

Step 4. Determine how many armies to leave to defend a territory

In most cases, the greatest benefits will be gained by accumulating the majority of armies in the border territories. It is good to concentrate your armies in defense of these territories to reduce the opponents' chances of identifying a weak point and being overwhelmed. All territories within its borders that cannot be reached directly by an opponent's attack should be defended by a minimum number of armies, but it is always better to avoid having territories defended by a single army because they could easily become the primary target of the opponents.

Method 2 of 3: Handling Opponents

Win at the Game Risk Step 5
Win at the Game Risk Step 5

Step 1. Check the number of armies of the opponents at the end of each game turn

Counting the number of armies owned by the opponents at the end of each game turn is an excellent strategy. This step will help you determine who is the biggest threat and weakest link within your opponents' group.

Try to be discreet when counting and don't do it aloud. Otherwise, opponents may notice your tactics and appear suspicious

Win at the Game Risk Step 6
Win at the Game Risk Step 6

Step 2. Surround the opposing territories

If during the course of the game you have the opportunity to surround an opponent's territory with your own, it is good to do so without hesitation. This tactic allows you to conquer a territory without too much difficulty, having the certainty that there will be no immediate retaliation by the attacked opponent. Furthermore, it offers the advantage of preventing another player from conquering the same territory of our interest.

Win at the Game Risk Step 7
Win at the Game Risk Step 7

Step 3. Slow down an opponent's expansion to prevent it from becoming too strong

During the course of the game, if one of the opponents were to become too strong and / or be about to conquer the entirety of a continent, it could be useful to adopt an obstructive strategy towards him to slow down its expansion. This strategy consists in deploying a considerable amount of armies in one's own territories present within the continent which is being conquered by the adversary. In this way it will be possible to slow down or block its advance, preventing it from being able to obtain a considerable advantage too quickly.

Win at the Game Risk Step 8
Win at the Game Risk Step 8

Step 4. Create an alliance with a player of equal power

When playing Risk, alliances can be of great help. Teaming up with another player allows you to join forces to counter the most dangerous opponents and increase your chances of success. At this point it must be remembered that alliances are always only temporary, since sooner or later, during the course of the game, you will have to fight against each of the opponents to get to the final victory.

Win at the Game Risk Step 9
Win at the Game Risk Step 9

Step 5. Try to gain the trust of other players

By approaching the game in a fraudulent way you can run the risk of becoming the favorite target of all opponents or not being able to enter into favorable negotiations with anyone. It is therefore in everyone's interest to play honestly and transparently to try to gain the trust of other players. At the beginning of the game it is good to avoid lying or breaking one's word.

When you always play with the same people it is good to keep in mind that any dishonest tactics applied in past games will be remembered by the other players

Win at the Game Risk Step 10
Win at the Game Risk Step 10

Step 6. Negotiate with opponents whenever possible

Being in competition with some opponents for the conquest of a group of territories could cause the game to degenerate into a battle that would end with the exclusion from the game of one of the players. Instead of fighting with opponents occupying the territories adjacent to yours, it is better to try to open negotiations to reduce the chances of being kicked out of the game too soon.

The advice is therefore to try to enter into an agreement with another player. For example, if most of your armies are located on the African continent and an opponent is occupying most of South America, it may be advantageous to enter into a non-belligerence agreement until both of you have the opportunity to expand your empire northward

Method 3 of 3: Improving Your Game

Win at the Game Risk Step 11
Win at the Game Risk Step 11

Step 1. Make sure you understand the game rules

When approaching Risk for the first time, having a complete knowledge of the game rules can help us adopt a correct strategy. Knowing the rules also allows you to identify opponents who cheat or do not respect them, trying to gain a personal advantage. To fully understand how to play Risk, it is necessary to carefully read the rules of the game in its entirety.

Win at the Game Risk Step 12
Win at the Game Risk Step 12

Step 2. Play often with experienced opponents

It is known that practice makes perfect, so the more you apply it, the easier it becomes to adopt a game strategy that turns out to be winning. Playing with more experienced opponents willing to share their knowledge is certainly useful.

Win at the Game Risk Step 13
Win at the Game Risk Step 13

Step 3. Use the three basic strategies described in the Risk rules

The game's instruction manual suggests three different tactics to the player that can help him improve and become familiar with Risk during the first few games. To improve your game tactics, try to apply these simple strategies whenever possible. Here are the three tips listed in the regulation:

  • Conquer continents to receive additional reinforcement armies. The greater the number of armies the player is entitled to, the greater the firepower at his disposal. The goal is therefore to be able to get as many reinforcements as possible.
  • Always check the borders of your territories carefully. If an opponent intends to attack you, it is very likely that he will first try to accumulate a large number of armies in one of the neighboring territories.
  • Defend the borders from enemy attacks. Reinforcement armies need to be deployed along border territories so that it is difficult for opponents to penetrate your empire.


Try to organize a weekly match with friends and family so you can practice and hone your strategy and tactics

Some Strategies

1. Careful Management of Reinforcement Armies

When, at the beginning of each turn, you receive the additional reinforcement armies, it is good to use about a third of them to strengthen the defense of a strategic area to achieve your goal and use the remaining two thirds to try to conquer a new one. territory. Applying this strategy takes time, but it allows you to build a large army.

2. Defend Oceania

Anyone with a bit of experience in the game of Risk knows this strategy. With careful management of their armies, the player who holds total control of Oceania, despite having lost all other territories at the same time, can still manage to win the game. The strategy is therefore simple: to conquer Oceania and make it a real impregnable fortress. By transforming Oceania into your headquarters you will have a fair number of chances of achieving victory.
