"Paper, Scissor, Rock" (or Chinese Morra) is a simple game known all over the world with different names and variations. It's a good way to decide who gets the next turn, and it's also a competitive game. But before you learn how to win, you have to learn how to play.

Step 1. Put your hand in the shape of a fist
Both players will have to wave their fists in the air 3 times while saying "paper, scissor, rock" (the fist drops with each spoken word). The players must not touch each other and while facing each other, they must perform this movement in the air.
Step 2. On the third move you make a move (or on the move after the third, as you say "pull"; this word can vary, but the most important thing is that you make the move at the same time)
You can make 3 moves and the choice is up to you:
Rock - closed fist.
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Card - open hand.
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Scissor - index and middle finger extended.
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Step 3. Determine if you have won:
The stone destroys the scissors, the scissors cuts the paper and the paper covers the stone. The winner can demonstrate victory by "mimicking" the move (eg if you use scissors and the other person uses the card, you can mimic the movement with your fingers through his hand as if you were cutting paper). If both players make the same move, then they have tied and will have to repeat the round.

Step 4. Play two out of three (2/3)
It is optional, but many people prefer to play 3 rounds. Sometimes, the player who loses the first round may take "two out of three" in order to have another chance to win.
- If you find yourself playing with someone who knows this trick, start by using the card. But if he knows you're going to start with paper, use scissors and so on.
- Use the card often, except if you're starting out. Many people tend to start with scissors, so start with rock.
- If the opponent hasn't made a specific move for several rounds (paper, scissor, rock) plan their next move accordingly. Think in advance which item you will need to use to beat your opponent and use it.