What to do if you want to play a video game but you can't, because you don't have it or your parents have banned you? What to do if you want to play it at school, in the car or anywhere else but your Gameboy is broken? What if your parents are using the TV? Why play video games when you can recreate them on paper! Try this.
Method 1 of 2: Create Your Own Characters

Step 1. Take a blank piece of paper
I recommend you use graph paper, but common paper is fine too.

Step 2. Draw some kind of monster, but don't fill the page
Use the pencil so you can erase any mistakes.

Step 3. Give it a name and a health bar

Step 4. Draw one or two smaller characters
You can invent them if you want.

Step 5. Give your characters a name and a health bar
Write the number 100 on each health bar.

Step 6. Draw a magic bar or a power bar or whatever you like

Step 7. Think of some attack moves for your characters, including the boss
They should cause damage of varying degrees; the strongest use magic.

Step 8. Launch an attack with one of your characters
Subtract the attack value from the enemy

Step 9. Have different characters attack each other in turn
You can play with your characters on the same team or have them challenge each other.

Step 10. Once the boss has zero health, you can advance to level 2
Reward your character by unlocking for example more powerful armor or a flaming arrow or a new character. For example, you could give the possibility for each unlocked level to merge two characters into one.

Step 11. Once you have reached level 2, continue
There are no limits to the levels - let your imagination guide you.
Method 2 of 2: Use Pokémon Characters

Step 1. Create or play a Pokemon character
It draws its 3 stages of evolution on different pages.

Step 2. Do the same for the opponent

Step 3. Write 4 moves, type, PF and status

Step 4. Use a health bar until a character loses
Continue the game with levels and evolutions as explained in method 1.
- You can also assign classes: for example, archer, swordsman, assassin or mage.
- If you want, try adding special effects like fire and poison. These elements add to the fun.
- Try playing with other players, you control a character and a friend manages another character, for a head-to-head battle.
- To motivate yourself, try planning attacks on your characters in later levels, such as the meteor shower at level five.
- You don't necessarily have to use the same values as indicated in this guide. You can start with 5 HP and calculate 1-2 damage, or something like that. This is your game.
- For the health bar, make a narrow rectangle, but don't fill it. Whenever your character is injured, color the bar to indicate the damage and when you heal, erase the colored part by a bit; when the bar is completely colored … it means that you are dead.
- Costumes and gear might be a good idea.
- Roll the dice to see if you hit or suffer. To hit, you need to outrun your opponents.
- If you have multiple characters, the leader should roll the die to determine who is attacking. If not, it could attack all active players.
- Add 10 HP each time you reach a new level. Experiment with different attack powers.
- Try playing with a dice. If you roll a 2, 3, or 4, subtract health from the enemy gauge. If you roll a 5 you subtract double the health (it's a critical hit) and if you roll a 1 or 6 you lose.
- Try creating some in-between skits in the game.
- To make it more interesting, add a storyline to the game.
- Try playing on a white board. It will be easier to cancel and you will have more space for battles.
- To add a skill, draw a small circle and a line about 2cm away from each other. When attacking, strike with the pencil from the line to the target. If he hits it, you win. If you use an attack potion, draw a bigger or closer target and vice versa, etc.
- (Optional). If you lose you have to start over.
- Don't make a garment too hard the first time you play. You can always level up!
- If you are playing with multiple players, remember to play with someone who has a high ability to concentrate.
- If you are in school or at work, do not add sound effects. Leaders and teachers would certainly be upset if they caught you playing.
Things You Will Need:
- Paper
- Pencil
- Eraser
- A friend for a game of 2 (optional)
- Lots of imagination - you will make the game more exciting