If someone special you know is celebrating their birthday, impress them by making a homemade pop-up birthday card. A handmade card can be much more heartfelt and personalized than one bought from a store. These instructions will show you how to make a simple cupcake pop-up card.
Method 1 of 1: Make Your Own Pop-Up Birthday Card

Step 1. Print a template
There are many pop up card template online. You may want to search for "pop-up card template" to see what's out there. Otherwise, you can follow these simple instructions. For this tutorial, you can use this Pop Up Birthday Card Template (PDF).
Step 2. Cut out the pie section from the template and fold the template along the center dotted line
Step 3. Cut a piece of construction paper slightly larger than the template
This will be the bottom color of your cake. Fold this in half as well.
Step 4. Attach the template to your cardstock
Make sure the center fold of the template lines up with that of the card stock.
Step 5. Cut out the cake by following the lines on the template
Cut the vertical lines in the cupcake first, then cut out the entire cake. Cut through both halves of the cardstock.
Step 6. This is what the cake will look like
Step 7. Fold the halves of the cake to the base where the dotted lines are visible on the template
Step 8. Choose a piece of card stock as the basis of the card
Fold the card stock in half and cut it to a width of 4.5 "wide. The card should be 4.5" x11 "and folded in half. This size will fit in a standard 4" x6 "invitation envelope. The invitation envelopes 4 "x6" is actually 4.75 "x6.5", so it will go there.
Step 9. Glue the base of one side of the cake between the two folds as shown
Make sure you don't glue on the fold line.
- Stick the cake inside the cardstock on the fold. (The glue looks into the inside of the card in this image)
Apply glue to glue the bottom of the exposed side of the cake between the two folds. Be careful not to glue on the fold line. Pi close the card to make sure the cake lines up with the base of the card correctly.
Step 10. Apply glue to the candle above the cake
Fold the closed card stock to expose both sides of the candle. Open the card and make sure the candles line up with each other.
Step 11. Cut the template for the icing and the top of the cake
Choose the colors you would like to use.
Step 12. Fold the icing card in half so that you can cut two pieces at once
Attach the template to the cardstock and cut out the icing.
Step 13. Fold the cardstock for the top of the cake in half so that you can cut two pieces at once
Attach the template to the cardstock and cut out the top of the cake.
Step 14. Cut out the candles using the template
Step 15. Glue the candle to the cake, covering the original one
Step 16. Glue the top of the cake to the construction paper
Step 17. Glue the icing to the cardstock
Your ticket is now finished.
Step 18. Finished
- The creases at the bottom of the cake need to be neat to fold the right way. Otherwise, the ticket will be deformed when closed. You can shape the fold lines first using a ballpoint pen (preferably flat) or a mechanical pencil (without lead).
- Use 240g cardstock. It is thicker than paper, but not too thick. You can buy it at any art or office supply store.