The space where the wall touches the ceiling is quite cramped, so take precautions when painting that perimeter area of the room or you may end up with unwanted patches and splashes of color. Before painting, make sure you have properly protected the chamber and that the paint is ready for use. To avoid inadvertently spreading the color where it is not necessary, use masking tape and then, with a brush, follow the upper contours, taking care not to go beyond five centimeters.

Step 1. Empty the room completely
First, you will need to take out everything that is hanging on the walls, including decorations, accessories, electric and RJ plates. While these items won't bother you as you paint near the ceiling, you'll still need to remove them to paint the rest of the room. In addition, they may get dirty with a few drops of paint, so it is best to deal with them in advance.

Step 2. Protect the floor with plastic sheeting
By only treating the area near the ceiling, you won't use a lot of paint and the risk of uncontrolled splashing will be reduced. However, the possibility of dripping a few drops remains, therefore it will be advisable to protect yourself by covering the floor.

Step 3. First paint the ceiling
When painting your entire room, it's best to start at the top. The ceiling presents more difficulties and it is more likely to make some mistakes. Also, the color may drip onto the walls. If, on the other hand, you start with the walls, when the work is completed you will probably be forced to touch up the perimeter area contiguous to the ceiling again.

Step 4. Wait for the color to dry completely
You must apply the tape, but it will be best to do it on completely dry paint, or you could damage it when peeling it off. The drying time depends on the type and brand of paint used, you may have to wait from a few hours to a whole night before starting to paint the walls.

Step 5. Cover the perimeter of the ceiling with masking tape
Cut strips measuring 60 to 90 cm, maximum. It may be difficult to apply longer ones.

Step 6. Place one end of the first strip at the corner of the ceiling, right where it meets the wall
Press well, until the paper tape is perfectly spread.

Step 7. Slowly unwind the tape along the length of the ceiling, applying pressure to adhere it as you progress
Avoid creating air bubbles, otherwise there is a risk that the color will seep through the tape to the ceiling.

Step 8. Continue applying as many strips of tape as needed
In the end, the ceiling will have to be completely delimited, right in the perimeter area in contact with the walls.

Step 9. Pour 250-500ml of wall paint into a small bowl
There is no need to use a painter's tray which, being very bulky, is difficult to handle at the top of a ladder and could cause you a lot of difficulty while applying the paint. On the contrary, it will be much easier to hold a bowl in your hand, and half a liter of paint is all you need to get started.
If the color is not enough to finish the perimeter of the ceiling, when you go down the ladder to move it, take the opportunity to refill the bowl

Step 10. Dip a small angled brush into the paint
Try to concentrate the color on the tip, dipping it about 2 cm. Using a thicker brush, excess paint on the top edge could easily end up on the ceiling as you move along the wall. A flat brush angled inwards, on the other hand, will allow you to spread the color without accidentally overflowing.

Step 11. Starting from one corner of the room, run the brush flat on the wall
Make sure you just touch the tape with the tip of the brush to spread the color properly up to the highest point of the wall.

Step 12. Brush 5 cm from the top of the wall
Spreading the color with this technique will waste a little more time, but the result will be more precise. In fact, having already painted the first 5 cm below the ceiling, you will later make it easier to work on the rest of the walls, where you could also use a roller.

Step 13. Use the paintbrush to paint the perimeter of the room
This process is often called "edging" and is also used by professionals in the sector to spread the color in the most delicate and narrow points, near the ceiling. When the job is complete, you should have a thick strip of color 5 cm thick along the top of each wall.

Step 14. Continue to apply the paint regularly, but let it dry very well before removing the tape
- As you paint the rest of the room, roll the roller to the edge of the 5cm color strip. Be very careful not to push it any further.
- After waiting for the paint on the walls to dry completely, you can remove the tape. If you take it off in advance, you could smear everything, nullifying the initial work.
- If your attempts to avoid ceiling stains are unsuccessful, you may want to try filling the space between it and the walls with sealant, applying it around the perimeter to a thickness of 6 to 12 mm.
- Also consider using the brush to make edging along the floorboards and corners as well. These areas are narrow and may look sloppy if painted with a thick roller.