Ten days. If, as the comedy "get broken up in ten days" suggests, it is possible to lose your partner in such a short period of time, then you can certainly lose a few unnecessary pounds. But how do you manage to lose more than one or two kilos? That dress won't magically stretch; it's time to get serious! This article contains all the information you need, ranging from calculating calorie needs, to exercise, to ways to fool your brain and be able to feel satisfied by eating less. There are only 240 hours to go, let's go!
Part 1 of 4: Create a 10 Day Schedule

Step 1. Determine your goals
How many pounds do you want to lose? Two? Five? To lose weight healthily, you shouldn't lose more than 1/2 to 1 pound per week, but during the first seven days you can lose a lot more (mostly fluids), so don't be afraid to see your dreams shattered for now. Simply decide how many pounds you would like to shed in the next 240 hours.
Let's say you want to lose 2.5 pounds. Basically you will have to lose half a kilo every two days. Since half a kilo equals 3,500 calories, you will need to eliminate 1,750 calories every day. Make the calculations according to your needs

Step 2. Determine your needs
Let's continue with the example in progress: to lose half a kilo of weight per day you have to create a daily deficit of 1,750 calories. It should be noted that this is an ambitious goal, but we will still take it into consideration. Here's what you need to do to achieve it:
- Read this article. It will guide you in calculating your basal metabolic rate (MB) and your daily calorie needs.
- At this point, subtract 1,750 from the number of calories you should be consuming daily. The result will set your maximum daily threshold. Obviously, the more you exercise, the more calories you can take in.

Step 3. Write a food diary
You're serious, aren't you? So grab a notebook or download an application on your smartphone (there are many free ones) and start recording everything you eat. By putting down the list of all the foods and drinks you eat every day, it will be much easier to understand where you are wrong. In the same way it will be easier to bring out the progress too! In addition, the many possibilities offered by the many applications will help you stay motivated.
Your diary will allow you to track and count calories. In this way, if one day you manage not to make any mistakes, you can maybe let yourself go a little the next day and vice versa

Step 4. Plan your physical activity
If you want to change your lifestyle for the long term, the idea of having to plan exercise for the rest of your life might seem bizarre, but since you only want to change your habits for the next ten days, it is essential to do some exercise. concrete plans. The goal is to evaluate your commitments in advance and schedule your workouts at times that you are sure you can meet. That way you won't be able to make excuses!
Exercise is recommended most days. An hour is excellent, but 30 minutes can be fine. If you need to split your training into one or two shorter sessions, that's no problem, but if you think you don't have enough time to train, find it! There is always time for health

Step 5. Throw away the junk food
You have a plan to follow and you are motivated to achieve the goal, now what you need to do is allow yourself to be successful. It may seem like a drastic move, perhaps even disrespectful to your wallet, but go to the kitchen now and throw out all the junk food and all the packaged foods that won't help you lose weight. If you are serious about losing weight, it is a sacrifice you have to make. This is the only way to avoid falling into temptation.
Maybe you are thinking that this is easier said than done. Your family members may object; in this case it will be necessary to come to a compromise. For example, you could ask them to hide the food or keep it somewhere you can't reach. Make sure they promise not to give in to your requests
Part 2 of 4: Stick to the Established Diet

Step 1. Understand how to eat
Let's get straight to the point, you only have ten days; it is therefore essential to start eating right now. Having eaten all your life, you may be convinced that you know how to feed yourself the right way. Unfortunately, when your mother taught you how to cook, she didn't plan on helping you lose weight. Here's how you should eat in an effort to regain your waist:
- Often. We are not talking about having six small meals a day as some diets recommend, but about interspersing the three main meals with two snacks. Eating six small meals a day means forcing the body to constantly produce insulin without ever making it feel totally satisfied. Add two snacks between main meals (during which you will have to try not to overeat); in fact they will help you eat less.
- Slowly. Chew your food. Put your fork down between bites. When you eat quickly, your body does not have time to signal that it has reached satiety; as a result, it allows you to ingest much more food than you should. You need to give him time to record what you eat.
- In small dishes. You will create an optical illusion. Generally, your brain pushes you to finish everything in front of you. By using smaller plates, you will automatically eat less.
- Without doing anything else. When you carelessly put food in your mouth in front of the refrigerator, your mind doesn't register it as part of a meal. Sit down, concentrate, pay attention exclusively to the texture and taste of the food. Only then can you go back to your thousands of daily commitments.
- The blue color is a natural hunger inhibitor. Nothing better then a small blue plate placed on a blue tablecloth. To be on the safe side, you can also wear a blue shirt. No wonder restaurants rarely use this color.

Step 2. Use the calorie cycling strategy
Studies have recently shown that you occasionally take in more calories than usual; for example, just one day a week can lead to a greater loss of unwanted pounds. Really great news isn't it? The reason is that by regularly limiting meals, you force the body to slow down its metabolism and assimilate every last nutrient in order to stay healthy. By allowing yourself a "free" day from time to time, you allow the body to relax, speed up metabolic processes and eliminate accumulated fats in the form of stocks. During the ten day diet, consider planning a day or two to eat a few extra calories.
Also try "carbs cycling". It is an alternative to the calorie cycling strategy based on alternating the quantities of carbohydrates. If you eat mostly non-starchy vegetables and proteins (known to be low in carbohydrates), it may be helpful to schedule a day to consume far more carbohydrates. When it comes to burning them for energy, the body prefers them to fats and proteins; by including them in your diet you will therefore enhance the processes, consequently also favoring the desired weight loss

Step 3. Relax
Another aspect to consider is the amount of stress. The more stressed you are, the more you produce cortisol: a substance that causes you to eat. Tensions and worries lead to problems such as "emotional eating", sleep disturbances and, in general, less self-awareness. So relax, your waist needs it.
Meditation or yoga is a great place to start. Yoga also allows you to burn calories, you will kill two birds with one stone. At worst, find at least 15 minutes each day to sit in a quiet place and practice Zen meditation. Too many days end without you being able to find some time for yourself

Step 4. Sleep well
It is advice dictated by science; in fact, it seems that the people who sleep the most are also those who weigh the least. It is a sensible combination; when you feel good, your body works well; plus, you have less time to eat! So make a commitment to sleep at least 8 hours a night. You will feel much better!
Leptin and ghrelin are the two hormones responsible for the mechanisms that regulate appetite and the sense of satiety. When their levels are not correct, the body convinces itself that it is hungry, while in reality it is just tired. As if that weren't enough, when you're sleepy, you tend to crave sweets, get drawn to the idea of eating out and skip the gym: three bitter enemies of your desire to lose weight

Step 5. Be cautious of lightning diets
Let's say things as they are; It goes without saying that spending the next ten days drinking only lemonade would allow you to lose several pounds. In a week, however, you would feel like a rag and regain all the weight you lost as soon as you start eating again. Also, your metabolism would be turned upside down, which is certainly not a viable long-term solution! However, if what you want is to get into a particular dress, go for it, but be very careful and don't advise anyone to do the same.
wikiHow has a large section dedicated to diets, for example you can read the article "How to lose weight fast". Whether you want to rely on the promised benefits of taking only cabbage or maple syrup for a week, spending days in the sauna or having a colon cleanse, you will find all the information you are looking for and much more
Part 3 of 4: Becoming a 10 Day Diet Expert

Step 1. Keep this word in mind: water. It is the closest thing to a miracle. When you drink a lot of it, wonderful things start to happen. Here is a list of benefits that should convince you to always keep a bottle of water on hand:
- It satisfies you. The more water you drink, the less you feel like eating solid foods.
- It keeps your mouth busy. The more often you drink water, the less frequently you eat something else.
- Promotes the expulsion of toxins (and regular bowel movements).
- It is good for the skin and hair.
- Keeps muscles and organs healthy and hydrated.

Step 2. Advance green
In this case, the metaphor of the green light is of great use. If you want to lose weight and want to do it quickly, the most effective method is to eat lots of green vegetables. All vegetables are good for health, but green ones more than others. Known for being "nutrient dense", green vegetables contain only very few calories, have a high satiating power and are rich in vitamins and minerals, so they are perfect to help you reach your goal.
All leafy greens are almost fantastic. Cabbage, savoy cabbage, chard, broccoli, spinach, lettuce and even Brussels sprouts, you can eat them in large quantities without running out of calories

Step 3. Be wary of white instead
Unlike when you come across a traffic light, you have to stop in front of the white, not the red. Often foods of this color are carbohydrates that have undergone an industrial refining process. This means that most of the fiber and nutrients have been eliminated during processing. During the ten days of diet, white rice, bread and pasta and even white potatoes, very starchy, should be consumed only rarely or completely avoided.
To be precise, the human body needs carbohydrates. Those contained in vegetables and whole grains are the ideal and healthier choice for the body as they are complex and unrefined. Those industrially refined (simple carbohydrates) are rich in sugars, therefore they should be avoided.
You've surely heard of the Atkins diet (no carbohydrates). Over a period of just ten days it may prove effective, but it is still comparable to a lightning diet, so be prepared to suffer the consequences once it is over. In conclusion, you can decide to avoid carbohydrates if you can, but with the knowledge that there may be long-term consequences

Step 4. Yes to lean proteins
Your diet should consist of at least 10% protein. If you want to lose weight, it can help to consume even more. Proteins promote muscle development and have a high satiating power: both of these factors contribute to making you lose weight. The advice is therefore to eat abundant quantities of fish, white meats, legumes and soy (and its derivatives).
This is such a popular choice that some trendy diets recommend eating up to 30% lean protein every day. Some studies have found that, combined with an exercise routine, a high-protein diet can help reduce blood fats. In addition, proteins are known for their ability to limit blood sugar spikes, thereby decreasing hunger. Also in this case the advantage is twofold

Step 5. Learn about the good fats
This is an important skill as the body needs healthy fats. Eliminating them completely from the diet is not a good idea at all, the important thing is to know how to distinguish the good, unsaturated ones, from those harmful to health, "saturated". Those that are good for the body are contained in foods such as: avocado, extra virgin olive oil, nuts, oily fish (such as trout and salmon) and low-fat dairy products. In fact, consuming these healthy fats (naturally in moderate amounts) can help you lower your cholesterol levels and reduce your risk of developing heart disease.
Humans need to eat a diet consisting of at least 10% fat. Up to 25% can be considered a healthy amount, but saturated fats should never exceed about 7%. The latter, contained in red meat, eggs, poultry skin and high-fat dairy products are in fact considered harmful to health.
Since eggs are also a useful source of protein, you are allowed to eat up to one per day. The important thing is not to overdo the quantities

Step 6. Reduce your sodium intake
In addition to clogging blood vessels, forcing the heart to overwork, sodium causes the body to retain fluids. The widening of the waistline is a direct consequence of water retention. If you don't want to do it for heart health, at least do it so you don't have to change the size of your pants!
One teaspoon of salt contains 2,300 mg of sodium. However, our body's daily requirement is only 200 mg. Since it is very difficult to stay within this limit, experts have raised it to a maximum of 1,500 mg per day. In any case, it is important never to exceed 2,300 mg

Step 7. Avoid nighttime snacks
This dictate is more psychological than scientific: during the night humans have a tendency to eat in the wrong way and in the wrong quantities. So promise yourself not to eat anything after eight in the evening and stick to your commitment. If you feel hungry during the night, drink a large glass of water keeping in mind what your goal is: to lose weight. At the moment it might seem like a hard and not very "social" choice, but the following day you will be glad you made it.
This may be the hardest part. Your friends go out in the evening, there is alcohol and tasty snacks, and the thing you most want in the world is to be there with them. Make the following assessments: You may go, but only if you are sure you can resist temptation, or you may give up, knowing that it is a sacrifice limited to a ten-day period. You will see that time will fly
Part 4 of 4: Combining Exercise with Diet

Step 1. Lose weight by combining cardio and weight training
This is how it is: Cardio training allows you to burn calories faster than strength training. However, only a combination of both can achieve the best possible results. There is nothing better for the body than training all muscle groups in different ways. Cardio and weight training have just that effect, so make time for both!
In these ten days, try to do cardio almost every day, weights will be used every other day instead. If you want to intensify your strength training, focus on different muscle groups every day; the body needs a day off to recover

Step 2. Accept any opportunity to move
Going to the gym every day is an excellent choice, only a few people manage to keep this pace; however, if you really want to get the most out of these ten days of dieting, your best bet is to take advantage of every other opportunity that allows you to stay active as well. Did you know that people who tend to constantly move nervously are more likely to be thin?
For example, embracing every possibility of movement means dancing while washing the dishes, doing yoga while watching TV, doing a few push-ups every time there is an advertisement, cleaning your room instead of using Facebook, washing the floor or the car. by hand, use the stairs instead of the elevator or park a few blocks away from the office. Soon your mind will start figuring out numerous other options

Step 3. Try interval training
Cardio is useful, but the latest studies have shown that interval training is even more effective. In addition, it allows you to train more conveniently and quickly. Instead of running for 30 minutes, try taking quick 30-second bursts, interspersed with milder intensity recovery periods (such as walking). Repeat for 15-20 times. This method allows you to burn a greater number of calories; in addition, it keeps the heart rate higher for longer, allowing the body to continue to dispose of fat reserves even after the end of the workout.
- Interval training offers several options besides running. For example, you can ride your bike and alternate intense pedaling periods with short recovery periods.
- Did the idea of continuing to burn fat and calories even after training have intrigued you? The effect is called "extra post-exercise oxygen consumption". When you push your body at a pace it can't handle, it takes time for oxygen consumption to return to normal. This is why you continue to burn calories even while you are stationary.

Step 4. Try "cross training"
Developing a workout routine is as easy as getting bored with it. Your muscles, mind, or both lose all stimulation, and when this happens, you start burning fewer calories because you stop working hard. The solution is cross training, which gives you the opportunity to change the duration or intensity of the exercise or even move on to something completely new. Your body and mind will be grateful to you.
Ignite your excitement with new fun activities. Instead of your usual gym workout, sign up for a kickboxing class, go to the pool, or hike to the mountains. Invite a few friends to play basketball, tennis, or volleyball. In this way you will be able to burn a lot of calories without even noticing the fatigue

Step 5. Notice when you get the best results
Probably, bodybuilding enthusiasts will tell you to do weights first and then cardio. Conversely, advocates of cardio exercise will urge you to train strength only at the end. Still others will tell you to train only in the morning on an empty stomach. What can be deduced from this is that everyone gets the most out of what is best for them. Whatever you do best that makes you feel high, do it, even if it's about working out in the middle of the night after having a snack!
Experiment! Maybe you think you hate running because you only went for a run once after work. You may find that running early in the morning pleases you and allows you to feel energized throughout the day. During these ten days, do several tests. You may develop a new passion that you will want to carry on throughout your life
- Every night, make some healthy snacks for the next day, especially if you know you are going to be away from home for many hours. This way you can easily track ingredients and doses.
- The first step is to mentally prepare yourself to face this challenge. In addition, you must strive to remain determined, motivated and determined not to stop the diet unless you have health problems.
- If someone offends you because you have excess pounds, don't pay attention to them, it will help you get stronger.
- Don't interrupt things halfway, stay consistent in both dieting and exercise. Otherwise you will end up gaining weight rather than losing weight.