As soon as you get over the initial nervousness (at least in part), you will be overwhelmed with excitement: you are about to become a father. You can't wait to be able to bring your son / daughter home and start this new family life. Here are some tips for preparing for the arrival of a newborn.

Step 1. Make sure you rest and relax as much as possible before birth
You will need it.

Step 2. Help your partner prepare the room for the baby
You can assemble the furniture or paint the walls (if needed) together. Any kind of help will be greatly appreciated.

Step 3. There are courses specially designed for future parents
They will teach you many things, from changing diapers to bathing a newborn.

Step 4. Read some books for new parents as they provide a lot of useful information

Step 5. Learn how to position the car seat correctly
Various studies have shown that many parents position it in a wrong and dangerous way.

Step 6. Talk about your fears and insecurities with a family member or friend
If you are worried about the birth of a child, your partner will be even more worried. Support your wife by listening and reassuring her. This is not the time to express your doubts and insecurities with her as she will already be very upset about her own.

Step 7. Sing and talk to the baby before birth
Surely he can hear you and the more he listens to your voice the more he will be reassured by your presence after birth.

Step 8. Ask your partner what they expect of you during childbirth
If you think you are unable to give her all the support she will need, you need to talk to her first. In this way you can agree with a relative, a friend or a doula who will provide you with the right assistance.

Step 9. Carve out private moments for your new family
The visits, no matter if from parents, friends or the President of the Republic, will be many. Too many visitors will ruin these first moments - tell everyone to wait two weeks before coming to visit you and see the baby.
- You and your partner have been severely tested during the past nine months, for the next step you will need some time to check that everything is okay and get used to the new life.
- In-laws (both yours and hers) can cause stress and misunderstanding at this very sensitive time. Make sure the whole family is ready for this change.
- Even if your baby is just born, it is never too early to make the house "childproof". Safety gates (especially near stairs), plastic protections for electrical sockets and rearranging knick-knacks will be of great help later on. Your child will start crawling and walking sooner than you think.
- Call your pediatrician whenever you are worried. You will be more comfortable if you get the answers you need from someone you can trust. And remember that relaxed parents also help the baby to be relaxed.
- You are not alone! All your worries, doubts and fears are normal. There are many websites for new fathers. Search online for the words "new dad" or "new father" and you will find a large number of sites, blogs and communities that can help you.
- No matter how prepared you are to be a parent, there will be some unexpected events. Your paternal instinct will help you, always do what feels right for your child (unless the situation can only be controlled by the pediatrician).
- Learning some nursery rhymes and lullabies will be very helpful.
- You can also consult the internet to understand how to correctly install the seat in the car.
- This experience is perhaps the most difficult you will have to face in life but many situations will likely resolve themselves after the first few weeks. Ask your friends and family how they have overcome the problems you are dealing with right now.
- Do not shake the baby after the feed and be careful how you hand it to other people.
- Never get mad at the baby. If you feel the frustration rise, walk away for a few moments.
- Don't take anything for granted about being a parent, you will have many moments of surprise and confusion.
- Do not diagnose any disease on your own (unless you are a pediatrician), even a simple flu. You will always have to take your baby to the doctor when he is unwell.