3 Ways to Put a Baby to Sleep

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3 Ways to Put a Baby to Sleep
3 Ways to Put a Baby to Sleep

It is the most common nightmare in parents: you and your child are exhausted but the little awake who does not seem willing to sleep. Sleep is crucial for the baby's health and the well-being of newborns also requires 16 hours of sleep a day, 14 for a one-year-old. As a parent, you will need to get the baby to sleep for your own benefit as well. Here's how to put a small child to sleep so that both he and you are happy and relaxed.


Method 1 of 3: Before bedtime

Put a Baby to Sleep Step 1
Put a Baby to Sleep Step 1

Step 1. Have him play and have some fun before going to bed

Don't get him aroused with noisy games or with visiting people because you would stimulate him instead of calming him down.

Put a Baby to Sleep Step 2
Put a Baby to Sleep Step 2

Step 2. Offer the child the opportunity to eat or drink something

Babies' stomachs are small and do not contain enough milk to satisfy them for long. Newborns eat every 3-4 hours, while a one-year-old goes through 4-5 times a day.

Put a Baby to Sleep Step 3
Put a Baby to Sleep Step 3

Step 3. Give him a bath

Most babies find hot water soothing, and you can use a soothing oil to help them fall asleep (although some don't like the bath or find it too exciting).

Put a Baby to Sleep Step 4
Put a Baby to Sleep Step 4

Step 4. Change his diaper if necessary

Use baby oil and baby powder to prevent diaper rash.

Put a Baby to Sleep Step 5
Put a Baby to Sleep Step 5

Step 5. Dress him to sleep

The pajamas must not be too hot, cold or tight. A "onesie" (pajamas with a sack opening at the bottom) is often the solution.

Put a Baby to Sleep Step 6
Put a Baby to Sleep Step 6

Step 6. Calm him down

Each child is different but everyone should be comforted before bed. Try for example:

  • Tell him a story or read it to him in a monotone and lulling voice.
  • Take a ride with him.
  • Rock him in a rocking chair.
  • Sing him a song.
  • Give him the pacifier.
  • Play calming music. Most babies like lullabies, classical music or those background sounds of nature to fall asleep. Make sure they are low to prevent the little one from staying awake.
Put a Baby to Sleep Step 7
Put a Baby to Sleep Step 7

Step 7. Turn off the main light in the bedroom

Also keep PCs, TVs and more out of the little one's room. Bright lights stop melatonin (the hormone that helps regulate sleep and wakefulness) and could keep him awake. You can turn on a night light if that can help calm the baby.

Method 2 of 3: While Asleep

On average, a child sleeps in blocks of 2-4 hours during the day and 4-6 hours at night. Often the baby will wake up crying before the time of the nap / night sleep is over and to get him back to sleep you can implement some solutions.

Put a Baby to Sleep Step 8
Put a Baby to Sleep Step 8

Step 1. Feed him and change his diaper

Remember that a young child has to eat frequently and a dirty diaper can make them irritable as well as feel uncomfortable.

Put a Baby to Sleep Step 9
Put a Baby to Sleep Step 9

Step 2. Lift the baby and place him on your chest or hold him in your arms

Slowly rock him back and forth, stroking his back gently. You shouldn't be too intense just enough for the little one to calm down and go back to sleep.

Put a Baby to Sleep Step 10
Put a Baby to Sleep Step 10

Step 3. If the baby is still not sleeping and continues to cry, give him the pacifier then rock him while walking so that the movement causes him to sleep

Moving it from still while holding it in your arms will create a movement that will lead to sleep.

Put a Baby to Sleep Step 11
Put a Baby to Sleep Step 11

Step 4. If your baby doesn't sleep, check for fever, teething problems or anything else

Put a Baby to Sleep Step 12
Put a Baby to Sleep Step 12

Step 5. Sometimes gently stroking him between the eyes, on the bridge of his nose, can be able to relax him enough to make him fall asleep

Method 3 of 3: Other Remedies

Put a Baby to Sleep Step 13
Put a Baby to Sleep Step 13

Step 1. Buy essential oils

Use essential oil-based bath products such as rosemary, lavender and chamomile which promote relaxation and sleep. You can also make a room diffuser, in that case buy organic oils if possible.

Put a Baby to Sleep Step 14
Put a Baby to Sleep Step 14

Step 2. Try herbal tea if you have colic

Always consult your pediatrician before giving them, but know that according to some studies, an herbal tea based on chamomile, fennel, licorice, lemon balm can help the baby's stomach.

Put a Baby to Sleep Step 15
Put a Baby to Sleep Step 15

Step 3. Remove any allergens

The most common ones are animal hair, dust, feathers (from pillows) etc., all of which can interrupt a child's sleep. Make sure you keep the environment healthy and dry, not just for the baby but to prevent mold from developing.

Put a Baby to Sleep Step 16
Put a Baby to Sleep Step 16

Step 4. The dog upside down with the baby

Yoga for parents and children has recently become trendy and some parents have reported that their little ones sleep better after taking yoga class.


  • Put your baby to bed as soon as he shows signs of fatigue. When he feels sleepy, he will usually clench his fists. Put him in his bed right away. Usually he will cry in the typical tone of tiredness that with a little practice will be easy to identify, but also look for signs such as rubbing his eyes, standing on you, complaining, etc.
  • Make sure you have a regular bedtime routine.
  • Choose a lullaby that has an instant effect. Some for example include Kenny Loggins 'The House at Pooh Corner or All the Pretty Little Ponies as well as Brahms' traditional Nina nanna.


  • Don't make a habit of letting your baby fall asleep while drinking milk or you could cause tooth decay.
  • Babies should always sleep on their backs to avoid cot death syndrome.
  • Do not use pillows with a child, they are dangerous. Beware of padding in cribs and cribs, toys or other choking hazards.
