Even if you know exactly what you need to do to cheer up your friends or show how much you care about them, being a good friend to a guy may seem more complicated or out of touch with your nature. Thankfully, wikiHow is here to help you learn what it takes to be a great friend to a guy you care about.

Step 1. Boys don't go cheering on their male friends while they participate in various activities (soccer matches, athletics competitions, concerts by their bands or choir, plays)
Your duty, as a good friend, would be … to go there! Even if he tells you it's no use … GO ANYWAY! Knowing that someone special will be watching him will make him happy.

Step 2. Make it a matter of state
When her birthday comes, act like it's a big event! The boys give the impression of not wanting to celebrate their birthdays, when in reality they want nothing else. Try to turn his birthday into a big event. Send him a greeting card in the mail, take him to a movie of his choice, decorate his locker, or you can just call him on the phone and sing "Happy Birthday" to him!

Step 3. Confide in him
You are friends, so you have to learn to trust him. Don't be too sentimental, though. For example, if your grandmother is sick, then tell her. If you're having a hard time, TALK ABOUT IT! Knowing that you trust him, he will feel more connected to you. Guys don't usually confide in each other, so it may take a while for them to let their guard down so that they trust you completely.

Step 4. Surprise him
The little surprises you probably give your friends too could brighten their day! Write him a letter (but don't expect him to answer you). Walk past his class and wave at him from the hall.

Step 5. Get healthy habits
Try talking to him every day before or after a certain class or at a particular time of day. He will probably start to enjoy it! And he will also begin to miss you when you are not there …

Step 6. Have something relevant to say
It is not enough to tell him: "So … what do you want to talk about?" If you leave the conversation in his hands, chances are you're not going anywhere.

Step 7. Offer to hang out with him outside of school
Even if he is always busy, offer to keep him company outside of school. Knowing that you want to spend time with him will put him in a good mood.

Step 8. Take care of it
It might sound weird, but guys sometimes date girls because of their feminine side. Make sure you are there for him. Just ask him: "Are you okay?". You will show him that you are a caring friend.
- Don't lie to him about yourself; tell him the truth.
- Be the friend she needs to confide her problems.
- Try asking him how he spent his day or just what's new. Guys like someone to take an interest in what they do.
Give it space.
Don't be too sticky. You don't have to go talk to him every time you see him around. You don't have to smile or greet him every time you cross paths. If she is with her male friends, leave them alone! Don't get between him and them because then you'll start bothering him. This doesn't mean that you absolutely must avoid interacting with them, but don't make a big deal out of it if he doesn't give you his full attention when he's with them. It does not mean anything.
- Be yourself!! He will appreciate it.
- Don't always be on him; you might irritate him.
- Don't go around telling her friends about her secrets and the things she tells you in confidence.
- If he does confide in you, don't laugh and stay alert and focused.
Don't be too emotional.
A guy might like you as a friend, but not as a girlfriend. This does not mean that there is something wrong with you, but that it considers you only as a friend, rather than as a possible companion. Don't be surprised if she gets engaged, but not to you. Boys often choose to keep specific roles. They want to keep their female friendships separate from what may be potential girlfriends. Try not to get a crush on him, even though it may not be easy.
- Always try to smile at him when he passes you.
- Most guys hate talking about their problems, so if you feel like there's something he's hiding from you, ask him if he'd like to tell you about it. If he doesn't want to tell you anything, let him know that you are there for him if and when he feels the need to confide.
- Keep your secrets from each other.
Try to love him.
The most important thing is love. Forget every guy you've ever met. Try to love him without any expectations. You just have to give… without ever expecting to receive anything in return. He will love you in his own way. Maybe he'll tell you, or maybe he'll let you know without words. This is what it means to have a bond! The same goes for your female friends. Maybe you don't say to them: "I love you", but you can feel the affection you feel between yourselves looking at your old photos or when you think about something that happened several years ago and smile every time you do it. This is the love you feel for your friends. Love them with all of yourself!
Become friends with his friends.
Get to know some of his friends, preferably his best friends. In this way, you will know who he is talking about, if he were to mention them, and he will feel comfortable going out with you when they are there too, since they will already know you.
- Remember, you are not his girlfriend. Don't cross that fine line.
- Don't try to be friends with her just to get into her good graces. Guys think it's cruel and will no longer respect you once they find out.
- Realize that he has other women in his life. Maybe he'll have girlfriends, other female friends, and best friends. His world doesn't revolve around you, so don't let yours revolve around him. That is not friendship, but another thing …
- Don't expect to make friends or have a boy best friend in a day, a week, a month, or even a year. It takes time; friendship is not created out of nothing.