How to Choose a Dog (with Pictures)

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How to Choose a Dog (with Pictures)
How to Choose a Dog (with Pictures)

Dogs are wonderful life companions and bring joy to many homes. However, you will need to make sure you choose the right one for your family and lifestyle. Different dog breeds have very different needs when it comes to personality, temperament and exercise. You will need to consider all of these elements when choosing a dog for your family.


Part 1 of 3: Deciding whether to Get a Dog

Choose a Dog Step 1
Choose a Dog Step 1

Step 1. Make sure you can indoors

If you are renting, check your contract to make sure you are allowed to keep a dog. Don't risk ending up in the situation of having to move or find a new home for your dog due to a contractual dispute. Don't try to keep one "secretly" - they are impossible to hide and you could find yourself in serious trouble with your renter. Remember that you may have to pay extra fees to bring a dog to a rented house.

Choose a Dog Step 2
Choose a Dog Step 2

Step 2. Research breed restrictions

Some areas - cities, regions, or states - prohibit the keeping of specific dog breeds as pets. Search the internet for "dog breed specific laws" or "dangerous dog ordinances" to find out if there are any restrictions on the type of dog you can bring home. The city of Fitzgerald, Georgia, for example, allows existing pit bulls to stay in the city, but has banned the purchase of new dogs of this breed. Also contact your insurance company, who may ask you to extend your insurance or pay a premium if you buy specific breeds. The most commonly prohibited ones include:

  • Pit Bull Terriers
  • Staffordshire Terriers
  • Rottweilers
  • German Shepherds
  • Presa Canario
  • Chows Chows
  • Doberman Pinschers
  • Akitas
  • Crosses with wolves
  • Mastiffs
  • Cane Corso
  • Great Danish
  • Alaskan Malamutes
  • Siberian Huskies
Choose a Dog Step 3
Choose a Dog Step 3

Step 3. Consider your roommates

Think about the people and other pets that live with you. If your roommate or family member is allergic to dogs, doesn't like them or doesn't want one, this problem will need to be addressed. Do you have other pets that are incompatible with dogs? You don't want to take one. Do not bring a dog into an environment where he may be greeted with fear and hostility.

Choose a Dog Step 4
Choose a Dog Step 4

Step 4. Consider how much time and energy you can devote to the dog

If you work long shifts and have to travel miles to get to work, you probably don't have enough time for the dog. If dogs don't get enough attention from their human owners, they can become destructive or very unhappy. Attention is more than love and affection.

  • Can you give your dog enough exercise to keep him mentally and physically happy?
  • Are you willing to wake up early to take him out?
  • Does your job or lifestyle involve a lot of trips that would keep you away from the dog?
  • In this case, you can afford the expenses of looking after the dog in your absence. Do you have a friend or relative willing to take care of the dog when you are away?
Choose a Dog Step 5
Choose a Dog Step 5

Step 5. Make sure you can afford a dog

Depending on the breed chosen, your dog could live from 5 to 15 years. You will have to spend some money to care for the dog for its entire life, so make sure you can afford the investment before bringing a pet home.

  • The ASPCA estimates that in the first year of a puppy's adoption, owners of a small dog spend about $ 1,314 ($ 1,200), those who own a medium-sized dog about $ 1,580 ($ 1,400), and who has it large in size around $ 1,843 (€ 1700). These costs include one-off expenses for initial veterinary care, such as vaccines and neutering or neutering, and the purchase of equipment such as kennels, bags and leashes, etc.
  • After the first year, the expenses are reduced. You will only have to pay for regular vet visits, food, toys and licenses, so you will spend around € 500 a year for small dogs, € 600 for medium-sized dogs and around € 800 for the big ones.

Part 2 of 3: Choosing the Race

Choose a Dog Step 6
Choose a Dog Step 6

Step 1. Decide on the size of the dog you want

When you have completed your initial research and have decided that you can have a dog, you will need to decide which size is best for you. If you're short of space, you shouldn't get a very large one. In some cases, even in apartments where you will be allowed to keep a dog, you will have to respect limits on its size. Think about what you want - a small dog to snuggle up on your lap, or a large dog that scares off potential intruders?

Choose a Dog Step 7
Choose a Dog Step 7

Step 2. Consider the physical activity needs of the breed you would like to choose

Since dogs have been bred for very different purposes over the centuries, they have specific needs for physical activity. In general, shepherd dogs (collies, Maremma shepherds), working dogs (German shepherds) and hunting dogs (labradors, pointers) need a lot of physical activity and space. Even the smallest dogs like Maltese and Chihuahuas need some exercise every day. There are, of course, breeds known for their sedentary lifestyle, some of them of large size, such as the Neapolitan mastiff, others smaller, such as the Pomeranians.

  • If you have an active lifestyle, you may want to choose a dynamic breed to accompany you on long runs or hikes.
  • If you'd rather relax on the sofa with a movie, choose a breed that suits your quiet lifestyle.
Choose a Dog Step 8
Choose a Dog Step 8

Step 3. Consider the breed's temperament

A dog's breed can have a big impact on their personality. Weimaraners, for example, are simply too big and energetic to hold around small children - they play too hard. Akitas, on the other hand, are short-tempered and may bite excited children who don't know how to interact with them. Do research on the temperaments of any breeds you are considering to determine if they are suitable for your family. Use the American Kennel Club (in English) or another breed registry to learn about their particular characteristics.

Choose a Dog Step 9
Choose a Dog Step 9

Step 4. Research the medical needs of the breeds

All dog breeds have their most common health problems. Pugs, for example, because they were bred to have very flattened faces and bulging eyes, suffer from frequent eye injuries and chronic irritation and pain. The Great Dane's huge size and deep chest often result in painful swelling and bowel problems that require immediate medical attention. They also suffer from hip and elbow dysplasia. You will need to decide if a breed's health risks are acceptable to you.

Since "mongrels" have more genetic variations, they have a tendency to be healthier than purebred dogs. If you don't want your dog to have a high risk of genetic problems, consider avoiding purebred dogs

Choose a Dog Step 10
Choose a Dog Step 10

Step 5. Also think about keeping the dog

Long-haired breeds, such as Collies, are beautiful, but require frequent brushing to prevent the hair from tangling and tangling. Tangles aren't just unsightly - they can also turn into painful felted hair, causing pain, irritation, and even bleeding and infection. Short-haired breeds require only infrequent brushing and may be a better choice for owners who can't spend a lot of time grooming.

  • Also consider whether you are willing to clean up any lost hair from a long-haired dog.
  • The Poodle is considered a dog that does not shed its coat. However, it requires frequent grooming to prevent the hair from felting.
  • Other breeds require professional grooming to maintain a perfect coat.
Choose a Dog Step 11
Choose a Dog Step 11

Step 6. Decide whether to buy a purebred or mixed breed dog

Purebred dogs will have a more defined personality, because dogs often mimic parental behaviors. If you buy a dog from a breeder, you will also have better access to the dog's genealogy and clinical history, and can better predict future health problems. However, if there isn't a breed that particularly appeals to you, consider adopting a dog. Almost all dogs in animal shelters are hybrids or mestizos. Taking a dog from a shelter allows you to help your community by taking responsibility for an unwanted or stray dog.

The staff at the animal shelter can give you information about the dog's behavior and personality. Even without knowing the characteristics of the breed, you should get a clear idea of a dog's personality

Choose a Dog Step 12
Choose a Dog Step 12

Step 7. Choose a dog of the right age

The last factor to consider before deciding which dog to take is whether you prefer a puppy, an adult dog, or an elderly dog. Each option has its benefits and downsides.

  • Puppies are adorable and can grow alongside children to form long lasting memories and friendships. They are also very demanding at first, and require careful training to ensure their safety as they grow up. You will have to deal with accidents and a dog earthquake, as with all small children.
  • An adult dog will have bad habits that will be difficult to correct, but will arrive in the house already trained. He will also be calmer than puppies and will not require as much supervision.
  • Older dogs will have health problems, but they can be wonderful and loving companions for older people or those with a sedentary lifestyle. These are the most rarely adopted dogs, so bringing home an older dog would be doing a great service to an animal in need.

Part 3 of 3: Meet and Choose Your Dog

Choose a Dog Step 13
Choose a Dog Step 13

Step 1. Meet potential dogs

After your research and considerations, meet the dog you plan to adopt. Make an appointment with the breeder or shelter to get to know all the dogs you are considering. Try to evaluate each dog's personality by playing with it, taking it for a walk and picking it up. To better understand his personality, spend as much time as possible with the dog. Don't adopt a dog that doesn't seem right for you. Be patient and keep looking - you will find the right dog!

Choose a Dog Step 14
Choose a Dog Step 14

Step 2. Find out the criteria that allow a dog to be adopted

In almost all states, puppies must be at least 8 weeks old before they can be sold or adopted, although in some, adoptions are allowed at 7 weeks. If a breeder or animal shelter offers you a puppy that is less than 7 or 8 weeks old, they are probably not reliable suppliers for a pet and you should avoid them. If you are adopting an animal from a shelter, make sure the staff have performed a temperament assessment before offering a dog for adoption.

Choose a Dog Step 15
Choose a Dog Step 15

Step 3. Ask questions about the behavior of all dogs

Breeders and shelter staff spend a lot of time caring for animals. They will be able to give you information about the personality and behavior of individual dogs. Ask if the dog is friendly or tolerates small dogs, cats, or other animals. Analyze the information obtained from the dog caretaker and combine it with your observations about the animal: does it play well with you, or is it aggressive towards other dogs?

Choose a Dog Step 16
Choose a Dog Step 16

Step 4. Make an initial assessment of all dogs available for adoption

It may be tempting to stop and interact with the dogs right away, but instead try observing them from a distance and taking note of which ones catch your attention. On the second step, visit the dogs that seemed like good choices.

  • Put your hand in the cage and notice the dog's reaction. He should approach right away and sniff your hand.
  • Slowly move your hand back and forth. If the dog does not follow your hand, it may not have been trained to socialize.
  • Avoid dogs barking in your face, jumping or throwing themselves at you.
Choose a Dog Step 17
Choose a Dog Step 17

Step 5. Introduce the dog to everyone in the house

If you live with other people - or even if you have a companion who often stops by - you will need to make sure that the dog reacts well to everyone he comes into contact with. When visiting the dog, take your roommates with you and notice the animal's reaction to their presence. Does anyone seem bothered by the dog's personality? Anyone afraid? Every member of your little "pack" should be happy with the opportunity to live together.

Choose a Dog Step 18
Choose a Dog Step 18

Step 6. Pay particular attention to the behavior of dogs with children

This is especially important if you already have small children at home, but it is also essential if you plan on having children in the future. Remember that a dog can stay with you for 15 years or more - don't assume that all dogs are simply able to adjust to the entry of a child into their life. If you don't have children, ask a friend to bring their children with you when you visit the dog.

  • Note that being a responsible dog owner means teaching children how to interact safely with dogs. It is your job to prevent children from pulling their tails and ears or getting too close to a dog's mouth.
  • Note, however, if a dog is bothered by a child's loud noises or rapid movements. While he won't be bothered, his instincts may kick in in unwanted ways. Sheepdogs, for example, nibble on the heels of running children, scaring them, even if they don't hurt them.
Choose a Dog Step 19
Choose a Dog Step 19

Step 7. Ask questions about a dog's parents

If you are choosing a dog in a kennel, the parents may be present and you may meet them. Almost all breeders are happy to accept these requests. Interacting with parents will allow you to understand what the dog will look like when he grows up, because many dogs inherit the personality of their parents.

Choose a Dog Step 20
Choose a Dog Step 20

Step 8. Think about temporary adoption if necessary

If you still have doubts about the dog you have chosen, ask if it is possible to keep it for a while, especially if it comes from a kennel. A shelter may allow you to house a dog or even several dogs for some time. You will have time to get to know your potential pet and find out if it is a good fit for your home, family and lifestyle.

  • You should also choose a shelter with a reasonable return policy, in case you cannot keep the dog.
  • Don't expect to recoup the adoption costs if you return the dog, but the shelter shouldn't deny you that possibility. A shelter that refuses to take back dogs proves that it does not care enough about the lives of their animals.


  • Training dogs at home is very difficult. Do not give up!
  • Avoid illegal breeders, who often have poor and neglected animals.
  • Never buy a dog on a whim. Having such a pet requires a long-term commitment.
  • Be sure to inquire about your puppy's vaccinations.
  • Be careful about buying dogs on the internet. Meet the dog and the seller before purchasing.
