How to Study the English Language: 7 Steps

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How to Study the English Language: 7 Steps
How to Study the English Language: 7 Steps

If your studies understand the English language, the valuable tips and advice contained in this article will be of great help. Discover them now!


Study the English Language Step 1
Study the English Language Step 1

Step 1. Practice and study consistently

Regular use of the English language will help keep your knowledge fresh and active.

Study the English Language Step 2
Study the English Language Step 2

Step 2. Read a lot, search for newspapers, magazines, short novels, comics, etc

in English.

Study the English Language Step 3
Study the English Language Step 3

Step 3. Take notes during class and use vocabulary to find out the meaning of words you don't know

Study the English Language Step 4
Study the English Language Step 4

Step 4. Hang out with English-speaking people and play popular word games such as Scrabble

Study the English Language Step 5
Study the English Language Step 5

Step 5. Express yourself in English whenever you can

Take note of your mistakes and make sure you don't repeat them in the future.

Study the English Language Step 6
Study the English Language Step 6

Step 6. Desired result:

speak English correctly! You can use the support of programs such as “Espoir Smart English”, which can make you absorb the language and help you learn it automatically. These tools were designed for adolescents, with the aim of encouraging them to learn the language to be successful in their career (formal English) and social life (informal English).

Study the English Language Step 7
Study the English Language Step 7

Step 7. Watch English language TV channels

Focus on listening to movies rather than watching them. And try not to resort to reading subtitles.


  • Study with a friend with good English language skills.
  • Speak English with your friends.
