Since its introduction in Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, Feebas has quickly jumped to the top of the hardest to find Pokémon rankings. However, to get a Milotic specimen you must first find a Feebas. Today it is no longer so difficult to find a Feebas specimen, but it still remains a complex task to complete.

Step 1. Reach the point in the game where you passed the "Water" type test presented to you by Suiren, the Captain of the Isle of Akala's Rushing Hill
In order to pass this test you will need a specimen of Lapras and the hook that Suiren herself will give you.

Step 2. Reach the right end of the wooden bridge which is near the "Rolling Hill"
From this position you should be facing south to locate and capture a Lapras specimen. You should see a good spot for fishing.

Step 3. Check the spot you have sighted for fishing
If the water is rippling where indicated, read on. Otherwise, move away from the "Pouring Hill" and then return there. Remember that getting too close to the fishing spot too quickly (or getting there directly from the map) risks scaring Feebas and the water will not be choppy as it should.

Step 4. Start fishing at the indicated spot
When the water is choppy, you have a 5% chance of being able to spot a Feebas specimen. When the water is not choppy the odds drop to 1%. Luckily, it is enough to temporarily move away from the "Pouring Hill" and then return to this fishing spot to increase the chances of success of spotting a Feebas.

Step 5. Repeat the above steps until you encounter a Feebas
Once you have identified it, you will have to weaken it with moves like "False Swipe" or "About" and then paralyze it or put it to sleep.
If it is night, you can use a "Scuro Ball", but a "Sub Ball" is ideal at any time of the day or night. Feebas has a relatively high capture rate, so catching it should be fairly straightforward
- Consider continuing the Fire Captain Kawe trial on Akala Island as well so that you can quickly get some Poke Balls. If used in the first turn of the fight, they grant you a 5x higher capture rate than normal.
- As in any other scenario where you try to catch a Pokémon, to make things easier, bring with you a Pokémon that knows the "Thunder Wave" and / or "Spore" move (or any other move that can paralyze or numb Feebas) and one who knows the "Falsofinale" move. In this way the chances of success will increase significantly. One of the perfect Pokémon for this role is Absol, as it can learn all the moves indicated.
- Don't burn or poison Feebas, or you won't be able to catch him anymore. Due to these types of moves it could become excessively weak.
- Stay focused and don't accidentally run away or Feebas will get too weak. Attack him only if you are sure he is too weak and pay close attention to "Bad hits".