Like all games in the main Pokémon series, Sun and Moon end with a series of battles against the Elite Four and the League champion. They are all fearsome coaches, as you might expect, but thanks to the advice in this guide, you will be able to beat them.

Step 1. Build a beautiful Pokémon team
Try to put together six monsters of different types, without any overlap. If you are not trying to complete the game with only Pokémon in the first stage, they should all be fully evolved (even if some have only one form). You must also be careful of the moves available to you: for example, a Primarina with Ephemeral Chant, Ice Beam, Moon Strength, and Psychic is much more effective than one that only knows water or fairy-type moves. Objects can help too - for example, if your Primarina has Primarinium Z, her Ephemeral Chant transforms into Symphony of the Sea, a very powerful move that can inflict massive damage!

Step 2. Train your Pokémon
They should all be at least level 55 before taking on the Elite Four for the first time. To train them faster, use the Share Exp., So that all members of your team receive experience points after battles are over. You should also play with them in Poké Relax, so that they gain more experience points after battles.

Step 3. Stock up on healing and revitalizing items
You must purchase Hyper Potions, Max Potions, Full Refills and Revives. Remember, Hyper Potions heal 120 HP, not 200 as in previous versions. These items will cost you a lot, so spend your money wisely. If you have items to sell, such as Nuggets and Star Pieces, do so and invest the proceeds in items useful in battle.

Step 4. Go to Mount Lanakila
From the Pokémon Center, go left, then up to reach the Pokémon League. It's a long walk, so use the Tauros Charge to get there faster. On your first visit to Mt., you will be challenged by Hau and his team consisting of Raichu Alola version, Jolteon / Flareon / Vaporeon (depending on the starter you have chosen), Komala and the advanced third stage version of the weak type starter than yours (Incineroar, Primarina or Decidueye). Defeat him if you haven't already.

Step 5. Approach the guards; they will tell you that you cannot leave the Pokémon League after joining, then they will ask you if you really want to take on the challenge
Answer yes and the door will open. Go inside.

Step 6. Get to know the Elite Four
The four coaches you will face are Hala, Olivia, Malpi and Kahili. In the steps below you will find detailed information on each of them in this order, but you can fight them in any order you like.

Step 7. Defeat Hala
His team is made up of Fighting-type Pokémon: Hariyama at level 54, Primeape at level 54, Bewear at 54, Poliwrath at 54, and Crabominable at 55. Fighting-type monsters are weak at Fairy, Psycho, and Flight. Also, Bewear is weak to fight, Poliwrath to grass and electric, Crabonimable to fire, fight and steel.
- Bewear possesses the Morbidone ability, which halves the damage taken from physical moves, but doubles that from fire moves. To defeat it, use special moves, fire-type moves, or moves that do not involve contact between Pokémon.
- Hariyama's Deprivation ability does a lot of damage against Pokémon holding items, so be careful.
- Crabominable has the Luctium Z item, so he can use his Z-move, Furious Hyperscharge.

Step 8. Defeat Olivia
His team is made up of rock-type Pokémon: Relicanth at level 54, Carbink at level 54, the Alolan version of Golem at 54, Probopass at 54, and the Night form of Lycanroc at 55. Rock-type Pokémon are weak to move. water (Relicanth doesn't suffer from this weakness due to its rock-water type), wrestling (Carbink is fairy-rock type, so it doesn't have this weakness), grass (except Probopass, which is rock-steel type), and earth. In addition to this general advice, Relicanth is weak on electro, Carbink on steel.
- Golems and Probopasses have the Harshhead ability, so you can't defeat them in one fell swoop.
- Lycanroc has the Petrium Z item, so it can use its Z-move, Pulverizing Gigamacigno.

Step 9. Defeat Malpi
His team is made up of Ghost-type Pokémon: Sableye at level 54, Drifblim at level 54, Dhelmise at 54, Froslass at 54, and Palossand at 55. Ghost-type Pokémon are weak to ghost moves (Sableye is also dark-type, so it does not have this weakness) and dark (the dark type of Sableye also cancels this weakness). Additionally, Sableye is weak against fairy moves (her only weakness), Drifblim is weak against electro, rock and ice, Dhelmise is weak against fire, flight and ice, Froslass is weak against fire, rock and steel, while Palossand is weak against water, grass and ice.
- Try not to allow Drifblim to power up with Amnesia, as she can use the Relay move to transfer the bonus to another Pokémon on the team.
- Sableye and Froslass are familiar with the Confurage move, which can cause problems for your team if your Pokémon keep hitting themselves.
- Palossand has the Spectrium Z item, so he can use his Z-move, Spectral Embrace.

Step 10. Defeat Kahili
His team is made up of flying-type Pokémon: Skarmory at level 54, Crobat at level 54, Oricorio at Flamenco version (flight / fire) at 54, Mandibuzz at 54, and Toucannon at 55. Flying-type Pokémon are weak at rock moves. (except Skarmory, which has the steel type), ice (except Skarmory and Oricorio, which do not suffer from this weakness thanks to their steel and fire types) and electro. Also, Skarmory is weak against fire, Crobat is weak against psycho and Oricorio against water.
- Skarmory has the Durahead ability, so you can't defeat him in one fell swoop. It also uses the Spikes move, so your Pokémon will take damage every time you replace them.
- Crobat and Oricorio can confuse their opponents and this can cause problems for your team if your Pokémon keep hitting themselves.
- Don't use physical moves while Toucannon is charging Cannonbeck, or your Pokémon will be burned.
- Toucannon has the Volantium Z item, so he can use his Z-move, Shattering Swoop.

Step 11. After defeating the fourth member of the Elite Four, a teleporter will appear in the main room of the building
Go inside and sit down. You will see a video with Professor Kukui, who will tell you that you must defeat him to become champion.

Step 12. Defeat Professor Kukui
Unlike the members of the Elite Four, he doesn't specialize in just one type. His team consists of Lycanroc Day form at level 57, Ninetales version Alola at level 56, Braviary at 56, Magnezone at 56, Snorlax at 56 and the evolved form at the third stage (level 58) of the starter of the strong type against the one who you chose.
- Lycanroc is rock-type, so use water, grass, ground, or grapple-type moves to beat it. Watch out for Rock Levit, which hurts your Pokémon when you bring them onto the battlefield.
- Ninetales' Alola form is ice / fairy type, so use steel, fire, poison or rock moves. Steel is particularly useful, dealing quadruple damage to Ninetales.
- Braviary is normal / battle type, so use ice, rock, or electro moves against him. Note that he knows the Tailwind move, which doubles the speed of the entire team for three turns.
- Magnezone is electric / steel-type, so use fire, grapple, or ground moves against him. The land type is particularly useful, as it deals quadruple damage to Magnezone. He knows the Hardhead skill, so you can't defeat him in one fell swoop.
- Snorlax is a normal type, so use grapple moves.
- Incineroar is a fire / dark type, so use rock, water, earth or grapple moves. He has the Pirium Z item, so he can use his Z-move, Detonating Flame Bomb.
- Primarina is a water / fairy type, so use grass, electro or poison moves to defeat it. He has the Idrium Z item, so he can use his Z-move, Abyssal Hydrovortex.
- Decidueye is a grass / ghost type, so use fire, flight, ice, ghost, or dark moves. He has the Herbium Z item, so he can use his Z-Move, Blazing Blossom Bloom.

Step 13. Enjoy the credits
You'll see a long cutscene, so make sure the console is charged (don't let it shut down, or you'll have to beat the Professor again). During the video, you will be able to capture Tapu Koko. Don't worry if you inadvertently knock him out; after the credits, you can catch it at any time.
- From the second time you challenge the Pokémon League, trainers will have higher level Pokémon and instead of challenging Professor Kukui to defend your title, you will meet one of the following trainers: Kukui, Hau, Sophocles (who uses electric Pokémon), Ryuki (Pokémon dragon), Gladion, Molayne (uses Pokémon steel), Plumeria (uses Pokémon poison), Hapu (ground Pokémon), Faba (psychic Pokémon), and Tristan. You will also have the option to skip the credits.
- If necessary, use the healing items after each battle.
- Save after each battle, so you can reload the game if you lose.
- Have one of your Pokémon hold the Amulet Coin to win more money.
- If you wish, consider using Solgaleo or Lunala. These are powerful Legendary Pokémon that will make your team much stronger.
- Purchase items that can restore your Pokémon's AP, so you never run out of AP for your most important moves.
- Use your Pokémon's Z-Moves. Note that you can only do this once per battle, so pick the right time!
- Try to use super effective moves.