In Pokémon Sun and Moon, the dominant Pokémon are bosses that you face at the end of each Island Tour Trial. They replace the Gym Leaders, who traditionally were the bosses of previous games in the series. With your skills and the help of this article, you will be able to beat them all.

Step 1. Learn how battles against dominant Pokémon unfold
These monsters are larger than normal, have enhanced stats, and can call on other allies during the fight. You will recognize them by the aura that surrounds them in the course of the battle. Dominant Pokémon and their allies cannot be captured.

Step 2. Learn which Pokémon are dominant:
- Dominant Gumshoos / Alolan dominant Raticate (face Gumshoos in Sun and Raticate in Moon)
- Dominant Wishiwashi (in Banco form)
- Dominant salazzle
- Dominant lurantis
- Dominant Vikavolt
- Dominant mimikyu
- Kommo-o dominant

Step 3. Be aware that battles against dominant Pokémon are tough battles
These monsters possess powerful and friendly moves with moves that can help them in combat. For example, Lurantis has Trumbeak and Castform as allies. Trumbeak knows Rockfall to cover up Lurantis' weakness, while Castform knows Sunblade, which allows Lurantis not to have to miss a turn after using Sunblade without Sunny Day) and recover more health with the Synthesis move.

Step 4. Learn what the dominant Pokémon's weaknesses are
- Gumshoos and Raticate are both weak at Fighting moves, while Raticate is also weak against Beetle and Fairy moves.
- Wishiwashi is weak against Electro and Grass.
- Salazzle is weak against Water, Earth, Rock and Psychic.
- Lurantis is weak against Fire, Ice, Flight, Bug, and Poison.
- Vikavolt is weak against Fire and Rock.
- Mimikyu is weak against Specter and Steel.
- Kommo-o is weak against Dragon, Fairy, Ice, Psychic and Flight.

Step 5. Form an effective team against the dominant Pokémon you face
Do not go into battle with half of the weak monsters to attack your enemy.

Step 6. Train your Pokémon
By facing a battle against a dominant Pokémon at too low a level, the chances of losing are greater. The increased stats of these monsters make them able to take out even an entire team on their own.

Step 7. Make sure your Pokémon know moves that are super effective against dominant Pokémon
As trivial as it may seem to you, super effective moves often represent the difference between victory and defeat. Don't spare the moves that inflict negative states either. Even a simple paralysis can make the fight much easier.

Step 8. Get healing items
If you're not looking to finish the game without using items, have Potions and Revives handy.

Step 9. When you feel ready, challenge the dominant Pokémon
These are very different battles from the battles with the gym leaders of the previous chapters, but if you are well prepared, you will be able to triumph.
- Use your Pokemon's Z-Moves. They may not take out dominant Pokémon in one hit, but they do a lot of damage. However, Not use a Z-Move in the first turn during the battle against dominant Mimikyu. The Ghost Ability protects it from damage from the first move it hits, even if it's a Z-move. Also, remember that you can only use Z-Moves once per match.
- If you wish, activate the Share Exp. This item allows all Pokémon on your team to gain part of the battle experience. This helps you train your monsters faster, especially the ones you just caught.
- Take advantage of in-game exchanges. Some of the exchanges offer Pokémon that are useful in battles against dominant Pokémon, for example Machop, perfect for taking on Gumshoos or Raticate. Swapped monsters also gain more experience from battles, so they level up faster.
- Use items to attach to Pokémon. For example, Magic Water increases the power of Water moves, a very useful detail in the battle against the dominant Salazzle.
- Use your Pokémon's TM moves. Don't be afraid to consume all the PP, you can still use them out of the fight.
- Save the game before each battle. This way, you will be able to load the save and not lose money if you are defeated.
- When facing the Elite Four, avoid having two Pokémon of the same type on your team.