Have you always wanted to write a book, short story or manga but don't know how to develop your characters? The task of this article is to guide you in the characterization of your protagonists!

Step 1. Establish the physical appearance of the characters
Imagine their physiognomy and build. Here is a list of details to take into account: gender, age, height, skin color, hair color and their length, hairstyle, eye color, clothing style.

Step 2. If you feel the need, take care of even the most insignificant details, such as weight, shoe size, blood type, zodiac sign, etc

Step 3. Give them a name
Finding the right name can be a tough task. Here are some ways to proceed:
- Names that sound good: as the title suggests, think of names that fit the character as much as a tailored suit. It is perhaps the most difficult way, but the Net comes to our rescue. Search on the sites where the names to give to children are listed, you will find them divided into broad categories (Japanese, Arabic, French, Russian, Hawaiian, Indian, etc.). There is plenty of choice.
- Names that hide a meaning: another very difficult search, but less than the previous one. You can start from the character's personality. The problem is that these names often don't seem to fit our protagonist. If we add to this that many people might miss the meaning of the name, we risk not reaping the desired results.
- Names Inspired by Famous People: You can name your character under the escort of a famous person to whom he is linked by elective affinities. Don't use exactly the same name, change it to your fancy. Like the previous point, the reference may be obscure to your readers; use this means only if you can't think of anything better.
- The "Scarabeo" method: draw up a list of words that reflect the character's temperament, such as "decisive", "cunning", "cowardly" or "indomitable". Shuffle the letters of the words like in an anagram until you get a name that suits you [the beetle tiles are really useful in this]. Feel free to add or subtract letters as needed.
- The reverse method: choose a word - any one. Try with city or country names. Open a book and use the first word you read. Write your chosen word and then copy it backwards. At this point, add or remove letters to get a name that sounds right for your hero.

Step 4. Give your character a credible profile:
more complicated than finding a name is to provide the character with a credible enough psychological profile to allow readers to empathize with it. It is a very complex procedure and requires paying attention to infinite details. To avoid the risk of confusion, it is advisable to draw up a real card on the identity of your character. Profiles come in handy when writing the story, they are the guide to refer to every time our character requests it. For example, his character will determine his every reaction in certain situations. The more complete your profile, the fewer headaches you will have in the future!
Profile of: (character name)
- Gender: Race: Age: Date of birth: Zodiac sign: Blood type: Height: Measurements: Religious belief: Hobby: Short description: Family background> place of birth> personal history> home> property, makeup, jewelry, etc. > animals
- Physical description> hairstyle> hair> physique> physical condition> tattoos, scars, skin blemishes> clothing
- Personality> tastes> aversions> fears> goals> hobbies> work> favorite foods> intolerances> most precious properties> speech> psychological condition> behavior> propensities> problems> relationships (with whom and of what kind)> beliefs, superstitions, moral values > positive characteristics> downsides> personality> other
- Skills> Physical> Magical> Other. This is a general outline for a character's profile, feel free to add or remove as many items as you want. On the other hand, it is your character that we are talking about.
- Don't use well-known names.
- Mythology offers considerable ideas for finding names that hide meaning (try Scandinavian mythology, or Greek and Japanese mythology).
- Unless your target is children under 12, don't skip details just because it embarrasses you to write about them. Almost everyone knows what a period or an erection is. It is these details that give the story verisimilitude.