How to Catch Relicanth in Pokemon Emerald

How to Catch Relicanth in Pokemon Emerald
How to Catch Relicanth in Pokemon Emerald

Table of contents:


Do you need Relicanth to capture the three Regi? Or maybe you just think Relicanth is a cool Pokemon? Read on to find out how to catch one in Pokemon Emerald.


Get Relicanth in Pokemon Emerald Step 1
Get Relicanth in Pokemon Emerald Step 1

Step 1. Purchase a lot of Dive Balls (at least 25) in the Green Bones Pokè Mart

These balls are 3.5 times more powerful than a normal Pokemon Ball against underwater Pokemon (like Relicanth); this means they are almost twice as effective as an Ultra Ball.

Get Relicanth in Pokemon Emerald Step 2
Get Relicanth in Pokemon Emerald Step 2

Step 2. Raise a Pokemon that knows False Swipe to a high level (30 or more)

False Swipe is a 40-point attack move that will never KO an opponent (it will leave them at 1 HP), and is perfect for catching Pokemon.

  • Use Grovyle or Sceptile. If you started with Treecko, take him up to level 53 as Frovyle or 59 as Sceptile to have him learn False Sweep. You can also use a TM to make him learn that move.
  • Nincada. Capture a Nincada on Route 116 (uncommon) and train it to level 25, without evolving it, to teach it False Swipe.
  • Swap. Alternatively, trade a Farfetch'd at level 46, a Cubone at 33, a Marowak at 39, a Scyther or Scizor at level 16, a Smeargle or Zangoose at 55 who know False Swipe.
Get Relicanth in Pokemon Emerald Step 3
Get Relicanth in Pokemon Emerald Step 3

Step 3. Bring a Pokemon that knows a move to sleep to a high level (30 or higher)

When Relicanth is asleep, it is much easier to catch him. An alternative (albeit less effective) is the moves that induce paralysis.

  • Ralts, Kirlia and Gardevoir. Capture a Ralts on Route 102 (rare) and train him to level 41 as Ralts, to level 47 as Kirlia, or to level 51 as Gardevoir, to teach him Hypnosis.
  • Spinda. Capture a Spinda on Route 113 (common) and train it to level 23, to learn Hypnosis.
  • Oddish or Gloom. Capture an Oddish or Gloom on Routes 110, 117, 119, 120, 121 or 123, or in the Safari Zone. Train him up to level 18 to learn Sleep Powder.
Get Relicanth in Pokemon Emerald Step 4
Get Relicanth in Pokemon Emerald Step 4

Step 4. Shroomish or Breloom

Train him up to level 54 as a Shroomish to teach him Spore.

Get Relicanth in Pokemon Emerald Step 5
Get Relicanth in Pokemon Emerald Step 5

Step 5. Dive underwater on Route 126 and walk through the seaweed until you find a Relicanth

It's very rare (1 in 20 chance), so you'll need to be patient.

Get Relicanth in Pokemon Emerald Step 6
Get Relicanth in Pokemon Emerald Step 6

Step 6. Weaken Relicanth, without defeating him, using False Swipe

Use other moves as needed, but when you've weakened Relicanth, be sure to use False Swipe to avoid inadvertently defeating him.

Get Relicanth in Pokemon Emerald Step 7
Get Relicanth in Pokemon Emerald Step 7

Step 7. Put Relicanth to sleep or paralyze

Sleep is more effective than paralysis.

Get Relicanth in Pokemon Emerald Step 8
Get Relicanth in Pokemon Emerald Step 8

Step 8. Shoot the Dive Balls until you catch him

It can take a while, as Relicanth has a very low catch chance, similar to that of Legendary Pokemon. If Relicanth wakes up, remember to put him back to sleep.


  • Watch out for critical hits and don't defeat Relicanth.
  • Be careful not to get your Pokemon to fall asleep while throwing the Dive Balls. Change Pokemon if necessary.
