How to Disable Microsoft Edge: 8 Steps

Table of contents:

How to Disable Microsoft Edge: 8 Steps
How to Disable Microsoft Edge: 8 Steps

This article explains how to change the name of the Microsoft Edge folder in the Windows system files, so as to disable the program on your computer.


Disable Microsoft Edge Step 1
Disable Microsoft Edge Step 1

Step 1. Open "This PC"

The icon looks like a small computer and you can find it on your desktop or in the Start menu.

Disable Microsoft Edge Step 2
Disable Microsoft Edge Step 2

Step 2. Double click on the main disk

The main disk contains all the Windows system files.

  • The main disk is called C:

    on most computers.

  • If you have multiple discs on your computer, the main one may be indicated by the letter D:

    or with another.

Disable Microsoft Edge Step 3
Disable Microsoft Edge Step 3

Step 3. Double click on the Windows folder

This folder contains all system files and folders located on the main disk.

Disable Microsoft Edge Step 4
Disable Microsoft Edge Step 4

Step 4. Double click on the SystemApps folder

In this folder you can find the program files pre-installed on Windows.

Disable Microsoft Edge Step 5
Disable Microsoft Edge Step 5

Step 5. Look for the Microsoft Edge folder within SystemApps

All program files belonging to Microsoft Edge are located in this folder of the SystemApps directory.

  • This folder is usually called " Microsoft. MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe"on SystemApps.
  • The numbers and letters at the end of the name vary depending on the version.
Disable Microsoft Edge Step 6
Disable Microsoft Edge Step 6

Step 6. Click on the Microsoft Edge folder with the right mouse button

Various options will appear in a drop-down menu.

Disable Microsoft Edge Step 7
Disable Microsoft Edge Step 7

Step 7. Click Rename in the drop-down menu

This option allows you to change the Microsoft Edge folder name.

Disable Microsoft Edge Step 8
Disable Microsoft Edge Step 8

Step 8. Rename the folder Edge

Once the application name has changed, the system will not be able to find the Microsoft Edge files and will disable the program.
