6 Ways to Overcome Writer's Block

6 Ways to Overcome Writer's Block
6 Ways to Overcome Writer's Block

Table of contents:


Suddenly, your mind became paralyzed and you lost focus. You have nothing to write. It is scary, especially if you have to finish a long novel and you feel like you are at a dead end. Don't worry: you are not the only one. Almost every writer has this problem, but it comes out stronger than before. Below you will find some simple, but not foolproof, methods for overcoming writer's block.


Method 1 of 6: Write Whatever Comes to Your Mind

Start a Love Story Step 16
Start a Love Story Step 16

Step 1. Recognize writer's block

You notice it when you stop because you have no idea to write. Keep in mind that it can be overcome and there are many ways to do it. Do not convince yourself that you will no longer be able to compose a story.

Write a Personal Essay Step 14
Write a Personal Essay Step 14

Step 2. Write something

Anything, even about pineapple. Stimulate your mind to think more and be creative. This is a trick that works in many cases. Once you've worked out a paragraph or a couple of lines on a random topic, pick up your story.

Write Information in a Cornell Outline Format Step 5
Write Information in a Cornell Outline Format Step 5

Step 3. Write down some ideas without worrying about the shape

You don't have to write in a sophisticated way. Often, writers get stuck because they are too careful about the quality of their compositions. Remember that, except you, no one will see a word of what you write. You can have it read when you feel ready.

Write About a Fictional City Step 15
Write About a Fictional City Step 15

Step 4. Try changing the pace

For example, if you have a long sequence of actions, introduce slower, more peaceful dialogue. Make sure, however, that this step doesn't clash. History does not have to develop in an identical rhythm or register. An unusual element can push you to reach new heights and depths. If you've written several dramatic scenes, switch to something lighter, or vice versa.

Write an Opening Statement Step 6
Write an Opening Statement Step 6

Step 5. Decide whether to give up on an idea

Examine what you wrote and ask yourself: "Does it lead to anything?". If you think it makes no contribution to the economy of history, perhaps you should eliminate it.

Write About a Fictional City Step 5
Write About a Fictional City Step 5

Step 6. Decide if the situation is consistent with reality

Writer's block may be due to the fact that the situation described in the story does not seem realistic. Don't be afraid to partially rewrite it to make it smoother.

Write a Consolation Letter Step 13
Write a Consolation Letter Step 13

Step 7. Try starting from another point in the story

If you have trouble with the opening, focus on the middle or the end. Once you move forward, the pieces may start to fit together and you will be able to continue from where you were stuck.

To write out of order, you need to carefully imagine the whole storyline so that it makes sense from start to finish. At the same time, it is a method that allows you to focus on the details when you can't move forward. Finally, it gives you a chance to process the rest of the story by throwing down a nice ending and pondering how best to structure it

Write Sad Stories Step 13
Write Sad Stories Step 13

Step 8. Compose something different

You may rediscover the excitement of yesteryear! A monologue, a song, a poem or even a small scene of a story totally different from the one you are writing will help you find the right inspiration.

Write User Manuals Step 20
Write User Manuals Step 20

Step 9. Use the typing prompts

They are very effective when you are paralyzed in front of a blank sheet. A writing prompt is a word or short passage of text that helps you come up with a storyline and start writing. For example, if you ask a friend to offer you a tip and they say "forever" and "passion", you may be thinking of a romance. If he were to say "bite me", you would most likely think of a vampire or a werewolf.

Write Best Selling Children's Books Step 6
Write Best Selling Children's Books Step 6

Step 10. Look at the world around you

Use the people around you and their personalities. Observe the surrounding nature, atmosphere and scenery to elaborate a story or build a plot. The best way is to write a journal. Write down everything that happens to you in daily life, scattered thoughts, feelings and moods.

Write Information in a Cornell Outline Format Step 6
Write Information in a Cornell Outline Format Step 6

Step 11. If your mind is completely blank, name a group of objects or ideas

Give it a try, even if you think it doesn't work. It is a simple method that will help you overcome writer's block. To simplify, say aloud everything that comes into your mind. Sooner or later, the light bulb will turn on. Good luck!

Method 2 of 6: Starting with a Character

Write a Letter to Your Teacher Step 1
Write a Letter to Your Teacher Step 1

Step 1. Get a pen and paper

Alternatively, use the computer if it is more convenient for you. The first thing you need to focus on a character is a blank sheet of paper.

Write a Letter of Intent Step 4
Write a Letter of Intent Step 4

Step 2. Write a name, the first that comes to mind, at the top of the sheet

It can be the name of a person you know, a name you have read or just a random name.

Start a Love Story Step 5
Start a Love Story Step 5

Step 3. Ask yourself a few questions

Under the name, he begins to draw up a list of questions, such as: who is this person? What does it look like? Does he have brothers? If so, who are they?

Write a Character Sketch Step 1
Write a Character Sketch Step 1

Step 4. Develop the character

Let the character form in your mind: observe him trying to identify with him.

Write a Character Sketch Step 5
Write a Character Sketch Step 5

Step 5. Try to imagine his life

What does he do when he wakes up in the morning? Do you go to work or school? What are your relationships with the family? What does he like to eat? All these details, put together, contribute to enrich its existence.

Write User Manuals Step 24
Write User Manuals Step 24

Step 6. Review what you wrote

When you've completed the list, read it and, if that's okay, you'll be able to place your character in a situation where the idea for a story could arise. Even one detail may be enough to ignite the creative spark.

Help Your Child With Homework Step 16
Help Your Child With Homework Step 16

Step 7. Use the "and then" method

You may be surprised why it is a great way to overcome writer's block. Start with a random sentence, like "Once upon a time there was a girl named Destiny", then continue the story by writing "and then" after each sentence. "And then she met a man named Daniel. And then she found out he was a vampire" and so on. It is probably not your narrative style or the correct way to write a story, however as you go along, you will be able to outline the contours of a plot.

Start a Love Story Step 3
Start a Love Story Step 3

Step 8. Write the protagonist's personal story

Come up with a series of information regarding the main character: why does Destiny have such short hair when all the other girls are wearing long braids? She once had them too, but an evil man cut them off in an attempt to slit her throat during a chase.

Method 3 of 6: Find Inspiration by Reading

Establish a Research Topic Step 2
Establish a Research Topic Step 2

Step 1. Read a novel

It might stimulate your creativity. If you prefer, try rereading a book you enjoyed. You can even outline the plot or outline the characters or scenes that inspire you the most. For more ideas, try picking a book that belongs to the same fiction genre you are working on, be it science fiction, novel or thriller.

Arrange Your Teenage Daughter's Bedroom Step 10
Arrange Your Teenage Daughter's Bedroom Step 10

Step 2. Consult other written texts that you have written previously

Try to awaken the mind re-reading a short story or other stories you have created in the past. Inspiration is a mysterious thing: it can come back at any moment.

Develop Good Communication Skills Step 12
Develop Good Communication Skills Step 12

Step 3. Study the life of a character you admire

Learn the story of a character that intrigues you or you particularly like and create the leading figure in your work starting from his personality: consider character traits and hobbies. This way, you will have a lot of material to paint a complete picture of your protagonist.

Write Best Selling Children's Books Step 4
Write Best Selling Children's Books Step 4

Step 4. Read poems

In addition to composing a few lines, poetry can also inspire you to write a fiction text! You may be skeptical, but keep in mind that any poem is a forge of ideas and images - whether it be EA Poe's "The Crow" ("And the severe, vague, soft, swaying of velvets / filled me, penetrated me with terror unknown! ") or" Mattino d'autunno "by FG Lorca (" The sun is shining among the yellow leaves / and the spiders stretch among the branches / their silky roads "). You may find inspiration very soon!

Write a Paragraph Step 2
Write a Paragraph Step 2

Step 5. Read a work of non-fiction

Even a book that narrates a historical event can help you develop new visions, points of view or ideas related to the period it describes. Unthinkable characters, plots and dialogues will soon crowd your mind.

Write a Paragraph Step 8
Write a Paragraph Step 8

Step 6. Rewrite a newspaper article

Grab a newspaper, choose an article and rewrite it: last week's murder was committed by a ghost who wanted to take revenge on his evil nephew and… (it can stimulate your creativity).

Method 4 of 6: Avoiding Perfection

Deal With Your Roommate's Mood Swings Step 2
Deal With Your Roommate's Mood Swings Step 2

Step 1. Take a break

Sometimes, taking a nap is very helpful: you never know what you are dreaming about; also, when you are lying on the bed, you may have a sudden illumination. Write it down immediately, even in the middle of the night. Alternatively, try watching a movie or going for a walk. By seeing new things, you can stimulate the mind and boost the imagination. Cook, tidy up or play with your pets. For a while, forget your book completely.

Write Good Captions in Photojournalism Step 19
Write Good Captions in Photojournalism Step 19

Step 2. Don't be hard on yourself if no idea knocks on your head

If you can't write a single word and would rather lie down and relax or do something else, don't blame yourself. Even the best writers sometimes write an hour or two a day. It is said that Gustave Flaubert, the author of the novel "Madame Bovary", wrote only one sentence a day!

Write a Brief Description of Yourself Step 9
Write a Brief Description of Yourself Step 9

Step 3. Do not change the text as you type

Don't obsess over every sentence or line. If you expect every paragraph to be absolutely perfect, you will never be able to finish it!

Be Quiet During Class Step 7
Be Quiet During Class Step 7

Step 4. Don't panic

Every author gets stuck at least once in their life: it is absolutely normal. Also, consider that by overcoming this obstacle and moving forward, you will become a more ingenious and creative writer.

Write a Will Step 5
Write a Will Step 5

Step 5. Don't compare yourself to your favorite writers

You may not feel as good as Stephen King, Louis Sachar, Emily Bronte or Dostoevsky, but you don't have to feel inadequate or consider yourself the worst writer on the face of the earth. Draw inspiration from your favorite authors, see them as role models, but don't use them as parameters to evaluate failure or success. Once you no longer have this weight, you will be able to write more freely.

Method 5 of 6: Thinking Outside the Box

Write a Grievance Letter for Wrongful Termination Step 12
Write a Grievance Letter for Wrongful Termination Step 12

Step 1. Get a sheet of paper

Choose a quiet place where you are not conditioned by the judgments of others.

Write a Character Sketch Step 8
Write a Character Sketch Step 8

Step 2. For about five minutes, try to think of the most senseless sentence possible

For example, "The flying turtle ate the talking pineapple, even though he knew it was the unicorn's best friend." If you feel inspired, try to come up with a series of absurd phrases and choose the best one. Don't make judgments and don't hold back. Write down any thoughts that cross your mind.

Write an Effective Poem Step 11
Write an Effective Poem Step 11

Step 3. Choose a meaningless sentence and write it down

Repeat until you have a list of at least three ideas.

Write Information in a Cornell Outline Format Step 5
Write Information in a Cornell Outline Format Step 5

Step 4. Repeat this mental exercise until you have a paragraph full of meaningless sentences

It must be really extravagant. If you are a serious and staid person, take a break and try to write a very boring story. Once you have found at least 5-6 sentences that are "suitable" for your purpose, you will have some material to work with. Read them continuously until you burst out laughing: you will feel looser and less inclined to write perfectly.

Write Information in a Cornell Outline Format Step 9
Write Information in a Cornell Outline Format Step 9

Step 5. Choose a phrase that catches your attention and get inspired

Use it as an opening for a story or even a short story. Don't Stop: From that sentence, pick a couple of passages or words to keep inspiration alive. Keep writing until, very naturally, you get to collect various phrases to work on!

Write a Seminar Paper Step 9
Write a Seminar Paper Step 9

Step 6. If no sentence invites you to compose a story, use the sheer lack of meaning as a source of inspiration

If all the phrases were too absurd or ridiculous to start a story, break down all the barriers of rationality and, from time to time, let yourself go: it generates crazy phrases! You don't have to be perfect! Once you have finished this exercise, you just have to go back to your usual narrative style, but you will feel more confident in your creative ability!

Method 6 of 6: Using a Wikipedia Prompt

Write a Self Evaluation Step 13
Write a Self Evaluation Step 13

Step 1. Get your favorite writing tools:

pen and paper, Microsoft Word and whatever you need.

Write a Request Letter Step 1
Write a Request Letter Step 1

Step 2. Then go to Wikipedia.org and click on "A random entry"

Based on the article you view, write something, even if it's just a six-word story.

Choose a Charity to Support Step 2
Choose a Charity to Support Step 2

Step 3. Repeat the exercise as many times as you want

Try doing this once a day so that you can practice writing.


  • Choose music suitable for the scene you are telling. You could even create an entire playlist. Music helps overcome writer's block - listen to the genre you like, but don't make it a distraction. You need to spend your time writing, not singing or dancing.
  • If you can't do any of this, just read on and you'll find plenty of ideas on how and what to write. Take a break if you need it. Try to write every day, but without forcing yourself, otherwise you will not get any benefit.
  • Don't be afraid to tread your hand on the character of the characters. However, don't overdo it, otherwise they can become obnoxious (unless it's the antagonists or characters that need to be hated).
  • Start writing. It doesn't have to be perfect. The first draft is not the final text, after all. Don't be a perfectionist.
  • If you have a knack for drawing, try portraying a character, scenes, places, objects, or any other element of the story - this gimmick will help you get over the block. Even by designing the cover for the book, you can renew the enthusiasm for your story and find inspiration again.
  • Write a good paragraph - exciting, moving, or in some way enjoyable - and from that, try to make up a story.
  • Pretend to interview your characters to practice their characterization or prepare cards about their figures. Getting into character psychology is a cornerstone of writing!
  • Get away from the text. You may find new ideas if you leave everything on hold and spend a whole day thinking! Forget it. If you don't stress, everything will be fine.
  • Writing should be a fun process.
  • Do not give up! Almost everyone experiences writer's block. It doesn't mean you have to stop writing.


  • Remember that if you wait too long before resuming writing, it will become increasingly difficult to overcome writer's block.
  • Don't stress yourself out if you get stuck, otherwise it will seem like an insurmountable obstacle and you risk not overcoming it.
  • Don't use tips and tricks you are unfamiliar with.
  • Don't worry about how difficult this block will be. If you stare, you won't get out of it that easily.
  • Don't write so much to write, otherwise you'll have to correct everything later.
