We all want to be interesting and well-liked and make efforts in this direction. If you are afraid of being boring or monotonous, don't worry! Anyone has the potential to be interesting, regardless of how peaceful their life may seem! Read the article to find out more.

Step 1. Get informed
The broader your culture of what's going on in the world, the greater the contribution you can make to conversations. Interesting people are those who can bring something new to a conversation by sharing fun facts, rather than just sitting on the sidelines. The more you learn, the better your speaking skills will be.
- Get educated through books and stay informed about current events.
- Watch documentaries and dedicated to reading various subjects.
- Remember that not all knowledge has to be acquired through formal institutions. Explore new topics on your own.
Step 2. Create stories to share
The lives of interesting people always seem full and active. The more you do, the more stories you will have to share with others. The best way to accumulate interesting stories is to travel, constantly meeting new and different people, and experiencing new and interesting situations.
- Get in the habit of saying yes to the unknown opportunities you encounter in life. If you get an invitation to attend a party you don't know anyone at, accept it. Perhaps a seemingly normal evening could turn into a somewhat bizarre story to tell!
- You don't need to travel across new continents to have interesting experiences. A simple trip to visit a friend who is a two-hour drive from your home could turn into an exciting adventure.
- During your travels, when you attend a party or when you visit a new place, take pictures so you can share them with others.

Step 3. Get involved in what you do
While it may seem strange, being interesting is in no way different from being interested. If you always act distracted and bored people will tend to get bored of you, and soon you will be bored with your life. Think of yourself as if you were a sponge and, every day, absorb as much as possible from what is happening around you.
- If you are having a conversation with someone, give them your full attention. Maintain eye contact and avoid doing anything else while listening. Don't text and don't talk on the phone.
- Begin to notice the small details of your daily life that you don't normally pay attention to. As you walk down the street, admire the architecture of the buildings that surround you. Notice how the wind moves the leaves of the trees and pay attention to the artworks hanging on the walls of the bar where you are sitting. Little things like these allow you to feel more connected to the world.
- Learn to listen to people as they speak. Sometimes, people who try to be interesting tend to talk incessantly, without giving their interlocutors a chance to speak. Despite your best efforts, you will only appear self-centered. Conversations should be balanced so that each person spends the same time talking and listening.

Step 4. Meet new people
Expand your social circle by engaging in conversations with anyone you meet. You never know when a stranger can turn into a new best friend! Give anyone you meet a chance to show you who they are and welcome them into your life.
- Talk to people at parties, bars and clubs. If you see an interesting person, approach them and talk to them. You have nothing to lose!
- Start a conversation with the restaurant waiter, the supermarket cashier or the taxi driver.
- Meet friends of friends. Mutual friends are a great resource for meeting new friends. Consider throwing a party and inviting all your friends over, suggesting that they bring a guest or two.

Step 5. Keep an open mind
Try not to be too critical or overly sensitive so that people are more willing to spend time with you. Remember that everyone has the right to have their own opinion. While it is okay to engage in a friendly discussion from time to time, you should be able to keep an open mind and accept other people's opinions, even when they differ from yours.

Step 6. Take up a hobby
Join a local sports team, start playing an instrument or learn a new art. Hobbies not only keep you busy and help you meet new people, they also allow you to identify your skills and talents. Some of the most interesting people in the world have a unique talent.
Examples of interesting hobbies include mountain climbing, photography, golf, cooking, dancing, horseback riding, volunteering, reading, painting, and creating

Step 7. Have a unique sense of style
Being interesting isn't just about your inner being; your physical appearance can also dramatically change the way other people perceive you. In fact, people, even before they know you, get an idea of you, classifying you as a more or less interesting person. If you like to follow the fashion of the moment, try to add your own personal touch to a more conventional style.
- Add accessories such as hats, scarves or jewelry.
- Shop at thrift stores. If you buy a second-hand garment, you can be sure that you are the only one wearing it.

Step 8. Be yourself
Remember that even if you seem not to be an interesting person, in reality you are a one-of-a-kind human being. Don't try to get attention by imitating others or pretending to be someone you are not, in time the truth will come out and you will look like a hypocrite. Instead of hiding who you really are, learn to highlight your positive qualities while minimizing the negative ones.