Do you want to be admired, in the gym or on the beach, for your big and muscular pecs? By increasing the intensity of your daily workout, introducing lots of calories to support your workouts, and doing chest-specific exercises, you can build muscle in a matter of weeks. Whether you want to become a professional bodybuilder or simply improve your physique, nothing is more showy than a big, muscular chest. Here's how to increase your pecs by a few centimeters.
Part 1 of 3: Part 1: Focus on Muscle Growth
Step 1. Use an "explosive" approach to training
Studies show that weight lifting done with a quick movement causes muscles to grow faster than a slow movement. "Explosive" weight training is the secret to getting bigger pecs. Instead of counting reps, you can try timing your workouts. Set the timer for one or two minutes and do as many reps as you can during that time.
This type of training requires perfect technique. "Fast on the concentric, slow on the eccentric" is the most effective way to build muscle. On the bench press, the push up is the concentric and the lowering bar to the chest is the eccentric

Step 2. Give it your all
In addition to doing quick movement exercises, you should take a more intense approach to training. Muscles need to be challenged to grow. This means you should lift as much weight as you can for about ten reps. It doesn't matter how much weight you lift compared to others; if you are lifting enough to challenge yourself, you will see your muscles grow.
- Calculate how much you should lift by trying different weights, until you find the one you can lift 10 times before you need to stop. If you can lift it 15 times, it means it's too light.
- If you are a beginner, it is a good idea to work with a trainer. Make sure you don't overdo it, or you risk getting injured.

Step 3. Continue to gradually increase the weight
If you don't, you will eventually settle down and no longer see your pecs grow. About once a week, see if you're still challenging yourself. Add enough weight so that the exercises continue to be challenging throughout the workouts.

Step 4. Rest your muscles
You shouldn't be training your pecs every day. They need time between workouts to recover and regenerate, thus becoming stronger and more bulky. When you're not exercising your pecs, work on your legs or back. Make sure you get enough rest so your muscles will fully regenerate after your workouts.
Step 5. Stop running
Think about all the cardio exercises you are doing religiously every day. The time has come to take a break. Too many cardiovascular workouts will cause you to consume energy that can be used more effectively in muscle growth. Cardio exercises such as running, cycling, swimming, and team games consume energy for extended periods of time. Eventually there will be nothing left to develop the pecs.
If you really love cardio, reduce it to once a week
Part 2 of 3: Part 2: Performing the Chest Exercises
Step 1. Do the presses on the flat bench
They are considered the most effective single exercises for those who want to get a sculpted chest. Lifting heavy weights with a few repetitions is the best way to build muscle. You can do this with a flat bench, a barbell, or a dumbbell.
- Get someone to help you. If you are lifting to your limit (or are at the point where your muscles cannot physically hold the lift), you absolutely need someone to hold the weights for you. Make sure that person is physically capable of supporting any weight you may drop.
- Choose a weight that you can lift for 7-10 reps.
- Lie flat on your back on a weight bench. Grab the bar with your hands slightly wider than your shoulders.
- Slowly lower the bar until it touches your chest. Then return to the starting position.
- Repeat until you have completed this movement 5 to 7 times, or you have reached the limit.
- Rest for a while, then do 2 more sets.
- If you can do 10 reps easily, increase the weight to be lifted.
Step 2. Use dumbbells or a cable station to perform the fly exercises
Lighter weights are recommended, as it would be difficult to hold heavy weights during these movements.
- Lie flat on your back and grab a pair of dumbbells or a cable in each hand.
- Extend your arms straight in front of you.
- Keep your arms outstretched and slowly lower your hands to both hips.
- Return to the starting position.
- Repeat the exercise for a total of 3 sets of 10 or 12 repetitions.
- Increase the weight when you can easily do 12 reps.
Step 3. Perform a "superset" by doing two or more exercises in a row
Supersets force your muscles to work harder, because you do one exercise after another. They can be very effective for muscle growth.
For example, after doing 10 reps on the bench press, go straight to the dumbbells to fly and do as many reps as you can. Or use the flat bench to do as many pushups as you can
Step 4. Try the drop sets
To perform a drop set, reduce the weight for each subsequent exercise and come to exhaustion.
Do at least 10 reps on the bench press or flys. Drop 4 pounds right away and perform the exercise to the limit. Then, take off another 4 pounds and perform the exercise on the limit again
Step 5. Do push-ups
For maximum benefits, do different types of pushups. There is nothing more effective than the classic movement:
- Place your hands further than shoulder width apart.
- Place your feet on the bench and do push ups in an incline position, or place your feet on the floor and hands on the bench for incline pushups.
- Push yourself to the limit during each set.
Step 6. Do the dip
These exercises can be performed on a lift bar or even between two chairs with a high back.
- Stand vertically between bars or chairs, then bend your elbows and lower yourself until you feel your chest stretch.
- Return to the starting position and repeat.
- For added benefit, tie a flat weight around your waist or place a dumbbell between your ankles or knees as you perform this exercise.
Step 7. Do pull-ups
They are useful for strengthening the back and also the abdominals, especially the high and low ones.
Part 3 of 3: Part 3: Power to Build Muscle

Step 1. Eat healthy food
This is essential when you want to strengthen your pecs. Too many carbohydrates and fats will make you too tired to train effectively. You may even find yourself accumulating fat instead of gaining muscle mass.
- Eat a balanced diet with whole foods, proteins (meat, fish, eggs, etc.), fruits, vegetables, and fiber.
- Avoid sugary and sweet drinks, fast food, meat containing hormones and nitrates, salty snacks.

Step 2. Eat more than three times a day
When you focus on muscle growth, your body needs a lot of "fuel". The three main meals are not enough. Add two more meals and make sure your portions are bigger than usual. You may need to eat even if you already feel full, but in the end you will be happy with the results when you get bigger pecs.
- If you are thin and want to gain muscle weight, increase your portion size. If you have excess fat that you would like to lose, keep portion control in mind instead.
- Eat a healthy meal about an hour before your workout. Choose healthy carbohydrates like quinoa, beans, or brown rice, along with low-calorie protein.
- Have another meal after your workout to help your muscles recover and build strength.

Step 3. Drink plenty of water
You should drink 8-10 glasses a day, both to keep yourself hydrated and to help your muscles assimilate the proteins you have eaten. Drink water before and after your workout.

Step 4. Take supplements
Rapid muscle growth is often aided by the use of supplements. Creatine simulates the functions of an endogenous enzyme produced by the body, stimulating muscle growth and strengthening. Creatine has been shown to help muscle growth faster and more effectively by taking the recommended dosage.
- When you lift weights, breathe correctly. It is recommended to inhale as you lift the weight and exhale as you lower it.
- Do a warm-up before starting your workout by stretching and then doing a set with a light weight to avoid a muscle tear.
- When doing the bench press exercises, tilt it up or down so that your pectorals are fully working.
- Consult your doctor before starting a new exercise program.