How To Treat Hemorrhoids Naturally: 15 Steps

How To Treat Hemorrhoids Naturally: 15 Steps
How To Treat Hemorrhoids Naturally: 15 Steps

Table of contents:


Hemorrhoids are vascularized structures located in the terminal part of the rectum which, in particular conditions, enlarge inside or outside the anal canal. We speak of hemorrhoids as a pathology when the pressure exerted on the pelvic veins and on the structures of the anorectal canal increases. Hemorrhoids are often closely related to constipation, diarrhea and excessive strain during defecation. They can be quite painful and complicate the normal course of daily life. Fortunately, you can relieve them by using natural treatments. However, you should see your doctor if there is any bleeding or persistence of the problem.


Part 1 of 4: Relieve the Pain

Stop Hemorrhoid Pain Step 2
Stop Hemorrhoid Pain Step 2

Step 1. Take a sitz bath

Pour 200 g of Epsom salts into a bowl or bidet filled with hot water. Sit down so that your buttocks are soaked up to the anal area for about 15 minutes. Repeat the treatment 2-3 times a day until you feel some relief.

  • You can also cover the bottom of the bathtub with about 6 inches of warm water and add 2-3 tablespoons (30-45g) of Epsom salts. Stir until they melt and sit with your knees bent for about 15 minutes.
  • By flexing your knees, you expose your anal region to water to help relieve pain and inflammation.
Cure Piles Naturally Step 5
Cure Piles Naturally Step 5

Step 2. Bidet or use fragrance-free wet wipes after defecation

Gently cleanse to rid the area of bacteria and prevent infections. It is important to take care of intimate hygiene because, in this way, it is possible to avoid the onset of complications, including infections and blisters.

  • You can buy fragrance-free wet wipes at the supermarket. Those made specifically for newborns are also fine.
  • Don't use regular toilet paper or a rough towel, but opt for a soft, gentle tool to avoid further irritating the hemorrhoids.
Cure Piles Naturally Step 6
Cure Piles Naturally Step 6

Step 3. Use witch hazel wipes to reduce itching

Pour some witch hazel on a cotton pad or swab and apply it directly to the hemorrhoids 2-3 times a day. The substances contained in this plant are able to soothe inflammation and reduce the itching associated with hemorrhoids.

You can find these types of wipes at the grocery store or in home improvement stores


avoid using witch hazel for autoimmune diseases that cause moderate or severe skin sensitivity, such as rosacea or eczema. Witch hazel can have an irritating action on sensitive skin.

Cure Piles Naturally Step 7
Cure Piles Naturally Step 7

Step 4. Try creams and ointments with analgesic and soothing properties

After washing and drying the area thoroughly, apply a small amount of aloe vera gel or Preparation H ointment to relieve pain and discomfort. Put it directly on the hemorrhoid if it itches or hurts, then wash your hands thoroughly. Apply 3-5 times a day or as often as recommended in the package insert.

  • Aloe vera gel has been shown to contain substances that relieve infections and help heal minor wounds. You can use the one extracted directly from the aloe plant, taking a large leaf and cutting it so that it comes out. Alternatively, buy a 100% natural aloe vera gel at the pharmacy.
  • Preparation H, an ointment available in pharmacies, contains petroleum jelly, mineral oil, shark liver oil and phenylephrine, all ingredients that can shrink hemorrhoids.

Part 2 of 4: Changing the Power

Cure Piles Naturally Step 12
Cure Piles Naturally Step 12

Step 1. Get more fiber to soften stool

Try to get at least 25 mg of fiber into your daily diet. These nutrients help retain water in the stool, giving it volume, so that transit through the rectum and anus occurs more easily and with less pain in the case of hemorrhoids. Excellent sources of fiber include:

  • Whole grains, including brown rice, barley, corn, rye, bulgur, buckwheat, and rolled oats
  • Fruits, especially cherries, blueberries, plums, prunes, apricots, raspberries and strawberries
  • Leafy greens, including chard, kale, spinach, lettuce, and beets
  • Beans and legumes;
  • Fiber supplements.
Cure Piles Naturally Step 13
Cure Piles Naturally Step 13

Step 2. Increase your water intake to keep stool soft

Try drinking at least 8-10 8-ounce glasses of water every day. An adequate water supply facilitates intestinal activity and keeps the organs well hydrated and lubricated.

Cure Piles Naturally Step 22
Cure Piles Naturally Step 22

Step 3. Cut down on alcohol, coffee and tea

Coffee, tea, alcohol and sugary sodas have a dehydrating action and can harden the stool. Therefore, limit yourself to drinking only water to facilitate intestinal transit.


it is preferable to refrain from the consumption of dehydrating drinks also to safeguard one's health in general.

Cure Piles Naturally Step 16
Cure Piles Naturally Step 16

Step 4. Stay away from processed, canned and spicy foods to avoid irritation

The problem of hemorrhoids is likely to get worse if you eat certain foods, such as those seasoned with spices and chili. Packaged and processed foods, as well as canned foods, are low in fiber and may contain irritating chemical additives. Therefore, they are likely to greatly increase the discomfort and bleeding of hemorrhoids.

Even greasy or fried foods, such as meat, convenience foods, and French fries, can aggravate the symptoms of hemorrhoids because they are high in fat and chemical additives

Part 3 of 4: Making Lifestyle Changes

Cure Piles Naturally Step 17
Cure Piles Naturally Step 17

Step 1. Don't strain yourself when you go to the bathroom

Stress is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids. Let the force of gravity help you, but also let the intestine do its job. Do not contract your abdominals to avoid irritation.

  • Give yourself enough time to flush so you don't strain yourself in a hurry.
  • Try to go to the bathroom at the same time every day to regulate bowel activity.


don't put it off when you have the urge. If you wait, you risk suffering from a lazy bowel and, therefore, straining yourself.

Cure Piles Naturally Step 20
Cure Piles Naturally Step 20

Step 2. Train every day to promote intestinal transit

You can do aerobic activity, muscle strengthening, cardiovascular exercises, or even just walking for 20-30 minutes a day. Physical movement helps bowel movement by massaging internal organs. In this way, it promotes blood circulation in the anorectal area, thus contributing to the well-being and maintenance of intestinal motility.

Avoid doing squats, lunges, or any exercise that involves effort as it can further irritate hemorrhoids

Cure Piles Naturally Step 21
Cure Piles Naturally Step 21

Step 3. Get up and walk every hour

If you sit for a long time, excessive intra-abdominal pressure is created, which can aggravate the hemorrhoids. If you have a sedentary job, get up at least once an hour to stretch your legs even if you have to stay in the office.

Get a foam pillow or donut if you have to sit for some time. It will allow you to relieve the pressure on the hemorrhoids

Cure Piles Naturally Step 1
Cure Piles Naturally Step 1

Step 4. Stop taking laxatives

Laxatives can be addictive and promote lazy bowels to the point of chronic constipation. Instead, try to change your diet and, if necessary, use herbal supplements to stimulate bowel activity.

Part 4 of 4: See Your Doctor

Stop Rectal Bleeding Step 1
Stop Rectal Bleeding Step 1

Step 1. See your doctor immediately if you notice any blood

While this is not an alarming phenomenon, it is always best to see your doctor if you have rectal bleeding. It will exclude the risk of pathologies and infections in the affected area.

Your doctor may prescribe a topical cream or ointment that will target the cause of the bleeding


if this condition negatively affects your quality of life, do not hesitate to contact your doctor. This is a normal problem that you don't have to be ashamed of.

Stop Rectal Bleeding Step 4
Stop Rectal Bleeding Step 4

Step 2. See your doctor if your hemorrhoids last longer than 4-7 days

Although it is normal for them to swell under certain conditions, you may need medical attention if the problem recurs or does not go away with self-medication. You will likely need to make some changes to your diet or lifestyle that your doctor will be able to tell you. In addition, he may prescribe a cream or ointment to relieve symptoms.

He may also do a rectal examination to diagnose hemorrhoids

Stop Rectal Bleeding Step 8
Stop Rectal Bleeding Step 8

Step 3. Consider medical attention if nothing is effective

Usually, hemorrhoids disappear on their own, but you can consider other options if the problem does not go away with self-medication. If you experience worsening of symptoms (that is, they enlarge further causing you severe pain), ask your doctor what to do. He may recommend one of the following treatments to help you find relief:

  • Creams, ointments or suppositories that you can buy without a prescription. However, your doctor may prescribe them with a stronger concentration.
  • Banding or elastic binding. It is a simple procedure by which an elastic ring is applied to the base of the hemorrhoid to stop the blood supply inside it. Within a few days, the hemorrhoid destroys itself and is expelled with feces.
  • A surgery performed under general anesthesia which consists in removing or reducing the hemorrhoidal tissue.


  • Hemorrhoids are most common among people aged 50 and over.
  • Generally, children do not suffer from hemorrhoids, so take your child to the doctor if they have symptoms similar to this condition.
