4 Ways to Eliminate a Cyst

4 Ways to Eliminate a Cyst
4 Ways to Eliminate a Cyst

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The cyst is a fluid-filled sac that forms on the skin. While generally not dangerous, it can be painful and uncomfortable. Depending on the type, removal with the assistance of a doctor may be required.


Method 1 of 4: Manage a Cyst on the Face

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Get Rid of a Cyst Step 1

Step 1. Determine if medical intervention is needed

Facial cysts, which are usually of the sebaceous type, can be bothersome and unsightly, but do not require removal by a health professional. If it is not painful, it is best to leave it alone to avoid complications during removal. However, you should see your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Generally, the facial cyst is a small, round bump that forms just below the epidermal layer. It can be black, reddish, or yellowish, and sometimes a foul-smelling discharge comes out. It is usually more painful than other skin disorders, such as boils.
  • If it ruptures, it can result in a potentially dangerous infection similar to pyoderma. In this case it is necessary to intervene promptly and remove it.
  • If the cyst suddenly swells and begins to cause pain, there may be an infection. Contact your doctor to have it removed and prescribed adequate antibiotic treatment.
  • In very rare cases, it can even lead to cancer. During your regular annual check-up, ask your doctor to examine the cyst to assess whether there is this risk.
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Get Rid of a Cyst Step 2

Step 2. Ask your doctor about injections

If the cyst is infected or painful, your doctor may inject you with a medicine. While this treatment does not completely remove the fluid sac, it still reduces swelling and redness, thus making it less visible.

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Step 3. Let it drain

If it grows noticeably or starts to become painful and uncomfortable, you need to go to health care facilities to have it removed. A surgeon can open and drain it.

  • The doctor will make a small cut on the cyst and gently aspirate all the fluid inside. The procedure is fairly quick and usually causes no pain.
  • The major drawback of this method is that the cyst often reforms after incision and drainage.
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Get Rid of a Cyst Step 4

Step 4. Learn about surgery

This is the only way to completely get rid of a cyst. If you want to remove it, talk to your doctor about the possibility of having surgery.

  • This is a minimally invasive operation; it doesn't take long and the healing process is relatively short. However, after the surgery you will need to return to the doctor's office to have any stitches removed.
  • The surgical technique is very safe and usually prevents the cyst from re-forming. However, as it does not pose a health hazard, it may not be covered by the NHS and in this case you should bear the full cost of the surgery.

Method 2 of 4: Treating Baker's Cyst

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Get Rid of a Cyst Step 5

Step 1. Put into practice the R. I. C. E

Baker's cyst, or popliteal cyst, is a fluid-filled sac that forms in the back of the knee. It is typically caused by a previous knee injury or a chronic problem such as arthritis. You should take care of the joint by putting this procedure in place.

  • The R. I. C. E. takes its name from the English acronym consisting of the words Rest (put the leg at rest), Ice (apply ice), Compression (compress the knee by wrapping it) and Elevation (lift it as much as possible).
  • Rest the leg, preferably in a raised position, while the cyst is swollen. Make sure you never place the ice directly on your skin, but wrap it in a cloth or towel before applying it.
  • To compress the knee, buy a knee compress at orthopedics stores or pharmacies and follow the instructions on the package. If you have any medical condition that may increase the risk of blood clots, do not wrap your leg without first consulting a doctor.
  • The R. I. C. E. can treat the underlying joint pain responsible for cyst formation; in this way the pouch can shrink and stop causing pain.
  • Take over-the-counter pain relievers. As you rest and lift your leg, medications like ibuprofen, acetaminophen (Tachipirina), or aspirin can relieve some of the discomfort.
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Get Rid of a Cyst Step 6

Step 2. Ask the doctor to drain the cyst

To remove it, you need to see a doctor to have it drained. If you don't get positive results with the R. I. C. E.method, go to your doctor to have it removed with professional procedures.

  • The fluid present in the cyst is aspirated using a needle. While it is not a very painful procedure, it creates a certain state of anxiety for many people. If you are afraid of needles, ask a friend or family member to accompany you for support.
  • Once the doctor has aspirated the fluid, the Baker's cyst should disappear, although there is a risk that it may re-form. Talk to your doctor about the underlying health issue that may have led to his training.
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Get Rid of a Cyst Step 7

Step 3. Undergo physical therapy

Once the cyst is drained, your doctor may recommend that you perform regular physical therapy. Gentle movement guided by a professional physical therapist can help you regain joint mobility. It can also solve the underlying problem that led to the development of the cyst. At the end of the aspiration procedure, ask your doctor to recommend a competent physiotherapist.

Method 3 of 4: Manage Ovarian Cysts

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Get Rid of a Cyst Step 8

Step 1. Watch and wait

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that form on the surface of the ovaries; unfortunately this type of cyst cannot be removed. Once the diagnosis is made, the best thing to do is keep them checked and wait.

  • Some disappear on their own. The gynecologist may consider waiting and checking them again after a few months.
  • Your doctor will likely monitor the cyst regularly to see if it changes in size. Should it exceed a certain diameter, surgery may be required.
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Get Rid of a Cyst Step 9

Step 2. Find out about the birth control pill

This is usually the first-line treatment to shrink this type of cyst. Ask your gynecologist if you should be prescribed hormonal contraceptive treatment.

  • Hormonal contraceptives can reduce the size of existing cysts and prevent new ones from forming. They can also decrease the risk of ovarian cancers, especially if you take them for a long time.
  • Contraceptives are available in different formulations and dosages. Some allow the normal monthly menstrual cycle, while others less frequently, still others are enriched with iron or some do not provide it at all. It is extremely important to discuss this with your gynecologist to evaluate the different options and find the one that best suits your lifestyle, your goals, your medical history and your health in general.
  • When starting hormonal birth control treatment, some women experience symptoms such as breast pain, mood swings, or bleeding between cycles. However, these are symptoms that generally subside within a few months.
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Get Rid of a Cyst Step 10

Step 3. Consider surgery

An ovarian cyst can be painful and even dangerous if it continues to grow. If it doesn't go away on its own over time, your doctor may consider the need for surgery.

  • If the cyst remains after two or three menstrual cycles and is growing at an excessively rapid rate, your gynecologist will recommend that you have it surgically removed. Large cysts can cause pain and irregular menstruation.
  • Sometimes it is necessary to remove the entire ovary if it is totally compromised by the presence of the cyst. However, in most cases the surgeon will be able to remove the cyst while leaving the ovary intact. Only in rare cases is the cyst cancerous; in this case it will be necessary to completely remove all the reproductive organs.
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Get Rid of a Cyst Step 11

Step 4. Get regular pelvic checks

The best way to manage ovarian cysts is prevention. Get regular gynecological visits and pay attention to any changes in your menstrual cycle. The earlier the cyst is diagnosed, the easier it will be to treat. Performing pelvic examinations on time allows you to identify any signs of irregularities or anomalies that could be caused by an ovarian cyst.

Method 4 of 4: Treating a Pilonidal Cyst

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Get Rid of a Cyst Step 12

Step 1. Remove the hair follicles responsible for the cyst

The pilonidal cyst forms around the buttocks or in the lower back. It may be painful or hot to the touch and may generate pus or other secretions. To stop their growth, you need to keep the entire surrounding area clean and dry. Often this type of cyst is caused by ingrown hairs, which get trapped under the surface of the epidermis. You need to remove any hair bulbs that grow in the area to prevent it from becoming ingrown.

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Get Rid of a Cyst Step 13

Step 2. Have it examined

The pilonidal cyst can lead to serious infections and should always be monitored by a doctor. Make an appointment with your doctor when you see one starting to develop.

  • Usually the doctor will do a short visual examination and check the cyst. It will also ask you if you have noticed any fluid leaking, if the cyst is painful, and how long it has been there.
  • Your doctor will also want to know if you have any other symptoms. If the cyst causes a rash or fever, the doctor will see fit to remove it; if it does not create particular problems, specific treatments are not necessary.
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Step 3. Let it drain

The least invasive way to remove it is to incise and drain its contents. The doctor will make a small cut to cut the surface of the cyst and aspirate any fluid that has formed. Then the area will be protected with gauze. You will likely be prescribed antibiotics to avoid infections.

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Get Rid of a Cyst Step 15

Step 4. Learn about surgery

Sometimes this type of cyst reforms after drainage; in this case your doctor may advise you to remove it surgically. This is usually a quick procedure, but recovery may be long with an open wound that requires a lot of dressing.


  • Do not try to drain the cyst yourself, as this could cause scarring or infection.
  • Have any new cysts checked at your doctor's annual follow-up visit. Although rarely, it could be a sign of some serious disease, such as a tumor.
