If you think your teacher can't stand you, here are some things you can do to turn the situation around and please yourself.

Step 1. Make the teacher notice you as much as possible for your positive sides

Step 2. Always arrive on time
Teachers love it!

Step 3. Don't make noise
Professors struggle to explain when the classroom is noisy.

Step 4. Help your teacher with anything he or she needs, such as bringing materials to class

Step 5. Always come to his lessons with all the necessary material

Step 6. Never forget homework
Teachers can't stand students who always have an excuse and never bring their homework. Always make sure you put your homework in your backpack the night before.

Step 7. Always present tasks or projects on time
As mentioned in Step 6, teachers can't stand students who don't submit their projects, or homework, or if they're late.

Step 8. Address your teacher respectfully, calling him her

Step 9. Always pay close attention to what the teacher says, and ignore your classmates if they try to distract you
To show your attention, actively participate in the lesson and always raise your hand whenever the teacher asks a question.

Step 10. If ALL your efforts fail, sit at the back of the class
At least there will be some physical distance between you.

Step 11. Ask the teacher what his favorite books were when he was your age

Step 12. Write a note and leave it on the desk
Tell him you appreciate him being your teacher.

Step 13. Most "bad" teachers are unhappy people
Sometimes you have nothing to do with it, and the teacher may feel unappreciated by other students; So try to always be kind.
- Remember that this person will not be your teacher forever. If you have done your best to please yourself without having been successful, grit your teeth and try to survive until the end of the year. At the end of the year, talk to the head teacher to make sure you don't have the same teacher the following year.
- Remember that if your teacher ignores you while you show him respect, don't try to change to "make a good impression." Don't feel responsible for their behavior as you may not be the cause. Keep working and don't put yourself down.
- Talk to your parents or the school principal if a teacher hits, insults, or throws objects in the classroom. These behaviors are unacceptable.
- Don't act like you know more than he does.
- Always turn in the work on time and behave yourself so as not to give him reason to get angry with you.
- Act like you enjoy his lessons.
- Do something nice for your teacher.
- Try to be determined in class.
- Show your gratitude. Give him compliments from time to time, such as "I like his teaching method, I understand everything." Even if he will be in a bad mood, he will certainly appreciate your words.
- Never ignore him, he will get angry for sure.
- Never do anything wrong during his lessons, otherwise your teacher will remember it all year and will be unwilling to appreciate you. Even if you think you only have this teacher for a year, remember that he will talk about you with other current or future teachers, who may hate you even before they know you.
- If the situation becomes unmanageable, contact the head teacher and your parents.