When there is someone who hates you with all their heart, it is natural that you want to avoid meeting them as much as possible. It's painful, annoying, and stressful to have a girl around you talking behind your back, taunting you in public, or harassing you. If you are dealing with someone who hates you, you need to get to the root of the problem. Ignoring a person is a solution that allows you to immediately get out of the most explosive situations. Are you being bullied for no reason or have you treated a girl you had an affair with badly? In these cases, it is essential to understand the reason for so much bitterness to address the problem and move forward in a positive and constructive way.
Part 1 of 3: Protect Yourself Against a Harassing Girl

Step 1. Delete her from your Facebook friends
Cyberbullying is just as irritating and harmful as bullying in real life. People can easily target a profile on social networks to spread gossip and share unwanted information. By deleting the harassing girl from your virtual friends list, you will prevent her from filling your profile with potentially rude and vulgar comments or photos. Also, this will show her that you are not interested in communicating with her.
- To unsubscribe on Facebook, go to his page, click on "Friends" and again on "Remove from friends".
- This applies to all social networks. Stop following her on Instagram and Twitter and don't watch her Snapchat stories.

Step 2. Walk away
Bullies love the feeling of psychological control over their victims. They just try to provoke a reaction in them. By leaving, not only will you avoid getting drawn into an argument, but you will show that you are unwilling to give up any kind of control over your life.
Avoid eye contact. Walk with your head held high and look straight ahead. By doing so, you will make her understand that you are above any unnecessary contrast

Step 3. Find support
Talk to someone who is unrelated to this situation, but who you can trust. Explain that there is a girl who is bothering you. It may help you deal with the problem better than you can alone.
- If you are being harassed and intimidated by a classmate, talk to a teacher, your parents, or an adult you trust to understand how to handle the situation. He will be able to help you and stop the girl from attacking other people.
- If the problem is with your relationship or your job, try asking a friend to intervene or seek help from a psychologist.

Step 4. Show yourself superior
When a girl attacks you in person or talks behind your back, you may be tempted to pay her back with the same coin. Don't spread unfounded rumors, don't shout and don't make a fuss of it. Give an example of how to behave. If she sees that you are nice, she will be forced to reconsider her attitude towards you.
If he tries to get other people to take sides against you, calmly explain what's going on. It is important not to give rise to further gossip. Try saying, "I don't know what Sara told you, but here's my point of view on the whole situation."
Part 2 of 3: Stand up to a Harassing Girl

Step 1. Don't get involved
One of the best ways to ignore a person is to show them that you are not interested in communicating with them. If a girl is nagging you, don't lower yourself to her level. Instead, avoid getting drawn into unpleasant conversations. Maintain a gentle and aloof attitude so that she is forced to leave you alone.
Suppose you run into her at school and she starts yelling at you across the hall. Do not answer. Ignore it and keep walking

Step 2. Don't take it personally
Bullies usually engage in harassing behavior because they have low self-esteem. They often target someone just because they need a victim, so avoid making it personal.
- In order not to make it a personal case, try to consider what value the presence of this person has in your life. Is this someone you are truly attached to or barely know? Do you really care what he thinks? Is this situation affecting the way people you love treat you?
- Also try to think about how he behaves around others and why. Does it annoy almost everyone or does it choose who to persecute? Why do you think he does it? Is it insecure? Do you have problems at school? Is there anything else that could cause her to be aggressive?

Step 3. Find the fun side in this situation
By laughing at the cruelest comments, you will feel better about yourself and, in addition, will confuse her so much that she may stop. Bullies try to provoke their victims, so if you react with a positive attitude, they probably won't continue to blame you.

Step 4. Try to put yourself in his shoes
Bullies want to bully because they feel hurt or misunderstood. Try to consider the girl who is tormenting you as a human being in pain and trying to cope with her problems by being aggressive. Don't let her hurt you. Rather, be understanding of her and don't allow her to take over.

Step 5. Defend yourself
If the strategy of ignoring it doesn't have the desired effect, don't hesitate to get it respected. Try not to scream or get too excited. Speak simply and directly, for example saying, "I don't like the way you treat me. You have to stop."
You may be disarming if you speak to her honestly. When you meet her and she begins to raise her voice and attack you in a despicable way, instead of being just as offensive, calmly say, "I'm really bothered by your behavior."
Part 3 of 3: Finding a Remedy

Step 1. Take your responsibilities
If a girl hates you, maybe there is a reason. Instead of spending the rest of your life ignoring her, admit the guilt of whatever action caused her to hate you. In this case, you should look for a comparison away from prying eyes.
The easiest way to take responsibility is to apologize. Take her aside and say, "I know you are really upset about how I have treated you these past few months, but I want to tell you I'm sorry. I hope we can face the situation and reconcile."

Step 2. Invite her to speak
Whether you hate yourself because you were wrong about him or simply because he is an aggressive person, it is worthwhile to address the issue in any case. Offer to have coffee or tea so that you can discuss what is bothering her. Even if you haven't done anything wrong and you are baffled as to why he keeps provoking you, you should still clarify the whole situation. Schedule a meeting in a quiet but public place, to have the right privacy and not take risks.
- Tell her, "I would really like to solve our problems. Can we meet at the bar this afternoon to talk about it?"
- Express yourself so that she is not on the defensive. For example, try saying, "I'm sorry when you insult me."
- Explain what you would like. For example, you might say, "I wish you would stop offending me."
- Avoid criticizing, threatening, intimidating, or taking what they think for granted. Just communicate your mood and your needs.
- If it is a bullying issue, ask an adult to join the discussion.

Step 3. Change behavior
You can't control the actions of others, but you can manage your own. Depending on the situation, there are several ways to radically change your behavior and get the girl who harasses you to accept you.
- If you are being bullied, consider that their aggression could result from personal suffering. Be more cordial: Speak a few kind words to her or invite her to sit next to you during a break and see if she changes her attitude towards you.
- If you have been wrong with her in the past, try to behave differently by making a nice gesture towards her. Offer her a coffee or a bar of chocolate and accompany this thought with a note telling her that you would like to improve your relationship. You may not agree, but at least you have shown her your good intentions.
- In order not to antagonize people, treat them with respect and understanding.
- Stay out of the unfortunate discussions that take place on social networks.