How to be cool in school (with pictures)

How to be cool in school (with pictures)
How to be cool in school (with pictures)

Table of contents:


It is possible that you have already read this article and wondered how you can apply it in the context of the school. It feels like an environment that makes you feel pressured, but often it's just about the way you relate to it. If you care about your appearance, are a friendly and open-minded person, develop your interests and manage to remain yourself, it may be easier than you imagine.


Part 1 of 3: Making a Good Impression

Be Cool at School Step 1
Be Cool at School Step 1

Step 1. Maintain hygiene

One of the simplest things you can do to improve your popularity is to always keep yourself fresh and fragrant. Kids at school have a tendency to judge a book by its cover, and stinking is a one-way ticket to the table of the excluded. Shower regularly, brush your teeth, floss, and use deodorant. You will be more attractive, whether you are a boy or a girl.

  • It is also a good idea to wash your face regularly. Pre-adolescence and adolescence are the times of greatest acne development, and washing your face can be effective in combating this problem.
  • If you are worried about sweating due to the weather or physical education class, bring along a good-smelling deodorant or spray.
Be Cool at School Step 2
Be Cool at School Step 2

Step 2. Care for your hair

You won't attract many friends if you look like you've just gotten out of bed, regardless of your age. Devote a few minutes of your morning routine to hair care according to your preferences. A little effort can go a long way, even if it's a little bit of gel or a few strokes of a straightener or hair dryer.

If you don't like your hair, cut it. Have no idea what cut to make? Your hairdresser will likely be able to tell you which cut is best for your face shape. You might even think about some highlights or a tint

Be Cool at School Step 3
Be Cool at School Step 3

Step 3. Pay attention to your clothes

Each school is different and there is not a single style that will guarantee you are "cool". In some schools it's the rebels who are cool, in others it's the athletic kids. The only thing you can do is pay attention to your clothes and make sure you leave the house in a style you like. Do you have clean clothes? Are they coordinated? Do they give you security? If the answer is yes, you've already done your bit of work.

If you think you look good, you will go around behaving accordingly, other people will follow suit. Security is one of the most important elements of personality. You don't need to be particularly beautiful, particularly clever, or funny; you have to convey confidence, the rest of the world will be convinced

Be Cool at School Step 4
Be Cool at School Step 4

Step 4. Let your personality shine through your appearance

When it comes to clothes and accessories, don't be afraid to follow your own style. Discover the clothes you prefer to wear, the brands and accessories you prefer and create your own style. Wear those outfits to school and be unique. Who knows? You could start a new fashion.

Being cool also means being a leader and following your own path, not that of others. Don't worry about people judging you for your clothes and those just trying to conform. Your sense of style will appeal to people who also have their own style

Part 2 of 3: Make Many Friends

Be Cool at School Step 5
Be Cool at School Step 5

Step 1. Join some groups

To be cool it's not enough to be popular, you have to be known. And what's the easiest way to get your name and face out there? By joining school groups of course. Try picking a few that don't overlap - this way you can meet more people and cultivate different interests.

Try to participate in all kinds of activities: athletic, academic and artistic. You could join the basketball team, the school newspaper, and the theater group. It will also be useful for your resume

Be Cool at School Step 6
Be Cool at School Step 6

Step 2. Observe

Try to identify positions on the "social pyramid". It's not that important (to be cool you have to like people, it's not enough to be popular), but it will help you understand how to relate to others. How are the cool kids? Are they sports aces, are they smart or are they rebellious? And what do "normal" kids do? Are they following the cool ones or are they on the sidelines? And the most marginalized ones? In which group do you want to make friends? It's a good idea to make friends in all circles - you never know where you're going to end up.

If you want to be popular, it's a good idea to befriend the kindest popular people; they will be your ticket in the "group that matters". Just make sure you don't abuse people to improve your social status. In some cases, friendships don't work and you will find yourself burning too many bridges in your climb

Be Cool at School Step 7
Be Cool at School Step 7

Step 3. Be friendly to everyone

Remember that being cool doesn't necessarily mean being popular. There are many "popular" kids who are not really liked. Becoming one of these people is not your goal. Instead, you should try to be popular and cool by pleasing people. To do this, be friendly and kind to everyone you meet. Why should you do otherwise?

You probably know how to be friendly. The only thing you need to remember is to be friendly to people who don't think you're cool. Help them when you think they need it. Say hello to people you know in the hallways. You never know - within a few months they could get cool too

Be Cool at School Step 8
Be Cool at School Step 8

Step 4. Don't abandon old friends

Just because you're trying to join the coolest group of people doesn't mean you have to neglect or abandon old friends. If you do, new people will come to know, and no one wants such a friend. Simply make new friends, in addition to old ones.

Be Cool at School Step 9
Be Cool at School Step 9

Step 5. Act as if it were all natural

You can spend a lot of time taking care of your appearance and then claiming that you just gave yourself a hairdo; they will all admire you, because it takes hours to do what takes you a few minutes. They will want to be like you, but don't stress it too much and don't brag about it.

Be Cool at School Step 10
Be Cool at School Step 10

Step 6. Don't try too hard

All adults will tell you that once you grow up, you will understand that being cool is not the end of the world, and that if they had known that to be "cool" you don't have to try to be cool, they would have been much less stressed. While this is easier said than done, try to relax. If you try too hard, it has the opposite effect, people will think that you are insecure and that you are not satisfied with yourself. If you don't like yourself firsthand, why should others like you?

Here's an example: Let's say a person you don't know asks you out. Answer no. This person then starts sending you love letters. Answer no again. Then some flowers. And finally you find it at night on the doorstep. He's really trying in every way. It works? No. In fact, it's having the opposite effect. You would like him to have some self-love and get out of the way

Be Cool at School Step 11
Be Cool at School Step 11

Step 7. You value your opinion more than that of others

Do your best not to worry about what others think of you. Go with the flow. Because? Because you can't please everyone. We all have different flaws and personalities. If you are certain that someone is judging you, you can point it out, and then continue as if you don't care. Practice thinking like this and your confidence will improve because you know how to accept yourself. People at school will start wondering where you got this self-esteem!

Here style comes into play. Skaters have their own style, nerds have their own style, those who follow fashion have their own style, etc. We are all different and no one is necessarily better than another. If someone judges you, it means they are not open-minded

Be Cool at School Step 12
Be Cool at School Step 12

Step 8. Don't be a bully or a victim of bullying

Don't be mean to other people just to put on airs. In fact, people generally hate bullies, but they're just too scared to admit it. Over time, bullies lose power and have nothing left. You may be tempted to take this attitude in the present, but in the long run it will only harm you.

  • Don't gossip about others
  • Don't make negative comments. Just because you don't like someone, or something they've done, doesn't mean you have a duty to point it out.
  • Don't exclude others. After all, you are reading this article because you want to please people.
Be Cool at School Step 13
Be Cool at School Step 13

Step 9. Don't let bullies get their feet on your head

It's easier said than done, but at school, using your sense of humor and good social tactics is key. With friends by your side, you will be untouchable. If things go wrong, talk to an adult you trust so they can help you handle the situation better.

Part 3 of 3: Be Friendly, Confident, and Likeable

Be Cool at School Step 14
Be Cool at School Step 14

Step 1. Keep an open mind

Remember the part where we said that to be cool you have to like many different people? Well, in order for all these different people to like you, you will have to appreciate them in turn. Open your mind and try to understand that not only the cool guys are worth - but that everyone has value. You will appear to be a friendlier, friendlier, happier person - and that's the kind of person everyone wants to be around.

Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, Zac Efron, Kristen Stewart, Lady Gaga - these are all examples of successful people who weren't considered cool at school (or at least that's what they say). This is proof that if you're not open-minded, you may not know many valuable people

Be Cool at School Step 15
Be Cool at School Step 15

Step 2. Respect people

By respecting others even if they're not your friends, you show that you don't discriminate against people just because you don't know them. You will be able to have a positive reputation by always being kind and caring, and you will attract many friends, because people will know they can be trusted and that they will not be judged by you. Not bad right?

A good way to make friends is to make people laugh. If you're making jokes about someone's expense, make sure they know it's a joke. And try to avoid making fun of the teachers - this will always give you problems

Be Cool at School Step 16
Be Cool at School Step 16

Step 3. Keep a positive attitude

You know that guy alone in the corner, dressed all in black, who's always sulking and doesn't talk to anyone? He doesn't look very happy, does he? Would you like to deal with that negativity? Probably not. If you want to attract people like a magnet, keep a positive attitude. Keep your head up, be self-deprecating and spread positivity and charm. Other people will run towards you if you are able to project this image.

Will you be able to project this image? It probably is. Some studies argue that happiness is contagious, and the same is true of sadness. So why not be a beacon of light for your friends?

Be Cool at School Step 17
Be Cool at School Step 17

Step 4. Smile

Humans are pretty simple. We know what we like and what we don't like, and one thing we undoubtedly like is a person who smiles. This will not only show others that you are happier, you will be happier (by smiling you convince your mind that you have reason to smile), it will also make you more sexually attractive. Smile and notice people's reactions. It will become a very useful habit!

Try not to smile falsely. Do it naturally. Most people can notice a fake smile. If you stay positive, it shouldn't be hard to smile genuinely

Be Cool at School Step 18
Be Cool at School Step 18

Step 5. Stay true to yourself

While the phrase "be yourself" is pretty trivial, it doesn't mean it's not valuable advice. In fact, you should have realized by now between "don't try too hard" and "follow your style" that being yourself is the secret to success. Why does being yourself make you cooler? Because it means that you are confident and comfortable with your person. When you try to be someone else, you're just going to be an imitation, and the imitations are downright bad.

Think about it: only you can truly be you - no one else can. You are unique and have characteristics and abilities that no one else has. You can offer the world something different. So why try to be a second-rate version of someone else? Your real self is certainly cooler than any other "me" you may be

Be Cool at School Step 19
Be Cool at School Step 19

Step 6. Remember that school (and being cool) doesn't last forever

In some recent studies, it has been shown that kids who were cool in middle school aren't generally as successful as their less cool peers. So if you feel the stress of having to be cool and popular, understand that the guys who are cool now are probably in the best time of their life. For them it will be a life of descent, while for you it will be a continuous ascent. This is a win, although you may not think so at the moment.

In short, being cool is a temporary state. With age, we understand that being cool is a meaningless concept. Moving forward everyone starts doing only what makes us happy. If being cool isn't easy for you, be patient. Over time it will get easier

Be Cool at School Step 20
Be Cool at School Step 20

Step 7. Become a leader

The really cool ones can't be someone's followers, because they are the ones who set the trends. Take the initiative when it is time to decide what to do; listen to music of various genres, and introduce it to your friends. Start playing some new games, and dress up in an original way. Not everything you do will become a trend, but following someone else is certainly not going to do your status any good.


  • Live your life! Live it as you like. Live, love and think.
  • When you catch the eye of someone you know, always greet them, and be friendly and respectful towards your teachers.
  • Don't speak ill of other people. This way you will only attract their hatred.
  • Keep up to date with new trends, but that doesn't mean you need to have every item that's in fashion. Also, don't follow too many trends at the same time. You will look desperate and you will not have an original style.
  • If you are a girl, always wear jewelry. A necklace or a simple bracelet will do.


  • If you already have friends, don't abandon them. You may regret it someday.
  • Don't make up stories and don't tell gossip. This may seem like a good way to achieve popularity, but you will make a lot of enemies.
  • Remember that being cool isn't everything. Often in high school, striving for acceptance can be dangerous. You can risk being bent by peer pressure, and making bad decisions about alcohol and drugs. If to be cool you have to do things that you think are dangerous, don't do them.
  • People will notice when you try hard to be accepted; it will make you look desperate.
  • Don't make offensive comments and don't be a bully.
  • Make sure you respect the school rules when choosing the clothes to wear. You could get in trouble otherwise.