3 Ways to Win Someone Who Can't Stand You

3 Ways to Win Someone Who Can't Stand You
3 Ways to Win Someone Who Can't Stand You

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You want to be friends with your ex, but he hates you, or you have a crush on a guy who does nothing but make you mean. The most "popular" girl in school just can't stand you, but do you have any mutual friends? How do you get them to change their mind about you?


Method 1 of 3: Look for clarification

Step 1. Find out if this person really can't stand you

Ask the person why they seem to have a grudge against you or why they don't like you. You could ask it very simply: "I have the feeling that I don't like you very much. Did I do something that upset you or bothered you?"

  • She is uncomfortable explaining why she behaved in a derogatory way towards you, smile and tell her: "It doesn't matter. I hope that we can be friends in the future anyway."
  • If she gives you a reason for her behavior, tell her "Well, I'm trying to improve. I'll try not to do it again."
  • If her motivation seems unreasonable to you, tell her, "I don't see why you should be mad at me for that reason. Well, I guess I'm not close to perfect, but I still wish we were friends!"

Method 2 of 3: Make yourself useful

Get Someone Who Hates You to Like You Step 1
Get Someone Who Hates You to Like You Step 1

Step 1. If you sit next to this person during any class at school, try to be helpful

Find ways to be sympathetic to her and help her so you can make the most of your potential.

  • If he asks you the answer to a question, give it to him.
  • If she has forgotten lunch at home, offer to share yours with her.
  • If he makes a joke that she and her friends find funny, laugh with them.

Step 2. Play the game without humiliating yourself

If you show that you are willing to be helpful without accepting this person's rudeness and rudeness, they may realize that they may be relying on you for some things. Over time, this could lead to you becoming friends.

Don't try to make yourself useful by doing something that is beyond your abilities or that breaks the rules. Trying to win someone by taking risks or getting into trouble doesn't make any sense. Anyone who expects such a thing from you is not someone worth having as a friend

Method 3 of 3: Behave in a friendly way

Get Someone Who Hates You to Like You Step 2
Get Someone Who Hates You to Like You Step 2

Step 1. Call this person on the phone

Make the first move to try to restore relationships. Invite her for tea, go see a movie, go on a double date or whatever else you can think of. Try to speak. Eventually you will find that you have at least one thing in common.

  • If she doesn't answer the phone because she still has your number in her phone's memory and she just doesn't want to talk to you, try asking someone else you trust to speak directly to the person in question to clear the way if possible.
  • For children: If your parents are good friends of his, you will see each other often. You could also ask your parents to speak to theirs.
Get Someone Who Hates You to Like You Step 3
Get Someone Who Hates You to Like You Step 3

Step 2. Give a compliment that comes from your heart

Say something nice about her hair, purse, clothes, shoes, or anything that comes to mind.


  • Don't go overboard trying to impress the other person. Act normally and be yourself. If you're totally desperate, then maybe you should find yourself some other friends you can really count on because even if you make friends with her, you probably won't be able to trust in the same way you trust your real friends.
  • Try to find out what kind of person he / she is. Find something you have in common, and use it to get closer.
  • Be polite. Try to have a minimum of manners by asking questions like "Do you want a drink?", "Are you cold?" or "Are you hungry?".


  • Don't try to impress her or she may think you're trying to strut in front of her. Do not overdo it.
  • Don't tell her your secrets to show her that you trust her. He might misjudge you. Try to be positive and show her the best you have to offer - the things that make you good company.
  • Don't try to be someone else. Obviously, it changes bad habits and improves a scruffy appearance. You can also try to improve your interactions with others, but don't change your personality just to blend in with your peers. Find the right balance between improving yourself and affirming your personality.
  • For kids: If your parents don't like this person, or their parents don't like you, they may not want you to date, and so it could all be a waste of time.
