Have you ever felt attracted to one of your teachers or professors? Maybe your heart pounds when you think about him? Do you feel your hands start sweating as soon as you see it? An infatuation with a teacher is much more common than one might think … we've all been there. Here you will find some useful tips to help you deal with this unwanted situation.

Step 1. Always try to understand and remember that you cannot have a romantic relationship with your teacher
If this ever happens, you run the risk of ruining his career and life in general, as well as yours. It doesn't matter how professional your teacher seems - such a thing could destroy his life. Remember that you are still very young and there are a lot of guys your age you might meet out there. One day you will find your soul mate, but it is definitely not your teacher, who will probably already have a partner and maybe even children.

Step 2. Discreetly try to avoid talking to him for long
You don't have to avoid talking to them at all, otherwise it will seem like you are trying to hide something. You just have to avoid always trying to start a conversation with him. Keep a low profile and behave like any other student would. Avoid, at any cost, to have illusions.
- If you happen to cross paths in the corridors, avoid greeting him or having a conversation with him. Smile to be friendly and go straight on your way. Do not turn away or you would seem rude.
- Try to stay away from him. Of course, you can talk to your teacher if you have any questions relevant to the lesson, but you don't have to talk to him just for the fun of it. This would only make it worse.

Step 3. Don't harass him (online or in person)
Don't look for it on social networks like Facebook or Twitter. Don't try to find his home address or private phone number. Do not look for news about him in the local papers. Don't try to create situations where you will be alone together. And most importantly, DON'T follow him in person. Not only would you risk a complaint, but such actions can be a source of embarrassment for everyone involved. Furthermore, by doing this, you could also compromise the student-teacher relationship you have with him.

Step 4. Keep busy
Look for new hobbies, volunteer with associations outside of school, or look for a part-time job. You will meet new people (maybe even a great guy)! By doing this, you will have less time to think about your teacher and will give yourself a good opportunity to develop your personality and have tons of new experiences.

Step 5. Try not to think about your teacher
If your friends start talking about him, try changing the subject.

Step 6. During his class time, try to think of something different and not how much you like it
Try to focus on the lesson instead of thinking about how cute and attractive it is. You can also try to think of something else completely different, such as the tasks you have to do for another subject or how excited you are because of the trip to the beach that you will do with your friends.

Step 7. Make an effort to find fault with your teacher
A good way to do this is to hang out with a student who hates this teacher or who has just been grounded by him!

Step 8. If you start to feel very uncomfortable being in class with the teacher because of how you feel about him, consider leaving his course
Stop any extracurricular activities that force you to have anything to do with him and hold all kinds of communication on a strictly professional level. If you have a question on the topic of his lessons, try to find the answer online, in the textbook or ask a classmate to help you, rather than asking the teacher.
- DO NOT reveal your feelings for him to anyone. Someone will eventually spill the beans, even unwittingly, and things could get very embarrassing if other students find out and start spreading rumors. Worse, your teacher may find out too!
- Remember that the teacher is doing their job. She is there to teach you and help you mature as a student, not to become the subject of your romantic fantasies.
- Think of this person as a teacher and exclusively as a teacher; nothing more. This is easier said than done, but if you keep repeating it, it will be easier for you to do it.
- If you feel extremely nervous around your teacher, try taking slow, deep breaths before class begins.
- Don't tell your teacher you have a crush on him. You would only create a very embarrassing situation for both of you and both of you would end up feeling extremely uncomfortable.
- If you have a hard time controlling yourself, or if you feel very uncomfortable around your teacher because of your strong feelings for him, talk to a trusted adult for advice.
- Try not to make it obvious that you like your teacher. For example, if you frequently blush whenever you are close to him, put on some makeup to hide it.