Okay, you're definitely not the type to leave a nice red apple on his teacher's desk, but you don't want to be detained for putting tacks on his chair either! Whether you are being playful with your teacher or just want to be a thorn in his side like he is for you, this article can help you. Go to the first step below to get started.

Step 1. Enter the classroom at the PRECISE moment the bell rings
Not a minute before, not a second later, so technically you won't be late and the teacher won't be able to warn you. But by entering the classroom exactly when the bell rings, you will surely go to annoy any teacher.

Step 2. Drop your textbook
This serves the purpose if the book is thick or voluminous. Don't make it seem too obvious, that you're doing it on purpose. For example, while you are typing, you may "accidentally" move your wrist too fast and hit the textbook causing it to fall to the floor, accompanied by a very loud THUND. It is definitely considered accidental, so you shouldn't get in trouble. Don't do it too many times, however, or it will not only annoy the teacher, but the teacher will become suspicious.

Step 3. Bring the wrong notes
It takes some preparation for this step. At the beginning of the school year, buy a notebook for each subject of study. They must all be completely identical and you must not label them in any way. Then he "accidentally" brings the wrong one to class, because "it's impossible to tell them apart". Use this tactic only once or twice, as otherwise you may get a bit of a downer for not making the effort to bring the necessary materials to class.

Step 4. Raise your hand to answer a question and then say "it doesn't matter" when questioned
This is particularly irritating, because the teacher can't blame you for trying to answer a question, right? Don't do this more than a couple of times a day, at most.

Step 5. Laugh VERY LOUD
Sometimes a teacher makes a joke, tells a story, or tries to be funny. Even if it is the stupidest joke or anecdote in the world, laugh out loud. Do it in an irritating way and in a loud voice, to the point of being able to hear yourself from the classroom next to yours. Everyone will start laughing at your reaction rather than at the joke, the anecdote or whatever else the teacher was doing to try to be funny. Then apologize, saying that "you have a particular way of laughing".

Step 6. Read in a low voice
Whether it's a math problem or a paragraph from a literary story, volunteer to read as much as you can. Then read in a very low voice. When the teacher tells you to raise your voice, read just a little louder, raising your voice by a barely audible fraction. Alternatively, raise your voice a lot, almost as if you start screaming.

Step 7. Pretend your computer froze
This only works if you are using a computer or laptop in the classroom. Ask your teacher to help you why the computer stopped, even if it isn't. When he or she arrives, say, "I'm sorry, it looks like I'm gone." It is best to try when your teacher is on the other side of the room, so as to force him / her to cross the room for nothing.

Step 8. Tell a story
When the teacher asks if there are any questions, raise your hand and make a comment. It tells a long, picturesque and not necessarily true, but very boring story that only marginally concerns the subject matter.

Step 9. Continue commenting on EVERYTHING the teacher says, even if it has nothing to do with the topic
Don't overdo it, though, or you could get in trouble. But doing it only once or twice would be limiting yourself to "getting involved in the subject".

Step 10. Pretend to listen to the lesson but talk to your friends
If the teacher were to scold you, tell him you were just telling them how interesting the lesson is.

Step 11. Continue coughing or sneezing all the time
If the teacher asks you to stop, tell him that it is not possible because you have a health problem. Do this only if you are able to simulate properly, otherwise he will make you pay.

Step 12. Pay attention to the lesson, but start drawing in your notebook or do something like that
Then when the teacher asks you a question to catch you red-handed, answer the question correctly. Note: This tactic only works if the teacher asks you a question rather than just asking you to stop.

Step 13. Find a nickname that doesn't make any sense to your teacher
He will go out of his way to try to understand what it means without succeeding, of course. Even if his nickname was Snowy or something, when he gets mad at you, just say, "My friends and I thought it was a funny nickname."

Step 14. Throw some crumpled paper at the teacher you hate when he has his back to you
If he were to ask you, say it was someone else.
- You only bother a teacher you hate, and most of your classmates hate too. You still wouldn't be able to really annoy a nice and funny teacher that everyone loves.
- If the teacher catches you the first time, try doing something different. If he catches you the second time too, it's best to cut it out.
- Ask your friends to help you in the enterprise by using these tactics in turn!
- If a teacher has targeted you, inform the administration or your parents.
- Call your teacher out loud and then say "it doesn't matter". After, raise your hand and say you forgot what you wanted to ask.
- If your teammates have a habit of spying, don't tell them what you're doing, even if you think you can trust them.
- Try not to use these methods often, as you will get in trouble.
- Do not overdo it. Your mates may believe that you are a weirdo and you may become more annoying than you would like.
- Try to be really annoying, but if they tell you to stop twice, do it. Set yourself limits; don't go to your teacher to slap him.